prom knight / part one

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I wasn't expecting Harry to fly out of the city, away from the crowds, and take us to New York. I was amazed. 

Being from a small town, I had never really been exposed to the elements of a large city such as New York City. My trip there was like discovering an entirely new way of life that I had only heard stories of previously. 

My stomach was doing flips as we arrived and made our way to the hotel Harry booked. It didn't get much better than this: I watched through the window as the skyline was really precious and perfect with all the lights.  An exhilarating feeling overcame me as I realized that I was in one of the most amazing cities in the United States.

It seemed like everyone there was in a hurry to get to another place. The loud and constant sound of cars honking was heard throughout the entire trip. 

We were in silence but the little laughs I heard from Harry told me he was finding my current situation funny.

When we found our hotel in Times Square, I noticed that it wasn't just the cars that were in a hurry. Everyone in the streets was walking at a brisk pace that indicated a rush to be somewhere. The transportation of the city was also far different than anything that I had ever been exposed to. In my little town, a bike, a car, or even walking was perfectly suitable for getting around town, but in this foreign land, there were many more ways for one to get to another destination. Everywhere you looked, there were people hailing taxis, waiting on buses, rushing underground to the subway stations, walking frantically, or desperately trying to manoeuvre their own cars through the busy streets. Just standing and watching the many people rushing their own separate ways was an interesting observation. 

The buildings were also an incredible sight. Each street was crammed with buildings that were built side by side with no room in between them, and a number of skyscrapers were present throughout the city as well. I was awestruck again as we went inside some of these buildings such as the Empire State Building and made our way towards the top while we were making time to go to the restaurant. Standing outside of one of the top stories of the Empire State Building was awesome. I could hold the entire city in my hand from this view. I could even see Ellis Island a distance away from there. The stores were also large compared to the ones of my little town.  

My parents didn't know about my plans after prom. They didn't even bother to ask, probably knowing I wouldn't tell them the whole truth anyway. Instead, they were more concerned about me being safe. There's always something on the news the next day about teenage drunk drivers. 

I was nearly speechless. "Oh my God, Harry, this is amazing!" I'm wonderstruck.

He only smiled, kissing me softly after speaking. "You deserve this, Anna. I hope you understand how you make me feel now we're on the top of this building. And let me tell you, you're truly beautiful and I feel so lucky tonight."

I had soft bulky waves with a side vintage parting; very old Hollywood style. Now on to makeup; consisting of a simple fresh look of champagne eyeshadow and cranberry red lipstick. Finally, they dusted shimmer powder over my chest, shoulders, face and arms. 

But he made me feel like I was from some kind of royal family. He made me feel so special.

Time drew nearer and in a matter of minutes Harry would pull up like a valiant knight to take me away to our 50's themed dinner. I knew it was his favourite style.

I looked at him, realizing how handsome he was. I wanted him to never forget me if things went wrong. But I decided to stop my mind from going to that kind of thoughts. The night was ours.

And they couldn't take what's ours. 

"This corsage is beautiful, it matches me flawlessly," I spoke after a few minutes of us watching the city, in silence, enjoying each other's touch.

"Speaking of flawless, I didn't think you were capable of looking more beautiful. You don't know how racy my heart feels right now. Even my hands are sweating," he gushed. 

His heart was racing while I was floating. He kept pouring out flattering comments about my looks and dress but he looked like he just stepped out of a photo shoot. I always thought men were naturally more beautiful than women, while we have the advantage of changing our hair and applying makeup to enhance our appearance they are just born with that raw appearance of "what you see is what you get". And what I saw I wanted badly. 

The sight of this hot guy driving his sexy sports car almost convinced me to go straight to the hotel. And I know what you are probably thinking... I will not stand a chance and I will cave in right? Well no, I said I wanted to enjoy my time with him, and that's what I planned to do. But I was looking forward to dinner. I wanted him to look at me and see the woman I am and not the student he met months ago.  This was bound to be an unforgettable night, just like he promised.

"We should leave now, it's nearly time." He spoke softly, not wanting to break our bubble.

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