Chapter Twenty: Being Arrested

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Gisela felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck, she set down the book that she was reading knowing that Fernando wasn't due back from the market for another hour; things had been off since yesterday and she didn't know why. 

Slowly turning around, Gisela squeaked in fright at the sight of the two large men that were stood in her home; she quickly got to her feet and moved away from them. 

"Gisela Garcia you are under arrest," the taller man of the two said staring at her, he was pleased that she was here alone since they had been warned about the wolf that had been left to protect her. 

Gisela only stared at him as she realised what had happened, something had to have happened to stop Sergio warning them about this; she swallowed knowing that running wouldn't do her any good. 

The two men looked at one another surprised at how calm she was being the other raids had all reported that their targets had fought back and tried to run; they were pleased to find that they got the easy one. 

One of the men walked forward and quickly handcuffed Gisela, she didn't resist instead stood completely still only closing her eyes when the cuffs where in place. 

She felt like a complete idiot for thinking that they wouldn't find a way to come after her, Gisela could only imagine what lay in store for her but she knew that no one would care for her side of the story or the fact that she was innocent. 

"You are to be executed for your crimes," the taller one informed her making Gisela nod her head, she expected no less and she hated that this was all down to Carlos; she felt sick and she had no idea what would happen to her between now and then. 

The two men shared another look, she seemed like such a small thing to them and they couldn't imagine what the council was thinking; they were just here to follow orders and they hoped the council had made the right decision.

Leading Gisela out of the house, they could hear an argument breaking out and they could only guess that the werewolf had returned; their team-mates would deal with him while they dealt with the human. 

"No you can't do this," Fernando shouted watching in horror as Gisela was lead from their home in handcuffs, he didn't understand why this was happening; Sergio had assured him that he had told them of Gisela's innocence in everything that had happened. 

It worried Fernando that he hadn't heard from his mate, he prayed that things in the capital were going better and he wanted nothing more than to put an end to this now. 

"We're just following orders," one of the guards restraining him said, they made sure that he couldn't get close to Gisela as she was led away; they couldn't understand why he was so protective of the human after what had happened to him. 

Gisela paused at the sight of Fernando, she could see how hard he was fighting to get to her but even he knew that it was pointless; the council had made their decision and there would be no going back now. 

"Nando please," Gisela whispered with tears in her eyes, she didn't want this to be the last memory that she had of him; she doubted she would be afforded the chance to see Fernando or even Sergio again after this. 

Tears blared Fernando's vision as he stared at Gisela, she looked so frightened and he doubted the council would even put her on trial so she would be afforded the chance to prove that she was innocent. 

"If you do this then you're no better than the human slave masters," Fernando spat at the guards watching Gisela being shoved into the back of a car, he dropped to his knees crying hating the world as it was.


Sniffling as she sat in a chair, Gisela closed her eyes as her long beautiful blonde hair was shaved off; she'd had thrown into a freezing cold shower when she had arrived at prison and now they were taking her hair. 

Her hands shook in her lap while the woman cutting off her hair sneered at her, the handcuffs around her wrists were too tight and were starting to cut into her skin not that anyone really cared. 

Gisela tried to keep her sobs to herself, she had never done anything wrong and not one person seemed to care about that; it was clearly only going to get worse before it got better.

 The room was silent apart from the occasional taunts and the sound of the hair cutters while the woman worked on Gisela's head; she didn't care when she nicked Gisela's skin or just plain ripped the hair from her head. 

"I bet you're used to having your hair styled in the nicest of salons," the woman mocked as she worked, she loved her job and she would be in the front row to watch Gisela's execution. 

Gisela didn't reply, it wouldn't do her any good to correct the woman and she knew that it was just the beginning for her; she had only been told her execution would take place next week. 

It didn't take long for the woman to finish her work and Gisela was soon hauled down the corridor to the cell that would be her home until she was executed; she kept her eyes on her feet wishing Sergio had let her jump all those weeks ago. 

The guard shoved her into the dark cell, it had no windows and was completely dark with no sign of any source of light; Gisela doubted that there was anything inside and opted to sit in a far corner when she was locked inside of the cell. 

Only when the lock slid into place did Gisela start to cry, this was how it would all end for her and she could only hope that the person that had sentenced her to death would be able to cope with her innocent blood on his hands.


Wrapping his arms around Fernando, Sergio closed his eyes as he tried to ignore the look that Iker was giving them; he would never forgive his friend for this and it hurt not knowing where Gisela was. 

Fernando had turned up an hour ago and had spent most of it screaming at Iker when he had found out that it was him that had ordered Gisela to be arrested for a public execution. 

"How could you do that to us?" Fernando whispered looking at Iker, he had always admired the man and he couldn't wrap his head around that this was really happening. 

Gisela was completely innocent and anyone who really talked with her would know that, the people here weren't interested in that; they just wanted to see someone die for Carlos's crimes and his wife seemed like the ideal person to suffer for it. 

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few," Iker replied not looking at them, he hated that his hands were tied on this matter and if he had his way it wouldn't be happening. 

Sergio's story about what had happened to Gisela might have touched Iker's heart but there were wolves that didn't believe it; they wanted to see her punished for her husband's doings and the vote had been the decider. 

"I hope you can live with what you are about to do," Sergio murmured slowly leading Fernando away, he couldn't bear to be in the same room as Iker anymore; he wasn't even permitted to go and visit Gisela to see if she was alright. 

There was no telling what was happening to their mate and the two wolves feared what was happening to her at the hands of the guards in her prison. 

Iker watched them leave, guilt eating away at him and he knew that he needed to speak with the council to try and stop this before it was too late.

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