Chapter Seventeen: On the Run

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Antonio slowly dropped to the floor and all Gisela could do was stare at him, a piece of wood sticking out the back of his head made her stomach roll; she quickly turned away as she threw up on the floor. 

Gisela felt light-headed, she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and go to sleep; she didn't want to deal with what had happened right now and she felt ill. 

"Ela we need to move," Sergio urged wrapping his arms around Gisela, he rubbed her back trying to help her but he knew that they needed to move now; the rebellion would happen any minute and Gisela was in great danger. 

Gisela gagged and closed her eyes, her stomach twisted and she wanted nothing more than to sleep; she felt Sergio drag her from the room leaving the two dead bodies behind. 

Sergio looked around, the last thing he needed was for any of Carlos's staff to show up and see what had happened; he doubted that they would believe that Antonio had murdered Carlos instead of him. 

"Amor snap out of it," Sergio said turning back to Gisela, he shook her gently knowing that this wasn't easy but she needed to focus or they weren't going to make it out of here alive. 

Gisela whimpered and slowly opened her eyes to look at him, she could see that Sergio was worried but they didn't have time to stand around and talk; they were on the verge of something big and it wasn't going to stop just because Gisela wanted to breathe. 

"I need you to focus," Sergio murmured holding her close for a moment, he jumped at the sound of a crash downstairs before the screaming started; he needed to get Gisela out of the house and quickly. 

Gisela clung to Sergio, her hands trembled and she knew that whatever happened now she was going to have to trust Sergio and Fernando with her life. 

"Come on," Sergio said taking her hand, he started to lead her away from the noise and he prayed that Fernando was okay; he would come back for him when Gisela was safe.


Talina struggled against Fernando's hold on her throat, she tried everything in her power to get him to release her but he only stared down at her with dark eyes until finally she stopped moving. 

Fernando gritted his teeth as he pulled the knife from his shoulder, he stared down at the maid's dead body and he was glad that he was the one to end her life; she deserved nothing less for helping Carlos. 

Slowly moving to his feet, Fernando took a deep breath and looked around knowing that he needed to get out of here; he prayed that Sergio had found Gisela as he could hear the sounds from downstairs and he knew that everyone would be dead by morning. 

Fernando quickly and quietly made his way out of the apartment, he made his way down the stairs and kept silent knowing that he didn't want to attract any attention. 

The stink of death hovered in the air and Fernando prayed that Gisela hadn't been one of the casualties; he was sure that Sergio had found her before it was too late. 

Fernando paused spotting a large werewolf down the corridor, he stared for a moment and swallowed before carrying on his way; he didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to get out alive and back to his two mates. 

The sound of screaming slowly came to an end and Fernando knew that they would burn the house down to the ground, there was nothing that would stop them when they discovered that Carlos was already dead. 

Fernando didn't want to be there when they started to destroy the place he'd called home for the last five months; he just wanted to find Sergio and Gisela before it was too late.


Sergio finally came to a stop as they reached the outline of the forest that surrounded the house, he nudged Gisela out of sight not wanting to risk it; he stared back at the house knowing he didn't have time to go back. 

"Sese," Gisela whimpered tiredly, she stared at him wondering what they were going to do now; she knew he wanted to go back for Fernando and she didn't blame him, she didn't want to think why he hadn't found them yet. 

"We need to keep moving," Sergio said with a shake of his head, he took Gisela's hand and started to walk her further into the forest; he knew that there was a river not far from here and if they got across that then they would be okay. 

Gisela followed Sergio quietly, sure that he had some sort of plan and she feared what might happen now since this wasn't the plan; she sniffled knowing that anything could have happened to Fernando. 

It didn't take the long to reach the river and Gisela stared at the dark water, she swallowed knowing now what Sergio had planned and she slowly pulled back not wanting to get any closer. 

"I can't swim," Gisela spluttered staring at the water, she had never been taught to do so and it was something that she had never even considered until now. 

Sergio stared at her, he knew it had been a long night but they only needed to cross the river and wait a little while; he was hopeful that Fernando would be able to track them down without any problems. 

"I won't let go of you," Sergio promised gently taking Gisela's hand, he wasn't going to let her drowned and he hoped that they would get moving a little faster. 

Gisela stared at Sergio for a moment before she allowed him to carefully lead her into the ice-cold water, she shivered hoping that he knew what he was doing.

It didn't take them long to cross the river, Sergio kept Gisela close when they sat on the other side of the river; he stared back at the house which was now on fire and he prayed that Fernando wasn't inside. 

Sergio rubbed his hands up and down Gisela's arms trying to keep her warm, they couldn't stay here for long and he couldn't imagine what they would do if Fernando didn't show up. 

The sound of something moving through the water made Sergio hold Gisela close, he looked around trying to see what was approaching him but even his keen eye-sight had problems. 

Gisela closed her eyes, she could hear something in the water and she prayed that it wasn't more trouble for them; she clung to Sergio frightened. 

Sergio opened his mouth to say something when Fernando came into view, he sighed in relief and his eyes lingered on Fernando's injured shoulder for a moment; he didn't have to guess what had happened there. 

"You're okay," Fernando breathed dropping down to his knees, his hands eagerly seeking out Gisela who relaxed at his voice; she allowed him to cuddle her between him and Sergio for a moment. 

Sergio looked back at the house, his stomach turned knowing that this was just the beginning and they had a long few days ahead of them; they needed to get moving before anyone found them. 

Fernando brushed his fingers over Gisela's left arm, he could see that some damage had been done and it looked broken; he was sure he'd be able to fix it in the morning so that she wouldn't suffer. 

"We have to go," Sergio murmured knowing that they couldn't stop here, he slowly got to his feet hoping that he would be able to protect them all from whatever lay out there.

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