surprise exam and knowing smiles

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It's 2:30am and all I can think of is him, the way he laughs, and how he gets creases near his eyes when he smiles, and how none of that will ever be mine.

~ Anna

I posted it and I refreshed the page and it already had a few answers and reblogs.

It was Sunday night and after I came home I went to my room and logged in to see what was happening and what were the few blogs I follow posting about.

As always, they were saying how they missed their tcc and how they'd like to be their favourite student.

I reblogged some posts and went downstairs to have dinner. Then I went to the living room and I watched some tv before I went upstairs again and prepared myself to sleep. I was so fucking tired and I just wanted to rest.

I lied on the bed and took my mobile phone which I left charging on the table when I just arrived.

I logged in and saw that my post has already +50 likes and I had a few asks too.

That awkward moment when my tc blog is more popular than my actual blog, I thought.

It was true. I had more followers on the tcc blog I made to keep myself unknown for people my school than my personal one.

After hours and hours of blogging and liking some things people like me posted, I saw it was past midnight and my tiredness had disappeared.

Another sleepless night, guess I'll fill it with smushy age gap movies until I fall asleep. God I've never liked those kind of movies but I've watched Rewrite, An Education, Albatross, Molly Maxwell and another movie which has nothing to do with the others and I'm liking it. Well I liked those, some are smushy some don't make sense but they're still great. I'm about to watch another movie and see if I fall asleep because it's almost 2a.m. and not being able to fall asleep until 6 a.m. killed me last night.

~ Anna

I posted it and continued watching films. At least I didn't have to do anything at all for school because I had already done it after having luch today.

• • •

"C'mon take a paper and write your name and date on it. Surprise exam." Mr. Styles walked in meanwhile saying this.

I was shocked. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Did he say "surprise" before "exam"? It can't be happening. Not to me oh my god.

"I have seen dead people quicker than you, Anna." He called me out.

I was going to die. I didn't study anything at all yesterday neither did I the other day.

All I did was watching films, eat, sleep, repeat.

I have never failed any exams and it was going to be my first. And I hope it is the last one.

For fuck' s sake. It can't be happening.

I still couldn't believe it.

I was so nervous looking at everything and everybody's reaction and their was the same as mine. Except the nerds' ones. They always were advanced and already know the future contents we were about to learn.

Mr. Styles gave me an exam and I looked up at him and he gave me a smile.

Was it what I think it was???!!

I know what I saw and I can't breathe right now.

He gave me one of his smiles I have never seen him giving to another student or woman in the building.

At least in school, of course.

Maybe I looked so bad he suddenly frowned. "Is something wrong?"

I quickly stopped dreaming out and shook my head no. I couldn't speak a single word.

You're ruining it Anna. Don't be stupid and say something dammit.

"N-no Mr. Styles." I cleared my throat. "I just didn't expect this to happen."

He chuckled to himself and smiled at me a little smile. "Well, that's why it is called <surprise exam>, don't you think?"

And he walked to his desk and sat down with his iPad till the class ended and the last exam was in his hands.

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