hunters & foxes

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hey guys you wouldn't fucking believe what happened to me just a few hours ago I'm shook i sometimes want to keep it 2 myself since it may be a dream and i'll be all disappointed BUT LET'S CALL HIM SIR he fookin licked cake off my chin, well not literally -off- my chin but yea u kno what i mean???  plus I have news because so weird stuff have been happening to me all these days, I'm sorry i disappeared but ah ah ah ah i can't breathe bye


I had to. I simply had to.

I was on my bed posting that from my phone as my heart pounded so hard inside my chest I thought for a moment it would burst.

I didn't have many followers but the few I had were always so active I loved it. Plus it was better, less chances for people I know to find me.

So when I refreshed the page, I had already a few asks.


truenymph asked: girl spill thE TEA ALREADY 


thetc-diaries asked: I know how ya feel cause my tc and i already interacted many times and he said we would have to wait until i finish high school ksjfs


anonymous asked: girl i'm so jealous of you cause i think your teacher fancies you like A LOT and here i am bc he ignores me sdikjfkdf fuck, i can already tell he'll be doing you soon! 


teachercrvsh asked: girl be careful with what you post. You're giving many many clues and that's how I got my first blog deleted. I had problems with school bc one of my friends found out and told the principal. Now my teacher is having problems with his wife. Please, be careful.


anonymous asked:  you naughty girl enjoying the touch of your teacher. I'm sure your body tells all he needs to know. His mature hands touching your body. You're a really naughty girl ain't ya;)


I answered the first few but there were always a naughty one and it made me blush. I really wanted to know who it was but if I ignored them, they would disappear right? But I didn't want them to stop. Ugh.

When I read the one where that girl was warning me my heart stopped. She was fucking right. How stupid from me. 

I answered quickly and deleted some of the old posts where I wrote too personal stuff and edited some others changing things.

I felt relieved but I realized how I could have gotten into serious stuff.

I closed the page and starting doing homework. I'd better start studying cause this year is being a mess.


"I think why I fell for men older than me is that guys my age are so immature and I can't trust them," I whispered to Carissa while we were sitting in class. Again, nobody came. We found out they were studying for finals and didn't want to go to class. I would do that too if mum allowed me to and.. 

If I didn't want to see Mr Styles.

Carissa wanted to stay home to study but I kept convincing her each night to come with me so I wasn't alone.

"Stop it, Anna. This is insane. You should decide whether you want to stay with Jack or start dating Alex. Didn't you like him? Or why did you call him babe? Put your shit together, girl." She literally screamed.

"Are you the only ones again? What do you want to do?" Mr Styles walked in and I prayed so he didn't hear what Carissa said.

He smiled and I fell like the fox about to be hunted.

"Can we talk, Mr Styles?" I could hear Carissa melting while speaking to him. If she knew the drama I have been in lately...

He frowned. Uh Oh, I think someone did not like that answer. "You mean talk about something that happens nowadays like social issues? Or do you mean if Miss Eveers and you can speak about your personal stuff?" He raised an eyebrow and Carissa nearly dies right there. 

To be honest the similarities between Harry and Alex were pretty obvious, they had the same facial expressions and.. damn, that hair. That hair I would like to mess up while he eats me out.

Fuck. Anna, stop.

When none of us answered, he sighed. So she started speaking to me again, and the hour passed quickly since we did nothing but talk. I was kinda disappointed cause I did want to interact with Harry.

Carissa left on the first bell, telling me she had to get something from her locker before she headed to the field to the rest of guys. I didn't mind, I'd just meet her at the field.

When the second bell rang, I began to leave only to have Harry call me back.

"You do realize you don't need the approval of your... boyfriend to come to a meeting. Right? You're not one of those girls who has her whole life centered around one boy are you?"

"No." I laughed. "Jack knows that I have a life. It's just that he likes for me to be at his practices. He's not...controlling. He's just...he's fine with it. I just don't think I like going."

"But you said you did."

"I don't think I like going for the reason you're thinking, Mr. Styles." I blurted then blushed. "I'm just not comfortable around people I don't know."

" know me."

I wasn't exactly sure why he wanted me there but I just...I didn't think I'd be able to concentrate on him teaching.

"I think I should, go. But thank you for asking me to come back."

And left him there. It was all too much.

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