films and unexpected asks.

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》not edited. chapter dedicated to the amazing @xstyles2mex for being such a sassy ass. ♡

English class. A part of me wanted to see Mr Styles but the other one wanted to avoid him at all costs.

What to do. What to do.

Suddenly he walks in and everybody in the class start sitting and taking their books.

"Today I have a surprise for you."

"Please not an exam for fucks sake." I murmured. Or that's what I think I did 'cause when I looked up everybody was looking at me with weird faces.

Oh no.

When I looked directly to Mr Styles, he seemed pretty amused and he arched an eyebrow and then I knew he heard me. "No, Anna. It isn't an exam."

I blushed and looked away from him.

He put a movie on, and I was so tired I wanted to sleep. But then I thinkI heard what it seemed The Dead Poets Society and suddenly I wasn't tried nor half asleep anymore.

When it was nearly half of the film, Carissa and me were amazed by the teacher.

"He's so hot." She said.

"He's too much to handle." I replied.

"He's old..." Mr Styles said scaring the shit out of me. He was behind us.

"So what?" I replied looking at him.

"...... So what?" He looked at me this time, licking his lips, smiling and shaking his head with amusement.

I tried my best not to die right there.

So I started talking to Carissa to forget what he just said.

"Anna. If you don't stop talking I'll have to keep you in after class."

Don't threaten me with a good time.

After a few minutes with me talking to Carissa while she ignored me, I felt a presence behind me. "You're in after class. I warned you." He murmured before going to his table and turn off the movie.

"Was that your boyfriend?" He asked once the whole class left.

"Uh..." Oh, crap. I had forgotten about that. I'd told him I wasn't seeing anyone due to his relationship with Rebecca.

He laughed at my flustered expression. "Relax, I won't tell your parents."

I let out a sigh. "Thanks."

He waved it off, like he understood my predicament.

"Well, I will...uh...see you tomorrow, Mr. Styles."

"Harry," he said giving me a warm smile. "Please, call me Harry."


Once I got home, nobody was there as usual. I made myself lunch and went upstairs to my room.

I did all the homework since it wasn't that much and logged in on the tcc blog.

It was an obsession.

I saw I had some messages from people.

But before read them, I opened a new post and started writing.

Guys I had a conversation with H today. I'm still shaking.

So I stayed after school and H was showing me how he wanted some copies from a book. So we were in the computer lab but a girl from my class was in there using the computer. After we finished he was counting the pages and realized he forgot one.

H: "30, 31, 34, 35.... wait, we're missing 32 and 33."

Me: "I didn't have the book after 29. You did those pages."

H: "You're right I made a mistake."

Me: "Wow. Imagine if I wasn't here to help you."

H: "I know! Really, I don't know how I've lived my life without you. I waited all my life and then when I met you it was so much better!"

So I looked at him with a slightly awkward yet hopeful and giddily in love expression on my face, I couldn't help myself sorry. sfjsklfj

H: "But I'm married Anna!"

Then he lead down and whispered in my ear "I just said that because she's here" as he looked at the girl across the room. But I think he isn't married sklfjlsfkj.

I don't know exactly what he was trying to tell me, but this might just be the highlight of my last year


~ Anna

I posted it and went for some snacks.

When I returned I saw I had a few more questions and I read them.

another-tc-story: wow omg you're so lucky. It's clear he's hitting on you. If I was you I would tell him how I feel.

tc-imagines: *dying bc of feels* girl, he prob likes you back. Go for it!

anonymous: what's your teacher crush name?

I replied privately to the two first ones and then went for the anon.

I shouldn't publish it on here just in case somebody I know sees it. But I will risk it. His name is Harold, also known as Harry between teachers.

After some minutes I received another one.

anonymous: hey baby. Did you think about me? I thought about you last night and cum so fucking hard baby.

What the actual fuck? I answered it.

Mmmm. Who are you and wtf are you doing lol go away.

After refreshing it I had a new one.

anonymous: aww c'mon. Don't be so mean. I would like a bit of roleplay with you. You know what? I want to make you orgasm so much you'll go crazy and I'll hold you down so you won't stop cumming for me.

I replied to this one too.

Go fuck yourself.

I went for a bottle of water and saw a new one. This anon was annoying me ugh.

anonymous: I'd squeeze your ass. I'd spank it cause you need to be disciplined. I'd spank you hard as I fuck you. I'll be so big inside my little high school student. My favourite one.

This one made me screech. And I wished this anon was Mr Styles. I wish I was his favourite student.

I didn't reply to it and kept it for myself.

Nobody would never know.

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