Chapter Thirty-One: She's Family

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"You're very pretty," María Paz gushed wrapping Gisela into a hug, she was so happy that her baby brother had found happiness when it could have all gone so wrong for him after what he had been through. 

It had been upsetting to find out that Israel had approached Fernando without her, however María Paz was just thankful that their brother hadn't turned them away. 

Gisela blinked a little surprised at how welcoming Fernando's siblings were being, she had almost worried that they would be like Sergio's family who hated her just because she was human. 

Sitting down next to Fernando, Sergio couldn't help but be happy for him since he knew that this could have worked out so much worse; they could have ended up with two families trying to ruin things for them instead of just one. 

"How far along are you?" Rebecca Torres gushed at her new sister-in-law, she like Gisela was human and she was so happy that she had found Israel when she had. 

The couple had three wonderful pups and Rebecca was thankful every day with how her life had worked out, she could only imagine what the younger woman had been going through with all of this. 

"Eight weeks," Gisela mumbled peeking down at her bump, she already had a big bump and she knew that there was still a little while to go before the pups would be born. 

Fernando smiled watching Gisela, she looked beautiful and it was a relief to have some sort of support now; he just felt bad that Sergio's family weren't going to be a part of that. 

Israel chuckled, he couldn't quite believe how well this meeting was going and he understood why his brother had been so worried about them coming here; he would be the same if his mate's family were quite as known as Sergio's was. 

Jose Manuel watched his wife excitedly talk with Gisela, he remembered what their multi-birth had been like and he hoped that the wolves were prepared for what would happen.


"You're moving here?" Fernando murmured to be sure he had heard his older brother right, he paused from making dinner knowing that he wasn't sure what to make of all of this; he just wished it was all so simple. 

Sergio had been trying to cover up his jealously over the fact that Fernando's family were so accepting of the fact that Gisela was human; he wanted the same but he doubted that would ever happen. 

"Of course... we're a family Nando, we want to be close to you," Israel teased knowing that they'd already started to look for homes close to this one, he doubted that his wife would ever be away from this house. 

Rebecca had quickly taken Gisela under her wing, it wasn't easy being human in a werewolf family and it was only going to get harder for Gisela with pups expected to be born in Mid-September. 

Fernando sighed shaking his head, this was all so new to him and he didn't want to push Sergio any further than needed; it was hard enough with everything that was going on. 

It was never going to be simple for them and with the pups on the way, the last thing they needed was more trouble; Fernando couldn't help but hope that things would calm down soon. 

Opening his mouth to say something when there was a knock at the door, Israel furrowed his brow knowing that they weren't expecting anyone else; everyone else was in the living room relaxing before dinner was served. 

Moving to answer the door, Israel frowned when he opened it to find to very stern looking werewolves; he held on tightly to the door knowing exactly who the older one was. 

"Can I help you?" Israel asked politely, he tried to keep himself calm knowing that the last thing that he wanted was a fight breaking out here; he was still trying to smooth things out with Fernando.

There was clearly a tense atmosphere and Israel knew that it couldn't have been easy for them to open their door like this; they'd had so much happen and they wouldn't have to do things alone now. 

José María didn't say a word as he pushed his way into the house, he ignored Israel knowing that he didn't care what he thought; he was here to make sure his son was okay. 

René followed after his father, he eyed the two wolves in the kitchen knowing that the younger one was his brother's mate; he almost wondered why they had ended up with a human when they could do so much better. 

"What are you doing here?" Sergio asked stepping into the kitchen, he felt a growl building in his chest and he signalled for Fernando to leave the room knowing that he wanted at least one of them close to Gisela right now. 

The last thing that he wanted was for José María or René getting close to her and having a chance to kill her; it wasn't a chance that Sergio was willing to risk with his father and brother. 

Israel hovered by the doorway, keeping himself in the way; they'd have several wolves to get through if they wanted to touch Gisela in anyway. 

"We've come to take you home," José María insisted looking around, his nose wrinkled at the smell of human and he knew that if he set eyes on Gisela then he would rip the pups from her stomach without a second thought. 

The idea that his blood-line was mixing with human disgusted him and he would rather his son hate him than have any pup born with mixed blood; José María would do anything to keep his blood-line pure. 

"I am home," Sergio snarled back, he felt defensive and the idea that they had come to his home like this set him on edge; he was almost thankful that Fernando's family would be around a lot more now.

"This isn't your home... your home is with us, your family," José María scoffed shaking his head, he eyed the kitchen knowing that his son deserved better than this; he could be living in a mansion if he wasn't mated to a human. 

Gritting his teeth, René held back his own growl knowing that Paqui had tried to convince them not to come; she had been devastated when she had come home and it had taken them days to find out what had happened. 

"My family is here," Sergio snapped preparing himself for a fight, he wasn't going to let this happen especially when he had everything that he wanted; he feared for Gisela and the pups lives right now. 

Israel was more than prepared to back Sergio up if this turned into a fight, he didn't know what the problem was here but he wasn't going to have anyone causing a fight in this house. 

"Not with that thing it isn't," José María spat disgusted at the idea that Sergio had bonded himself to a human and seemed so willing to die for someone so unworthy. 

Sergio took a threatening step forward he wasn't going to let them talk about Gisela as if she was dirt; they had no idea what she had been through in the past. 

"She's family, something you clearly aren't," Israel snapped not believing that they actually thought that they could come here and ruin things; everyone had gone through a rough time when the humans had ruled but that was all in the past. 

José María gritted his teeth, he doubted that this would ever be easy and if Sergio wasn't going to give the human up than there was only one course of action that was left for him to take.

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