Chapter Twenty-Three: Building a New Life

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Gisela snuffled waking up in the bed alone, she sighed rolling over knowing that Sergio would have gone to work and Fernando was out looking for a job; it wasn't safe for her to leave the house and they wanted her to rest.

The last month hadn't been easy and the work that Sergio did didn't bring a lot of money home but it was enough to put food on the table and get little things that they needed for the house. 

Slowly sitting up Gisela resisted the urge to touch the top of her head, her hair was slowly starting to grow back and she knew when it reached the middle of her back then she was never going to cut it short again. 

It would take a couple of years for it to regrew to its original length and for now Gisela was keeping a hat on her head, she didn't like looking at herself in the bathroom mirror without it on since it upset her. 

Pulling on her woolly hat, Gisela climbed out of bed knowing that she couldn't stay in bed all day; she already felt useless since she couldn't help them by getting a job or anything. 

Gisela did her best to make sure that the house was clean and that there was some dinner on the table for Sergio and Fernando when they came home; even if they did insist that she rest after what had happened to her. 

Heading downstairs, Gisela smiled at the sight of breakfast laid on the table for her and she knew that it would have been Fernando's doing; he always made her breakfast before he went out looking for work. 

Gisela did a quick check of the downstairs, she made sure to stay away from the windows since she didn't wish to attract any attention to the house and she knew that there were still wolves out there who wouldn't hesitate to kill her in an instant.


Sergio wiped the sweat from his forehead as he continued on with his work, it wasn't the best job in the world but it put food on the table for his family; he kept his head down as he worked knowing that he didn't want any trouble. 

There were wolves here that wouldn't hesitate to pick a fight with him, they could smell Gisela on him and had commented more than once what they would like to do if they got her alone. 

It disgusted Sergio that they didn't seem to care that she was mated to him and Fernando, the fact that she was human seemed to be the deciding factor and to others that was all that mattered to them. 

Sergio sank his sharp teeth into his tongue listening to their horrid remarks and knowing that he'd kill any one of them that laid their hands on Gisela; the sooner that she was pregnant with his pups the better.

Fernando had mentioned it as well, Gisela would be a lot safer when she'd had their pups but neither of them wished to rush her after what had happened last month. 

The thought of seeing Gisela swell with his pups made Sergio shut his eyes, he'd get her pregnant now if he wasn't frightened that it would do more harm than good to their situation. 

Gisela still wasn't opening up about what had happened and while Fernando and him had tried to tell her that it was okay for her to talk to them about it, she was having none of it. 

"Bet he's thinking for fucking that human of his," one of the other wolves whispered before sniggering with his friends, they ignored the glare from Sergio as they carried on with their work wanting to get done early. 

Sergio gritted his teeth, he wasn't going to let anyone hurt Gisela this time and she was safe at home right now.


Stepping into yet another interview, Fernando forced a smile to his face praying that this went better than his last interview; he was getting desperate now and he would even take a job like Sergio had if it meant more money at home. 

It wasn't easy moving to Seville and Fernando knew that Sergio's job as a farm hand didn't pay much, it was the best that Iker had been able to help with since the entire country was in progress of changing after the rebellion. 

"Buenos tardes Mr Torres," the interviewer said smiling at Fernando, it had been a long day and there had been a lot of applicants; they were all wolves looking for work so that they could support their mates and pups. 

Fernando didn't know what to do to make himself stand out, being a slave before all of this meant that he had no real qualifications in life and he needed some way to help support his family. 

"Are you mated?" the interviewer asked smiling at Fernando most wolves that came through her doors did and it made it easier to assign them with work; they all wanted some sort of work to be able to make ends meet. 

The humans had made a right old mess and the country was only just starting to recover after the rebellion; it would take years for things to settle down with humans still being tortured now. 

Yes... an alpha male plus a female mate," Fernando disclosed not sharing the information that Gisela was a human, he had been turned away by several jobs because of that fact and he had learnt that some people wouldn't accept the fact that he was mated to a human after what had happened. 


Gisela perked up at the sound of Sergio returning home, it was late and she knew that he would be exhausted after working all day at the local farm; she climbed off the couch moving to warm up his dinner for him. 

The last thing that Gisela wanted was for Sergio to go to bed on an empty stomach, she was sure things would get better now that Fernando had gotten a job; she felt a little useless about not being able to help them in anyway. 

"Nando got the job," Gisela murmured leaning against the counter waiting for Sergio's dinner to warm up, it wasn't anything fancy just a little bit of soup that she had managed to put together but it would do. 

Sergio nodded his head, he was tired and there was so much on his mind right now; he stared at Gisela, she was wearing fleece night gown and it reminded him of how little clothing she owed right now. 

Things were so stressful right now for them and Sergio wished that he could make things better for them; they were struggling and he doubted that would change much with Fernando's low paying job. 

"Is everything okay?" Gisela asked walking over to Sergio, she wrapped her arms around him wishing that he would open up with her; she wasn't going to break if he told her that things were hard. 

Holding Gisela close for a moment, Sergio closed his eyes knowing that he had to make things better for them; he hated that they had been reduced to this and he wasn't going to give up until things were right again. 

"It will be," Sergio murmured knowing that there was one way to make some money, he had heard some of the others at the farm talking about a fight night and he was sure that he would make some easy money that way. 

Gisela and Fernando deserved better than this and as their alpha it was up to Sergio to make sure that they got it; he wouldn't tell them what he was doing since he knew they would objected.

Looking up at Sergio's face, Gisela couldn't shake the feeling that he was going to do something rash.

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