Chapter Twenty-Four: Returning to the Cage

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"When will you be back?" Gisela asked kissing Sergio, she wasn't pleased with the fact that he had opted to do a night-shift on the farm and she was a little confused about what he was going to be doing. 

It struck her as odd that Sergio would be working a nightshift while working on a farm, things had improved a little since Fernando had gotten his job and while it had only been a couple of days; Gisela was sure that it would all be fine. 

"Late," Sergio replied careful not to reveal that he had no idea when he would come home, he wasn't going to be working on the farm instead he would be going to the cage to fight for some extra money for them. 

Fernando didn't even know what Sergio had planned for tonight and Sergio hoped that it stayed that way; they needed the extra money and this was the best way to get it. 

"That's not an answer," Gisela said annoyed that he wasn't being honest with her, she hated that he was hiding something and she guessed that it had something to do with their money situation. 

Sergio kissed her knowing that being stuck at home was driving Gisela crazy, there was little for her to do and it wasn't like she could even step outside without fear of being killed. 

"You don't have to go," Gisela whimpered peeking up at Sergio, she had a horrible feeling that she knew what he was really going to do and it scared her; she didn't want to wake up to find that Sergio had gone and done something stupid. 

Trailing his hands down Gisela's body, Sergio sighed knowing that he did need to do this; they barely brought in enough money for food and anything else above that, that they needed.

Gisela barely had any clothes, the few items that she did own where nothing and Sergio felt guilty that he wasn't able to provide for his mate; she deserved the best of whatever they had. 

"We need the money," Sergio mumbled wanting a better life for his family, he knew how tense things would get when they had pups on the way.

Gisela shook her head, she didn't care about money and she knew they would be fine in a couple of weeks when Fernando's pay-check would kick in; she wanted them home more than anything else in the world. 

"I want to make a better life for us," Sergio said knowing that it wasn't going to be easy, they were building a new life and he hated that things hadn't been so easy for them recently. 

The last thing that Sergio wanted was for them to struggle more than they needed to, he wanted things to settle out and then focus on maybe bringing pups into the situation as soon as they could. 

"I have to go," Sergio murmured softly, he kissed the top of Gisela's head and he was going to do his best to make sure that his family were safe no matter what happened. 

Things were still tense after the rebellion and Sergio knew that he would do anything to make all of this go way, he had seen the signs and he knew that sooner or later people would start fighting again and he wanted to make sure his family weren't pulled into it. 

"Be careful," Gisela whispered kissing Sergio, she didn't believe that he was going to the farm and could only hope that he wasn't going to do something stupid. 

There was nothing in the world right now that could be worth Sergio getting hurt and she doubted that anything she could say would change his mind; she just wished that he would tell her what was really going on. 

Sergio didn't say a word, he wasn't sure how she had figured it out that he was lying to her but he knew that he wasn't going to change his mind; they needed the money and he had to return to the cages to fight.


Sergio took a deep breath as he pulled off his shirt and stepped into the cage, it was just how he remembered it and he knew that his reputation was a good one for this moment; the only thing different was that he didn't have to kill his opponent here. 

Eyeing the large man ahead of him, Sergio was sure that he could beat him without many problems and the winner got to stay in for as long as they were winning. 

Clenching his hands, Sergio slowly moved around the cage not taking his eyes off the man across from him; he had taken down bigger men than him before and he knew just what to do. 

Sergio wasn't going to take any un-necessary risks, Gisela might not believe that he was at the farm but he never wanted her to find out that he had returned to this place; he wanted to keep all this to himself. 

Fernando would be angry with him if he knew what he was doing, they were just getting away from what had happened to them and Sergio had back-tracked so that they could move forward in their lives. 

Focusing on his opponent, Sergio tried to focus on what he was doing since now was not the time for him to be thinking about Fernando or Gisela when he had a fight to win. 

His opponent launched himself at Sergio attempting to get the upper hand, he was determined to make sure that he won another fight especially with the money that was on the line. 

Sergio dodged with easy and grinned, he liked it when they thought that they could get the upper hand; it made it all the more fun when he defeated them. 

The two wolves snapped and snarled at one another before they finally started to fight, the crowds around them cheered and shouted watching the two large wolves fight one another.


José María Ramos stared down at the fighting pit watching the two wolves fight, he had told his wife that he was going out for a drink after promising to stop coming here hoping to find their youngest son.

It had been weeks since they had all been freed and while things had worked out well for José María and Paqui; they had found their eldest son and their daughter, as well as gaining a couple of grandchildren along the way. 

But they were still hurt that they had yet to track down their youngest son, they were putting all the hopes on the fact that Sergio would remember he was from Seville and return to them soon. 

José María took a deep breath and focused on the fight, he had never really liked watching this sort of thing but he knew that if his son was going to turn up anywhere then it would be here. 

It had taken a little bit of research to find out that Sergio had become a fighter and José María was sure that he had become a good one like he had been in his younger days. 

"He's a good fighter," René mumbled sitting down next to his father, it was strange to see him again after all this time but he was slowly getting used to being around his family again. 

Paqui had been thrilled when René had turned up with his mate and daughter, she was so happy and it was made even better when Marian and her mate turned up with twin sons. 

"He is," José María confirmed with a nod of his head, the new wolf fighting in the cage was doing well and there were no doubts in his mind that he would win this match. 

The two watched in silence as the younger wolf beat the defending champion, they couldn't imagine what was going through the new wolf's mind. 

"We'll find him somewhere padre... Sergio will come home to us," René murmured looking at his father knowing that he was thinking of the brother that he had never known.

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