Chapter 1

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This chapter is in ryans sister maybels pov. So much drama. Her boyfriend broke up with her for another girl.

Hope you like it

Mabel's pov***

As I exited my car I saw Jack, my boyfriend, grabbing some girls hand I recognized the girl as the top slut Kelly. What the fuck is she doing around my boyfriend? Oh right she is trying to walk away. Jack is wearing a blue tee and black jeans. Kelly was wearing the usual slut attire. She had on a short white skirt were you could see her pink thong underneath if she moved the slightest, and a crop top that stopped just above her tits.

Why the fuck can she wear this you ask? Oh right her dad is the principle so she can do anything she wants.

I open my mouth to ask what he is doing. Why he is stopping her when he speaks.

"Mabel better not find out. It was a one time thing. Never again."

What the fuck?

Kelly snorted. "That bitch? Come on I know you don't want her. That is why me and you.." She walked up to him and put her hand on his chest. With the other hand she used her pointing finger to trail down his face. "Why me and you had sex last night. Surely you wouldn't cheat if you are over? Do you like her? If you do you would stop me."

My heart stopped. Did she just say sex? No of course not. I must have misheard he wouldn't do that to me.

But then she reached down and grabbed him. He groaned then grabbed the back of her neck and started kissing her. I felt a tear slide down my face. He grabbed her ass and lifted him up at a better angle. A sob came out as more tears spilled. Sge broke the kiss and looked at him with a satisfied smirk. she leaned in and whispered..."oh if you was dating now your not..... Hello maybel!"

"He is breaking up with you. For ME!"

I looked at jack who just kept his head down.

"J-jack?" I ask.

"Goodbye Mabel." He said as he looked the other way.

I tried to breathe in. I really did. But I couldn't so I just jumped back in my car and sped out of the damn parking lot.

As soon as I got my car in the driveway I slamed the door and ran up the side of the house.

Ryan was walking down the steps but as soon as he saw me he ran to me.

"Maybel? Mabel what the fuck happened?" He yelled to me. While running to me. I only cried harder and dropped to the the ground.

He picked me up and carried me inside. "J-jack....him and k-kelly had sex last n-night. I over h-heard them in the p-parking lot talking s-about it. Then they kissed....a-a-and " I got chocked up while sobbing between words. More tears spilled.

He kissed me on the head and ran out the door.

Were is dad? I need him. He is my best friend I don't know what I would do with our him. I love him.

He always helps me when I am going through something tough.

I get out my phone. When I do I see my reflection and cringe.

My usual bright blue eyes are now red, faded, and puffy . I had mascara all down my face and my eyeliner is everywhere. My lipstick is smuged all over my chin. I look like a clown zombie. I almost laugh. Almost.

I put dad on call.


"D-dad!" I sob into the tears already down my face.

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