mixed feelings

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I had to shake off the strange feeling I got when I was around him. I didn't know how I felt toward him but I knew nothing good could come of it.

The comfort of my car helped to clear my head. I drove to the football field and watched the boys practice a bit. After I had composed myself, I got out and went to the shaky bleachers, praying they didn't break under the weight of people sitting on them.

I didn't sit next to the other girls and I could see they were glad for that. They went back to watching the practice.

I watched as Jack tackled people and cheered when I was supposed to even if I didn't follow the game. I was just there for moral support just like all the other girls.

It didn't take long for me to get sidetracked and for time to fly by. I swore under my breath as I realized I was going to be late for dinner, yet again.

I waved a goodbye to Jack, whether he saw it or not I wasn't sure, then left the field to head home.

Once there my father gave me a slight lecture on being home in time for dinner then dismissed me to wash up. Our dinners were a family tradition that were not to be broken for any reason. My mother had been the one to make the rule that everyone was to be home in time for dinner and was probably the one thing my father kept of hers after she passed.

After dinner I went to my room to catch up on some homework that I, of course, waited to the last minute to complete. I was a big procrastinator if the homework was too easy. And it generally was.


After second period, I met with Jack at the gym and he led me to the cafeteria. He wasn't very talkative and I knew it was because I had left practice rather early. He liked for me to stay the entire time so we could have a moment together afterwards. It didn't always happen like this. We both had lives outside of our relationship and he knew that. My father didn't want me dating and neither did his parents. If my father found out I was sneaking around with Jack he'd have a conniption.

Jack often joked that that would be hilarious to see. I didn't think so. 

Before we reached the cafeteria I pulled him to the side and placed his hands on my waist. I tilted my head to the side and pouted my lips a bit knowing that was his weakness. He was always trying to please me and vise versa. It was why our relationship worked. We worked well with each other's emotions. He smiled as he brought his mouth to mine gently.

I didn't pull away from him when he began to breathe heavily, knowing he liked to be in control.

When he pulled back I smile greatly at my accomplishment. I didn't like it when he was upset with me, it gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

We then continued our trek to the cafeteria.

There was never enough time to dry my hair. I knew that one day I was going to end up catching phenomena from walking across campus with moist locks.

The door to Harry's classroom was open and I could see the student getting their books out. I vaguely heard Harry writing something on chalkboard on the right side of the classroom so I took this moment to try my best to sneak in without getting myself caught. Jack locked his eyes on mine and tried his best to hold back a smile. His eyes darted to my seat when the time was right and I quickly entered the classroom.

I hadn't gotten halfway there before Harry called my name.

"Anna, nice of you to join us," he said never turning from the chalkboard.

I stopped mid step as he then looked over his shoulder. "Sorry. Gym ran long?"

He turned away from me before I could make out his expression but I could have sworn he was a bit amused. I took this time to take my seat and take out my things.

He finished writing as I took my place besides Jack. Turning, he dusted his hands and smiled wickedly at me. "I trust next time you'll dry your squeaky shoes before attempting to sneak into my classroom."

I nodded and the class laughed a bit.

"Alright," Harry said going to his desk at the front of the room. "Settle down. It's time to begin our lesson on Beowulf. Turn in your books to page two hundred and thirty six."

There were a few collective groans but none from me. I was relishing in the fact he hadn't given me a detention.

"Oh, you all don't like reading do you?" He smiled and it seemed like he was smiling directly at me. "Isn't this what you all have been working on?"

I looked around and notice some people nodding.

"Alright, well if you all think you know the story write a paragraph, no less than seven grammatically correct sentences, summarizing the fable."

He gave us about twenty minutes to do this then took them up. He then sifted through some of them and began to read some of them aloud. Most people were spot on while others were clearly not.

"Keep your books open," Harry said. "But instead of having you read word for word today, we'll just talk about your opinions on the story."

He called on one girl in the back and asked her opinion on whether she thought the main character has heroic or not.

Her voice faded into the back of my mind as I watch Harry lean precariously on his desk, arms crossed over his chest.

He wore a white button down shirt with a red tie and slimming black slacks that completely contrasted with his look from two nights ago. He looked more like a teacher in this instant that he had then, more professional.

His eyes focused on the girl that was speaking and while he listened he nodded, brown hair shifting a bit. Every couple of seconds his mouth would twitch and he'd lick his lips.

His lips parted as he spoke but I never heard what came out. I could only think about what it would be like to taste those lips.

My mind began to linger on the rest of him, what it would be like to run my hands across his broad shoulders and down his chest. What was under that shirt? 

My eyes went back to him gorgeous face and I noticed he was staring at me, emerald eyes dancing with delight as his lips parted once more.

I was certain he was speaking to me, his lips formed my name but all I could think was-

"So hot." I mumbled before I could stop myself. My voice snapped me back to where I was and what I was supposed to be doing. "I mean, so not. Beowulf was anything but a hero."

I looked down at my book to prevent my face from flushing with embarrassment.

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