confessions & weird encounters

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"Okay Anna you better tell me what's happening between Mr Styles and you or I will ask him by myself." She asked me the very next day at school. 



"Okay..." I breathed out. "I have a crush on Mr Styles and there's nothing between us... yet." I mumbled to her so nobody will hear us.

"You what?" Carissa yelled, making other students to look at us. "What the hell is wrong with you? And Jack? You two have been dating for two years!"

I looked at the people around us and then at Carissa.

"Shut the fuck up." I mumbled. "You're overreacting. It's not a big deal. Everybody has or had a crush on their teacher. I'll get over it"

She looked at me with her eyes wide open. "Are you fucking kidding me?"


"C'mon Anna. You can't be serious. Are you really telling me you see normal a crush on your teacher?"


"My God. You're fucking crazy."

"No, Carissa. There are a lot of people like me. I can prove you that."

"You're sick." She simply said.

I looked at her with an unbelievable expression on my face. "Are you calling me sick when you had sex with a divorced man? Really, Carissa?" I attacked her.

"It isn't the same." She answered.

"Carissa.... what you did is even worse." I was exasperated.

"Okay it doesn't matter anyways." She said.

"Oh really? Fuck you." I was so angry I didn't want to talk to her anymore. At least not now. Not today."


Tonight I was supposed to go partying with Carissa but I was still mad at her for what she called me this morning, I decided to go partying on my own.

I truly didn't know if it was a good idea or no but it was my final decision.

So I put on that party dress Rebecca bought me and those not too high heels I fell in love with and I looked at the mirror in front of me.

Then, Rebecca came in and stayed behind me.

"Darling you're so beautiful. Where are you and Carissa going to?" She asks.

I blush because of the lie but thankfully she doesn't notice because of the make-up.

"Pubbing I guess."

She nods and looks away from my reflect in the mirror. "Oh. Um, okay. Have fun then."

She goes out of my bedroom and after a few minutes I go to the living room where she and dad are watching films. Typical Friday night.

"Um, I think I better go before I'm late. So, see you later."

"Okay. And... Anna." My dad says. Rebecca was still watching tv but I know she's listening to the conversation.

I know how it works. 'Don't smoke. Don't drink too much. Don't...'

"Don't be late." It's always the same. With don't be late he really means be here whenever you want without crossing lines.

I sigh. "Fine." And within seconds I'm out.

Tonight is gonna be an interesting one.


I walked in in a club in which only seemed to be men. I mean, I haven't seen any girl yet and I was uncomfortable.

When I went to ask for a drink I noticed there were actually a lot of girls.

Then I felt better.

When my rum with cola arrived, I sipped and started watching people dancing.

There weren't anybody known and I felt like I could be someone completely new.

Encouraged because of the alcohol, I went to the dance floor and started to dance to the music's rhythm with my glass still in my right hand.

Honestly, people in this pub seemed to be a little older than the ones where Carissa and I usually go to. But I didn't give a fuck.

Five, six and seven songs passed and I was tired and I wanted to drink something. I finished that rum by the second song.

I went to where that barman served me the first time and sat without noticing there was a man next to this seat.

I went from sat to up faster than ever and apologized to him. "Oh sorry how rude of me, I didn't notice you were here. Is this seat occupied?"

I looked up at him when I didn't receive an answer after almost two minutes waiting and I suddenly regretted it. He was Mr Styles.

Fuck me.

"Anna?" He asked.

"Erm... Hi?" I half asked.

"Wow.. what a surprise." He said awkwardly.

"Um... yeah." I said uncomfortable.

In that moment the barman arrived.

"What do you want, beautiful?" He flirted without caring if I was accompanied or not.

"Um, the same I asked for before, thank you."

"Okay babe." He said handing me a note. It was his number. The same I asked for when he gave me my first drink. Interesting.

And Mr Styles was watching me the whole time.

I blushed and coughed a bit. I took a few sips of my drink and left the glass again on the counter.

"Anna, I know I am nobody to tell you this but, as your teacher I worry about you, now answer me: do you know how old is that guy?" He frowned.

"I..." I mumbled.

"What I thought. Well he is 25 which means he is 8 years older than you." Wow Sherlock I know maths and count and all that shit.

"And...? C'mon it's just for fun!" He frowned even more. And to be honest seemed surprised.

"Are you drunk? Oh God. Anna, are you high?"

"What? No!" I blurted. Maybe just a little drunk.

And suddenly I started laughing.



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