Chapter Thirty: More Family Arriving

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Admiring the bump that Gisela carried, Sergio sighed knowing that the last two weeks had been tense enough for them all; Paqui had left without a word and he doubted that it would be long before someone else showed up. 

It hurt that there was no way they could all look past the fact that Gisela was human, she was wonderful and if they weren't going to take the time to get to know her then Sergio wanted nothing to do with them. 

"How are you?" Fernando asked approaching Sergio and handing him some coffee, he knew that it hadn't been easy on him turning his back on his family like that but he was sure that it would all work out in the end. 

Fernando had done some research himself and had learnt that his own parents had passed away a few years ago; he had two siblings but he felt it was best if he didn't. 

The last thing that Fernando wanted was more trouble arriving at the front door, he was more focused on his mate and unborn pups; he was sure that something was bound to happen sooner or later. 

Sergio didn't say anything, he wasn't sure quite how to respond and the radio silence from his parents had him worried; there was no doubt that Paqui had shared the news that Sergio had a female human mate. 

"Sese," Fernando murmured shaking his head, he wrapped his arms around him and held him close wishing that he could make this better; he had no idea what Sergio was going through right now. 

It was a decision that had to be made and there was no way that they could trust José María around Gisela; it would only end in tears if they tried to force the situation. 

"I just wish things where easier," Sergio mumbled with a shake of his head, he closed his eyes knowing that for some reason everything seemed to be stacked against them; it was making this harder than it really needed to be for them.


Gisela chewed on her lip as she searched through the cupboard for something to eat, she was hungry but couldn't decide on what she wanted; she brushed her fingers against her bump trying to work out what she wanted. 

"Amor?" Fernando asked walking into the kitchen, he paused watching her continued to search for food and he guessed that it shouldn't surprise him that she was hungry again. 

Things were progressing well with her pregnancy and Fernando was pleased that even with everything that was going on that it was going well; he didn't want anything happening to her or the pups. 

"I'm hungry," Gisela murmured peeking at him, she couldn't find what she wanted and she was a little torn about what that was; she nibbled on her lip watching him wondering what he would say. 

Fernando chuckled walking over to Gisela, he wrapped his arms around her knowing what she wanted; she might not have realised it yet but her tastes had really changed in the last seven weeks of pregnancy. 

Her diet was more something that he and Sergio would enjoy and Fernando was pleased to see that the diet wasn't taking too much out of her; he held her close knowing that he hoped that she was prepared for the next few weeks. 

"I'll go to the shops and get you something," Fernando replied kissing the top of her head, he rested his head against hers and held her close wanting nothing more than to enjoy a moment with her. 

Sergio had gone to work and was finally focusing on building himself up instead of fighting, they had pups coming and the last thing that they needed was more trouble coming their way they were still waiting to see what Sergio's parents were going to do.


Walking through the shop, Fernando smiled to himself picking up some things that he was sure that Gisela would like; she was eating for three now not just two and it was wonderful to listen to the pups' heartbeats. 

It had come as a bit of a surprise when they had worked out that there was more than one, Fernando was hopeful that things would work out and he couldn't wait to see them for the first time. 

He wondered who the pups would look like and he was sure that they would be beautiful when they were born in their wolf forms; they were preparing the den where Gisela would give birth and things were looking good so far. 

"Nando," said a voice making Fernando turn around confused, he stared at the man behind him not knowing who he was; he had a pretty good memory of people and he had never met this wolf before. 

The man looked so nervous and Fernando felt a little on edge, he looked around not sure what to expect especially since this man seemed to know who he was; he feared that he knew where he lived as well and that he might know about Gisela. 

"Sorry do I know you," Fernando asked trying to keep calm, there was no point in freaking out and he knew that Sergio would be home now to keep an eye on Gisela; he didn't want to take any chances when it came to their pregnant mate. 

The man smiled pleased, he had worried that he had approached the wrong person and he couldn't believe that he was actually doing this; his sister would kill him when she found out about this, she had wanted to do this together. 

"I can't actually believe it's you," the man muttered shaking his head, he had been dreaming of this day for years and he knew that his parents would be so proud of him right now; he just wished they could be here as well.

Fernando couldn't help but feel more nervous, he wondered if it was figure from his own dark past coming to haunt him; he had been with a lot of men and werewolves in the past and he had never been proud of it. 

"My name is Israel, I'm your brother," the man revealed hoping that this was the right thing to do, it had been a shock to learn that he had a younger brother but he couldn't have been happier. 

It had been devastating enough to find that their parents had been killed several years ago, however Israel hadn't been able to resist tracking down his siblings wanting to be a family again. 

"I asked Iker to find you for us," Israel rambled a little, he peeked at Fernando hopeful that he wouldn't reject them; they had come all the way from Madrid to see him and it had been one hell of a trip. 

They had been there when Iker had tried to give Fernando that cheque, watching from a distance as they got the first glimpse of their little brother; they wanted to meet him and be a family for the first time. 

"Us?" Fernando breathed trying to wrap his head around all of this, he felt so confused and he didn't know what to say; he'd made the decision not to seek them out but they had come all this way to find him. 

Israel smiled, he couldn't believe how much Fernando reminded him of their mother; he was glad to see some part of her had lived on since he and their sister looked more like their father. 

"María Paz, our sister, is here," Israel revealed excitedly, he couldn't wait to tell her that he had spoken with Fernando even if she did get upset; this had been a very long time coming for them all.

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