Chapter 12 - Quidditch

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Isabelle's POV
We were at the library right now.

"Here it is. The Polyjuice Potion." said Hermione, holding the book. She opened the book and I looked over her shoulder and read:

"Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another."
"You mean, if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked.

"Yes." said Hermione.
"Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything." said Ron.
"Exactly. But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion." said Hermione.

"Well, how long will it take to make?" Harry asked.
"Let's see...." I looked at the book.
"It takes month." I replied.

"A month? But, Hermione, Belle. If Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin...he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then." said Harry.

"I know...but it's the only plan we got." said Hermione.
I turned to Hermione. "Mione, do I have to take the Polyjuice Potion as well?" I asked.
"Yes, I guess." she replied.

"Well, if I'm taking the Polyjuice Potion, who am I going to changed into?" I asked again.

Hermione didn't hesitated. "Pansy Parkinson."
My eyes widen at that. 

"Hell no!" I whispered yelled.

"I'm not going over heels on Malfoy."

Ron and Harry snickered. 

"Really? Then how come we caught you staring at each other this morning?" said Ron.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came. My friends smirk at that.

"Looks like Belle is falling in love with him." said Harry. I glared.

"Wait, we're missing something about Belle. She's a ninja, remember?" said Hermione.

Thank you for remembering that, Hermione. I thought.
Ron and Harry face palmed themselves. 

"Why did I forget about that?" Harry mumbled.

The Nexy day - The Quidditch Match
"Isabelle Chan has the quaffle. Even though, this is her first time, she's doing very well." I heard Jordan said that. Two Slytherins flew beside me. Both of them were getting closer to me.
I ducked down and they charge at each other.

Then I flew to the goal post. I aim at the goal and made it in.
"Another 10 points to Gryffindor!"

Now, Marcus has the Quaffle. I hadn't talk to him that much, since that day. He passes to his team mate and he scored.
"Another 10 points to Slytherin! They lead Gryffindor 90 to 30!"

Angelina passes the Quaffle to me and I caught it. Two other Slytherin followed behind me. At the corner of my eye. I saw Dad. I smiled at that. I was about to score, but the Slytherin Chaser, snatched it. I growled and followed him.

Harry's POV

Belle'd doing fine. I didn't know she was that good. We are loosing to so bad.
"All right there, Scarhead?" That voice belonged to Malfoy. I glared at him and turned my attention to the game.
Suddenly, a bludger came at me. I ducked my head.

"Watch yourself, Harry!" Oliver yelled.
Then I saw the Bludger coming back.

"Wood, look out!" I yelled. It broke Wood's broom then the Bludger started to follow me.

Isabelle's POV

Katie got the quaffle, but then, Harry passed by me, with the Bludger following him. Then the other bludger started to follow me.
"What?" I said to myself. I ducked and flew to the other side. It kept following me. 

What's going on with the bludgers? I thought.

The bludger was about to hit me, but Fred hit it.
"Thanks, Fred!"
"We got your back, Belle!" yelled George.

Hermione's POV

Something's going on out there. I can feel it.
"Blimey! Harry and Belle got themselves a rogue Bludger. That's been tampered with, that has." Hagrid exclaimed.
Ron suddenly pulled out his wand.

"I'll stop it. " he said.
I stopped him. "No! Even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Harry or Belle." I said.

Harry's POV

The Bludger kept on following me. I looked to the side and saw Belle had one following her too. Fred and George were trying to help her.
The Bludger is still following me. I flew towards the Professor's seat, almost hitting them.
I took a sharp turn, making the bludger gone.

"Training for the ballet, Potter?" Malfoy said.
Then I noticed the Snitch, flying by Malfoy. I can't believe it. He can't see it.

The same Bludger came back, I ducked down and Malfoy did the same.

Isabelle's POV

Finally! Harry found the Snitch. Kaite pass the Quaffle to me. And I scored.

"Another point for Gryffindor! Slytherin is still in the lead. 40 to 90!"

The Quaffle was launched again. Angelina has the quaffle. She passed it on the me. We passed the quaffle to each other, on and on. Now I had the Quaffle. I noticed Malfoy was on the ground. 

He's hurt. Wait...Why do I care? I thought.

I was about to score, but the Bludger hit my back, very hard, making cough out blood. I managed to pass the quaffle to Katie. The Bludger hit me one more time. I fell off my broom. And I landed next to....Malfoy.

I coughed and coughed. Trying to get up. 

"Belle, you alright?" he asked. 

"That's Isabelle to you, Malfoy. Only my friends can call me 'Belle'." I sneered.

Malfoy groaned.

"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor Wins!" I smiled at that.

 I got up and I lost my balance. I felt arms around me. I looked up and saw Dad.

He smiled. "You okay?"
I nodded. Madam Pomfrey took Malfoy to the Hospital Wing.
Then I noticed the Bludger is still on to Harry.

"Dad, the bludger---" He cut me off.

"I know." Dad took me where Harry's at.

"Finite Incantatem!" Hermione shot a spell, making the bludger burst.
We all went to Harry. I crouched down to him.
"Thanks, Hermione." said Harry.
"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No. I think my arms is broken. What about you, Belle?" he asked me.

I was about to answer him, but Lockhart just have interrupt us.

"Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straightaway." he says.
"No. Not you." said Harry. Dad and I glanced at each other. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Boy doesn't know what he's saying." said Lockhart. "This won't hurt a bit."

Harry winced.

Lockhart pulled out his wand and says, "Brackium Emendo!"
The spell just glow blue.

Lockhart put his wand away and held his arm. It turned into rubber.
My eyes widen at that.

We all gagged.

"Yes, well, that can sometimes happen...umm...but the point is..." Lockhart bend Harry's arms.

" can no longer feel any pain, and, very clearly, the bones are not broken." he said.

"Broken? There's no bones left." Hagrid exclaimed.

"Much more flexible, though." Lockhart said.

Then suddenly, I pucked out blood.
"Belle, are you okay?" Hermione asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think so. I think the Bludger hit me too hard."

Dad carried me. "Let's take them to the Hospital Wing."
Hagrid nodded and helped Harry up.

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