Chapter Twenty-Two: Traveling to Seville

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"How are you feeling?" Fernando asked handing Gisela some soup, her throat was sore and it would be for a while after what had happened; he was just glad that she was alive right now. 

Things had been so tense since the execution and it hadn't taken them long before they had started making plans to leave the capital behind and head for Seville; it was for the best and they would be able to start afresh. 

"Better," Gisela croaked taking the soup, she curled up on her bed and she hoped that the train journey to Seville wasn't going to take long; they weren't leaving Madrid in the conventional way but it was the best that Sergio could do. 

Fernando nodded his head sitting down next to Gisela, he yawned and wondered when Sergio would be back; they had left a couple of hours earlier and taking the long way to Seville was certainly paying off. 

"Sergio's sorted us out somewhere to stay," Fernando murmured watching Gisela carefully eat her soup, he was determined to make sure that she never went hungry again and that no one would ever touch her. 

Gisela was uncomfortable when it came to other people touching her now with the exception of Sergio and Fernando, her time in the cells had scared her more than living with Carlos; it was going to take her time to get used to all of this again. 

"He found some work as well," Fernando continued knowing that it hadn't been easy, Iker had put a good reference down for him and it had taken quite a bit to get anyone to agree to hire him since they weren't in Seville yet. 

Gisela nodded her head, she felt a little useless since she wouldn't be able to do anything to help them; she knew that Fernando was also looking for a job and she hated that there was nothing she could do right now. 

The last thing that they wanted was for anyone to discover that Gisela was still alive, there were people out there that would want to make sure that she was dead and that worried the wolves more than anything.


Stepping back into the cabin, Sergio closed the door quickly behind him and smiled at the sight of Gisela sleeping; it was strange to see her without her hair but in time it would grow back and that was all that mattered.

"How is she?" Sergio asked looking at Fernando, he hadn't really had the chance to see Gisela since he had been making sure that everything was in place to keep her safe. 

Their crapped little compartment wasn't in the best place and Sergio wanted to make sure the train was safe, he didn't want anyone to discover Gisela was here and he would do anything to protect her. 

Fernando sighed looking at Gisela, he wished that he knew what was going on inside that head of hers; he hated that she wouldn't even talk about what had happened. 

"I'm worried about her Sese," Fernando mumbled watching Gisela sleep for a moment before he turned to look at the other wolf, he hated that she had suffered and he would do anything to take away the horrible dreams that she had.

It hadn't escaped Fernando or Sergio's notice that Gisela was having nightmares, she might have been trying to hide the fact that she was having them but both of the wolves could feel it through their bond. 

"I don't know what to do anymore... she won't talk about it," Fernando whispered looking at Sergio, it might have only been a few days but Gisela wasn't opening up about what had happened to her and refused to even look at herself in the mirror. 

It didn't take much to guess what had happened during her imprisonment, the woolly hat was pulled over her bald head where her hair had been hacked off in a horrible fashion that had left cuts across her head.

"It'll be okay," Sergio whispered wrapping his arms around Fernando, he wished that there was something that he could do but until Gisela was ready to open up to them, they were just going to have to wait. 

The last thing that he wanted to do was push Gisela when she'd been through something horrible, he wanted her to know that she wasn't alone in this and that when she was ready they would both be there for her. 

"Just give her some time," Sergio mumbled not sure what to make of any of this, he watched Gisela hoping that she knew that she could talk to them whenever she was ready; he didn't want her to feel like she was a burden to them. 

It wasn't going to be easy when they reached Seville, it would require a lot of work and they were lucky that Sergio still had some contacts that had been able to help him in some way. 

"We should be arriving soon," Fernando guessed turning to face Sergio, it had been a long trip and they still had to reach their new home; it wasn't going to be like the last one but it would be a lot safer than it had been back in Madrid for them. 

Sergio nodded tiredly, he would be glad to reach their new home and be out of the public eye; he looked at Gisela knowing that at all times someone was going to be with her. 

They had talked about this and it was best if Gisela stayed inside until everything died down, humans weren't in control anymore and the last thing that they wanted was for another wolf to hurt Gisela because he could get away with it. 

"The sooner the better," Sergio murmured as an announcement came through that they were reaching their final stop and there would be inspectors to check that everyone had the correct set of papers with them.


"Here we are," Sergio announced looking up at the small house that would be their new home, it wasn't much and was a lot smaller than the last house but it meant that they didn't have to worry about anyone looking for Gisela. 

Quickly moving into the small house, the three kept their heads down not wanting to attract any more attention than needed; it was late and they were all exhausted from traveling. 

Fernando and Sergio carried what little luggage that they had with them, it wasn't much but it would do for now while they got settled in their new home. 

Gisela followed after them, she peeked around the kitchen and smiled to herself, it felt much more like home than the large apartment that Carlos had forced her to stay in, in his massive house. 

"It's not much... but it's home," Sergio mused looking around, he was glad that they were here and he wouldn't get much time to relax since he was meant to start his new job tomorrow. 

Iker had found Sergio work down on a local farm, it wasn't anything fancy but it would put food on the table and it paid well; it didn't really bother Sergio what he would be doing as long as everyone was okay. 

"I love it," Gisela said cuddling into Fernando's arms, she was cold and she still found it difficult to get warm after spending time in the cells; she guessed it was because she was still weak from what happened.

It had been tough on her body and she'd lost weight, Fernando had been doing his best to get food into her and Gisela was just grateful that they still wanted her despite how she looked. 

"Let's get you to bed," Fernando urged knowing that the trip hadn't been easy and he didn't want Gisela's condition to worsen now that they were here.

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