Chapter Six: Not Going to Happen

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Gisela grumbled waking up in Fernando's arms, she buried her head into Fernando's neck as she tried to avoid getting up; the last week had been strange and she had found herself growing close with the werewolf. 

It hadn't escaped Gisela's attention that Fernando had been the one looking after her, he growled at her maids whenever they came to disturb her; she had no idea what had caused his change in attitude. 

Fernando smiled holding Gisela close, he had gotten very attached to the woman that slept in his arms and he wasn't about to let her go; he watched her closely knowing that he still had to be careful. 

"What time is it?" Gisela whispered moving to sit up, she couldn't believe how everything had changed; she peeked up at Fernando knowing that she would have to get up soon. 

Gisela knew that her husband would be going away soon, she hoped that she wouldn't be expected to travel with him; she didn't want to go anywhere with the man that was her living hell. 

"A little after nine," Fernando said letting go of Gisela, he watched her knowing that everything was going to be okay; he hadn't told her yet what had happened between them, he was waiting for the right time to do that. 

Gisela nodded her head, she brushed some hair from her face as Talina walked into the room with a tray of food; she swallowed knowing that she wasn't entirely found of the two maids that Carlos had left in charge of her. 

Fernando snarled at Talina, he had been refusing to let Gisela have any of the food that was prepared by the two maids; he could smell the fertility drugs that had been slipped into the food. 

The last thing that Fernando was ever going to allow was for Gisela to fall pregnant to Carlos; he knew that it would destroy the bond between them and he wasn't about to lose another mate.

Talina pursed her lips as she looked at the werewolf, she didn't know why he reacted like this but it needed to stop; she wasn't able to keep an eye on Gisela for her master.

"I brought you breakfast," Talina sang attempting to get closer to Gisela, she didn't like the bond that was forming between the blonde and the werewolf; it meant that she wasn't able to spy on Gisela like she was meant to. 

Fernando continued to growl at the maid, he wasn't going to let her do this and he knew that Carlos was desperate for an heir to his business empire; he wasn't going to have one with Gisela and Fernando would do anything to stop that from happening. 

Gisela eyed Fernando, she didn't know why he was so insistent on cooking for her all the time and looking after her; she wished she knew what was going on with him and why he was so protective of her. 

Talina set down the tray and left the bedroom, she huffed annoyed that Fernando was still getting in her way; she could only hope that Gisela ate the food that she had left her. 

"Are you going to tell me what is going on?" Gisela asked watching Fernando as he moved to get rid of the food that had been left; she didn't know what his problem was and she doubted her maids were trying to poison her. 

Fernando took a deep breath, he looked at Gisela knowing that he had to do this; he watched her wishing that things were simpler for them than they were right now especially with what was going to happen. 

"They're slipping fertility drugs into your food," Fernando revealed carefully, he watched Gisela having no doubts that she didn't want that; she paled at his words and she looked ill at the thought of ever carrying Carlos's child. 

Gisela had no doubts that it wouldn't end well, she felt her hands shake praying that she never fell pregnant; she would throw herself from the balcony now to stop that from happening. 

Fernando wrapped his arms around Gisela, he could see how horrified she was at the idea and he didn't blame her; he would do anything to stop that from happening.

"I can stop you ever falling pregnant to that man," Fernando murmured brushing some hair from Gisela's face, he smiled at her softly knowing that he was taking a big risk but he had to do this. 

If Gisela fell pregnant to Carlos not only would their bond be severed but when the rebellion happened, she would possibly be executed along with her husband; there were a lot of wolves who wanted to see Carlos hang for what he had done to them. 

"How?" Gisela whispered staring up at Fernando, she would do anything to keep that from happening even if she knew that Carlos would kill her for it; he wanted children and he was not going to be happy if she didn't give a son. 

Fernando stared into her blue eyes and gently cupped her face, he wanted to protect her in some small way; he would do anything to make sure that Carlos couldn't hurt her anymore. 

"Do you trust me?" Fernando murmured watching Gisela's face, he knew that this was risky and that at any moment Talina could come back; he didn't want this getting back to Carlos when he was doing this to protect Gisela. 

"Fernando..." Gisela whispered not sure what he was asking her that for, she did trust him and she had for a while; there was something about Fernando that she couldn't work out. 

Fernando took a deep breath, his inner wolf was pleased with what was about to happen and he couldn't even hear anyone around the apartment that Gisela had to herself. 

"Do you trust me Gisela?" Fernando insisted not going to let this go, he needed to know what was going through her mind; he needed some assurance that she felt the bond between them. 

Gisela stared at Fernando, she could only imagine what he was going to do now and she hoped that she wasn't going to regret this later on. 

"I do," Gisela confirmed softly, she stood perfectly still as Fernando brushed her hair over her shoulder; she watched him wondering what he was going to do, she felt butterflies in her stomach.

Fernando kissed Gisela drawing her close, he wanted her to relax a little before he took things further; he brushed away the strap of her cotton jersey onesie so that he had better access to her shoulder. 

Gisela whimpered into the kiss, she clutched at Fernando's shoulders trying to stop herself from falling; the room suddenly felt warm and she didn't know what was happening. 

Fernando pulled away from Gisela's lips and started to kiss down her neck, his top jaw ached a little as his canines became longer; he focused on what he was doing so that he didn't accidentally kill Gisela. 

Fernando smiled at the noises that Gisela was making he wrapped his arms around her before he sank his teeth into her shoulder causing Gisela to cry out; she whimpered in pain but Fernando stopped her from pushing him away. 

"Fernando," Gisela whispered struggling with the sharp pain in her shoulder, she tried again to push Fernando away but he held her tightly so that he didn't do more damage than needed. 

Gisela felt herself getting light headed, she didn't know what was happening but she felt like she was going to pass out; she felt Fernando's hold tighten on her so that she didn't collapse. 

"Nando," Gisela whimpered as Fernando slowly retraced his teeth from her shoulder, she made a small noise as he lapped at the wound that he had created. 

Fernando sighed in relief holding her close, he had some explaining to do and he wouldn't be able to say a word until Carlos was out of the house and he hoped that would happen soon.

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