long hair slicked back & wildest dreams

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Do you ever wonder if anyone else on here goes to your school and is crushing on your tc, too?

~ Anna

I have been thinking about this for a while now and it scares the shit out of me. What if someone I know knows about this blog and tells Mr Styles I own it?

I'd die.


I walked into my second class and saw Carissa waiting for me anxiously. She practically bounced in her seat. She was the go to person for gossip and today she was sitting on something big. Her brown hair, darker than mine by a few shades, was bobbing around her small face as she waited for me.

She was wearing the red and gold kimono I'd given her a few years ago. I'd grown out of it but her weight never changed so she'd have it a lot longer than I would. It had looked good on me but looked even better with her skin tone. While my skin was caramel, hers was light mocha, darker by a shade or two compared to mine.

I walked slowly, just to mess with her, and she rolled her eyes. I laughed as I sat my things down then sat myself in the seat next to her.

"Oh. My. Gawd," She said making each word its own sentence.

I laughed and watched as the students tried to pour into the classroom before the bell rang. 

Our previous teacher was cool. Students chattered and texted but he didn't care. He had better things to do than to stand there and lecture the do's and don'ts of talking in class. He was a pretty cool teacher. This class was a filler and he treated it that way.

Carissa and I had been friends since I'd moved here. She'd lived down the street from me but had to move when the house became infested with a rodent problem. We'd clicked like sisters when she introduced herself.

Carissa went on and on about Mr. Styles until the bell rang. I sighed both from information overload and from the fact I didn't want to go to gym.

She gave me a sympathetic look and trotted off in the other direction. Normally I liked gym, but I was tired today. I didn't feel like running for an hour or enduring some type of physical activity.

I was thankful I had first lunch, which meant I would get to eat before I had to spend any energy.

Jack was waiting by the cafeteria doors looking devilish as ever. When I reached him, he pulled me to his chest and gave me a gentle squeeze. Then his mouth found mine, though he never kissed me like I wanted. He'd pull back too quickly and stare at me like I was the best thing in his life.

He had cut his already short blonde hair into an even shorter military fashion. I hated that he did it but if it pleased him, it was fine with me. Jack was the Center in football and could do whatever he wanted and he normally did.

We had started dating a couple of months after I became enrolled here. We'd met at one of his football games; Carissa had dragged me to it. I wasn't one to go to school affiliations but I was glad I'd gone to that one. Jack had followed Carissa and I to my car and asked me out. I had said yes after a few moments of a brain malfunction.

"Ready?" He asked taking my hand.

I nodded. We entered the rambunctious cafeteria and got our food then went to our usual table. Since dating Jack, I didn't sit alone. I sat with his fellow football mates and their girlfriends.

The girls and I normally chatted with each other at the table but after that, we went our separate ways. Or I went my separate way. I didn't really like the football girls, they tended to be more empty minded than I preferred. And they could tell I thought so, I wasn't big on hiding my feelings from people unless it was something I was feeling upset about. If I felt something was wrong with a situation or a person for that matter, I tended to speak my mind. Though when I was with this group I tried to conceal this. It wasn't their fault they were taught differently. I did it for Jack and he knew this.

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