Chapter Twenty-Eight: Mother Visits

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"What are you going to do?" Gisela asked softly, it had been a couple of days since Sergio had run into his parents and she knew that he couldn't avoid them forever; she wanted things to get better for them all. 

It had been a massive surprise to Sergio that his parents had been looking for him and he wasn't sure what he was going to do now; he was worried about how this would affect things with Fernando. 

"Sese," Gisela whispered getting to her feet and moving to wrap her arms around him, she wished that she could make this easier for him and she could tell that he was suffering so much right now by trying to stay away. 

Fernando had been so quiet since Sergio had revealed that his parents had tracked him down and he hadn't known how to make this work especially since they had both said that they didn't want to search for their parents. 

"I don't know," Sergio mumbled softly, he wrapped his arms around Gisela and held her close knowing that he felt so lost and he had no idea what to do; he peeked over at Fernando wishing that he could make this right. 

If he hadn't been fighting in the cage for money then his family would have never tracked him down so easily, Sergio couldn't imagine what his human-hating father would do when he found out about Gisela. 

Sergio and Fernando had heard enough about what José María to know that this could never end well, he had enough human blood on his hands to last a life-time and they didn't want to add Gisela's blood to that. 

They would do anything to protect her and their unborn pups, things had been going so well and the two males were very aware about how bad this could go and they didn't know what else to make of all of this. 

Fernando sighed leaning back against the wall, he was a little jealous that Sergio's family had tracked him down but he couldn't focus on that; they needed to keep Gisela safe now.


Staring up at the small house where her son lived, Paqui felt her hands shaking knowing that there was every chance that he could turn her away; she just wanted to be a part of his life. 

Slowly moving to the front door, Paqui chewed on her lip knowing that she couldn't have brought her husband; José María wouldn't have wanted to wait around and would have just barged in making all this worse. 

Paqui knocked and waited a couple of moments before the door was opened to her; she stared at the young woman and she was surprised at the fact that this was happening. 

"Can I help you?" Gisela asked softly, she brushed some hair from her face a little surprised at the fact that they had a visitor; people tended to avoid their home unless it was necessary mainly because of how territorial Sergio was. 

Paqui opened and closed her mouth, it had never crossed her mind that her little boy would have a family of his own; she peeked at the small bump that was hidden under the white printed blouse that the woman was wearing. 

Her eldest children had families of their own and Paqui had heard that Sergio had a mate but she had expected to be greeted by the male that was in his file not the woman that was standing before her. 

There was no denying that Paqui could smell Sergio and another male all over the blonde, she couldn't believe that she hadn't known about this; they really needed to update the files in city hall. 

Sergio appeared from behind Gisela and froze at the sight of his mother, he had no idea how she had found out where he lived but he knew that he couldn't allow her to stay. 

The last thing that he wanted was for José María to come here and discover that one of his mates were human, Sergio doubted that his father would ever accept that.

"What are you doing here?" Sergio asked gently pushing Gisela behind him, he was suddenly glad that he had come to the door to see who was there; he couldn't imagine what was going through Paqui's mind right now. 

Peeking around Sergio was at least relieved to see no sign of his father, he couldn't imagine how well that would have gone down; he doubted that the moment that José María learned about Gisela was going to be a pleasant one. 

"I wanted to see you," Paqui whispered still in awe that Sergio had a family, she swallowed turning her attention fully to her youngest son and tried to store the information that he was mated to a human away. 

Gisela might smell like Sergio and his other mate but there was no hiding the fact that she was human, Paqui could understand now why Sergio had fled when they had met him at the fight cages. 

"Does he know that you are here?" Sergio asked peeking back at Gisela, he had to keep her safe and there was no way in hell that he was going to allow his father to become another threat to her life. 

They were meant to be focusing on the pups right now, Gisela was nearly five weeks and the small bump that had appeared was all the evidence that Sergio needed to know that things would be okay. 

Paqui shook her head, she couldn't imagine what was going to come now but there was no way that José María was going to accept that his son was mated to a human after everything that had happened. 

It was only going to end in tears, Paqui would lose the son that she had searched for either way and she wasn't sure that she could cope with what else she might lose. 

The two were quiet for a moment knowing that everything was going to change from here, Sergio eyed his mother not sure if he could trust her now that she knew about Gisela.


Fernando ran a hand through his hair as he hurried down the corridor, Sergio had just called him to tell him that his mother had shown up at the house; he cursed the fact that the entire universe seemed to be against them. 

Not wasting any time, Fernando left work and hurried down the steps wanting to get home in case Paqui let slip to her mate that Sergio was mated to a human. 

The last thing that they wanted was for José María to attack, there was no winning in that situation and they wanted nothing more than to live in peace for once after what had happened. 

Gisela and the pups that she was carrying was important and there was no way in hell that any of them would recover if something were to happen to them. 

"Fernando?" called a voice making him stop, slowly turning around Fernando looked to the person that had shouted to him and he couldn't help but worry about what he was doing here. 

Moving to speak with the other wolf, Fernando hoped that they weren't going to have any more problems from the capital; they had fled for a reason and they weren't going to go back. 

"Iker? What are you doing here?" Fernando asked nodding to his old friend, he peeked around as if expecting security guards to grab him; he had no fond memories of the man after what had nearly happened to Gisela. 

Iker sighed knowing that he shouldn't expect a warm welcome but he knew that he had to come and at least warn them that something was coming; they deserved peace after everything that had happened to them and from what he heard they were going to be parents soon.

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