Chapter 6 - Classes

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I woke up and dressed up into my robes:

I was all done and woke up Mione.
"Hermione, wake up." I said. And she woke in seconds. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me.
"I see you're ready." she said.

I smiled. "Yep."
Mione smiled back and went to the bathroom and changed.
While she changed into her robes. I got my books ready for our classes.

"Ready, Belle?" Hermione asked.
I nodded and we head to the Great Hall for breakfast.

~Great Hall~
Hermione and I walked into the Great Hall, and as we did. Many boys were staring at me. I got nervous. Hermione and I quicken our pace and sat on the Gryffindor Table.

"That was awkward." I whispered. Hermione nodded.
"They were staring at you." she whispered.
I sighed. I suddenly have this I want to shout like hell.

"WOULD YOU KEEP YOUR EYES SOMEWHERE ELSE?!" I snapped. The boys turned around and continued their own business.

Hermione looked at me, shocked.
"Sorry, Mione." I mumbled.
"No, it's fine. It's just....I've never heard you snap like that." she said.

I sighed.

Then McGongall came and give our schedules.

1. Potions (with Slytherins)
2. Herbology (with Slytherins)


3. Defense of Dark Arts (with Slytherins)
4. History of Magic (With Slytherins)



6. Charms (With Slytherins)
7. Transfiguration (With Slytherins)


"Mione, looks like we all have Slytherins in every class." I said. She looked at me.
"Let me see." she said. 

I handed her my schedule.

"Yes. We do. We have the same classes and with Slytherins." she said. I groaned.
Harry and Ron came by and sat down in front of us.

"Did you get your schedules?" Harry asked. 

Hermione and I nodded.

Ron was looking at his. "This stinks. All of our classes are with Slytherin."

I sighed. 

"Let's go. Class is about to start." said Hermione. We all nodded.

Our first class was Potions. We were in the classroom and Snape gave us his blunt look.
"Gryffindors to the right. Slytherins to the left." he said. Hermione and I looked at each other and I just shrugged my shoulders.

Now, Gryffindors are at the right and Slytherins are at the left side.

"I'm going to assign seats for you." said Snape.

WHAT? I thought.

"Potter with Crabbe. Granger with Parkinson. Weasley with Goyle. Finnigan with Zabini...." he said.

Great! I can't with Hermione, Ron, nor Harry.

"And...Chan with Malfoy." Snape finishes.


"Take your seats."

We took our seats and I set my books down on the desk. Can't believe I'm sitting with Malfoy.

"Now, this is your seat through the whole year and the one who's seating next to you is your partner." said Snape. Everyone groaned. Expect for Malfoy. 

Weird. I thought.

"Now, for the assignment....I have a hat here, full of potions that I want you to make. Whatever potion you draw, you make it." said Snape.

He went to Hermione, and she draws a piece of paper. Then Harry, then Ron. And

I put my hand in there and draw out a piece of paper.

It read:

Love Potion

I groaned more.

"Once you have your may! You have 1 hour." said Snape.

Malfoy and I went to 'our' stations with a black pot in front of us.

I pulled out my book out and turned to the page that has the recipe.
"What are you doing?" he asked. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What does it look like I'm doing." I said. I turned the page and found it.

"Ah, here it is. Love Potion recipe." I said. Malfoy came over and looked at it. 

"That's great. If we work together, we'll get done faster." he said.

I didn't listen to him.

"We need 4 Wiggentree Twigs." I said. Malfoy already put them into the pot.
"Is it turning green?" I asked. He nodded.

"Stir until the potion turns orange." I read.
Malfoy stirred the pot.

"Its orange." he said.
"Then add caster oil until the potions turns blue." I said, putting in the pot. Malfoy stirred the pot and it turned blue.

"Keep stirring until it's purple." I added.

~An hour later~

Snape came to our station and looked at our potion. He glanced at me and Malfoy.
"Good job, Miss Chan and Mr. Malfoy." he said. "5 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin."

I sighed out of relief. I really thought he's going to burst out of anger or something.

"Mr. Malfoy, drink the potion." said Snape.

My eyes widen at that. 

"What?' Malfoy asked.

"Drink the potion." said Snape.

Malfoy gulped and nodded. He grabbed the potion and drank it.
In A few seconds, he turned to me.

He suddenly came up to me and I back away slowly. But, my back hit the wall behind me. Malfoy put his arms around me, making me trapped.

Then he started to lean. My eyes widen. 

Not another kiss. I thought.

I couldn't get out.

Our lips met. And this time, I didn't kiss back, but I do feel something.

Malfoy pulled back and see what he has done.

"Interesting. Your Potion lasted for 10 minutes." said Snape. He handed Malfoy the antidote. I'm still shocked for what happened.

"That's all for the day, class dismissed." said Snape. I quickly grabbed my belongings and left the classroom.

When I walked out, Hermione came by my side.

"Belle, you alright?" she asked. I nodded. Then Harry and Ron came.
"You're sure?" Hermione asked again. 

I nodded. "Just don't ask what happen in class. I don't want to talk about it."

She nodded.

"Come on, we have Herbology next." We all went to Herbology class.

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