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"You're Rebecca's daughter, right? I saw you all come in together. Also, the girl you sit with at school"

"Step-daughter actually," I said brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"There you are Anna," Rebecca said coming up behind Mr. Styles. Speak of the devil.

My father was with her though his eyes said otherwise. He looked as if he'd rather be anywhere but here, then his eyes traveled to Mr Styles. He put his hands in his pockets. I rolled my eyes.

"Harry, I see you've met my step-daughter." Rebecca smiled at him.

"Yes, she's very bright. Plus I know her from school and she said she likes my work so that's an extra bonus."

Rebecca laughed while I eyed him. "Your work?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Yes, he didn't tell you?" Rebecca asked. "He's very talented to only be twenty-eight. Which is why I'm sad to be letting him go, he's become a teacher."

I didn't like the way she said teacher. She made it sound like he was wasting his life on something frivolous.

"But I'll still be painting," he said. "I've just always wanted to give back you know? Teaching seemed like a fulfilling job. I actually majored in education in college."

Harry and I smiled at each other.

My father cleared his throat.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him.

"Shouldn't we be getting home?" He whispered into Rebecca's hear. "She's got school tomorrow."

He did a horrible job of whispering it to her, Mr. Styles and I could hear him clear as a bell.

He was just in daddy mode right now. He didn't know I was dating Jack and this was exactly why. He was a little weird when it came to boys and me. However, Harry wasn't really a boy, but a man. And my teacher.

Rebecca laughed nervously and excused them both. She took my father to a different room, probably to talk to him.

I on the other laughed a little at my father's over protectiveness.

"I don't envy the boy that has to ask you out," Harry said smiling down at me.

"Which is why I don't date." I lied.

"You should, you're pretty..." I raised an eyebrow. "Intelligent, pretty intelligent," he finished.

I tried to hold back my smile but couldn't. A small laugh formed in my throat.

"Sorry, sometimes I forget to finish my sentences."

"Sure," I said laughing.

I looked from Mr. Styles to see my father coming out of the room Rebecca had taken him.

He didn't look too happy to see me still talking to Harry.

"Look I've got to go, I'll see you tomorrow in class, Mr. Styles."

I walked away, and as I did, I could have sworn I heard him say, "I hope so."

The ride home was uncomfortable. My father kept mumbling something like, "Too young for him and he's her teacher." He would look into the rear-view mirror and stare at me occasionally.

I could tell when he thought I was sleeping, he'd catch himself and smile like he used to do when he watched me sleep. Well, thought I was sleeping. I could feel him watching me and I'd pretend to stay that way. Then I could feel the happiness emitting off him.

When we got home, I did my usual routine. I showered, brushed my teeth, said goodnight to my father, and then went to bed.

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