chapter 11

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Ryans pov***

A bright light invaded the darkness. It was hurdling towards me.

Is this the end?

Suddenly a sharp pain is in my arms. Nope I am still alive.

I didn't mean to cut that deep. It just happened.

I groan. When I open my eyes I see that I am in a all white room. There is a table a chair the bed and a red button on the wall.

Am I in a mental hospital?

Oh my god have i been in a coma?

Did I dream all this?

What the fuck is going on?!?!?

Suddenly I collapse. This is all to much. I feel darkness surround me again.

But this time I see a meadow in font of me. I walk over to the meadow and see my dad sitting on a cover looking around. When he spots me he smiles. He holds his arms out wide and I run to him. I crash into him and secure my arms at his waist so he won't get away.

"Daddy? What is happening to me?" I ask as a tear slips out of my mouth.

"Son, what your mother said was true. You will be turning into a werewolf in about an hour. Son listen to me. You are in grave danger. Tell your mate that I said to watch for the Marco. I love you son. And I am so glad that you are
happy. I love you." He said smiling.

"Ryan.....ryan....." I hear my name being called weakly.

"I love you to dad." I say and squeeze him harder.

"Son please forgive your mom. You need to go live with her and you can't do that if you hate her guts. I know she found her mate. And I am happy she did. I love you but you have to go. I love you!" He shouted the last part as I was being pulled away by a unknown force. I looked up at my father's face one more time. And I saw pride and love.

When I opened my eyes I looked up to see that Jay was standing above me. His face tear streaked.

"Why?" He begged his voice craking as more tears slipped out. "I didn't try to kill myself. I cut to deep on  accident. I wouldnt do that to you now. I-i......I love you." I told him quietly. I heard his heart beat raise up. I smiled at him a little.

     I may not know what is happening to me but I do know that the man standing in front of me I will stay with him all my life if he lets me.

A sob escaped his mouth and I pull him down. I put my lips softly on his tasting the saltiness of his tears. Our lips move slowly against each other.

I break apart taking deep breathes of air. That was the best kiss I have ever had. I lick my lips. He sighs and sits on the side. He looks extremely tired. I scoot over and pat the side of my seat. He smiles and lays beside me. I tangle my hands in his hair.

He sighs and sticks his head in my neck. He takes a deep breath.

Oh no....

His breath fans my neck and I shiver and giggle. I freeze and slap a hand over my mouth. I feel jay freeze beside me.

He raises his head and I see his big smirk. I shake my head franticly as he props up on his elbow. He looks me in the eyes.

You could get lost in eyes like that....

I feel his hands start their attach on my sides. I laugh and laugh trying to pull his hands away. When I stop laughing I wipe my eyes and glare at Jay. It dosent work though because he made me smile. I playfuly swap his arm. He sticks out his lower lip in a pout.

Aww who can not resist that face?....

I lean in and kiss his nose. To cute!

He blushes.

I yawn. And snuggle into his shoulder.

"Goodnight, I love you." I hear him whisper softly. I smile and let sleep take me.

Jays pov**

I know that i should be getting him to be getting ready for his birthday....i wonder what I will give him?

Oh I know! I will take him on a trip! He will love it!

But where to go is the question.

Maby a a island off the coast? I could borrow my uncles island. Ya I know my whole family is rich. Oh well. I don't rub it in and I don't say anything so fakes won't come to me.

Anyways I think a island would be perfect....yes he would love it.

I can hardly wait.

I look down at Ryan. His long black hair swoping over his eyes. His long lashes brushing against his sharp cheek bone. A light pink covers his cheeks.

I sigh. He is perfect.

'Alpha Jay! There has been a rouge sighting at base seven!' I heard my next in line beta ,jace, tell me.

The bases are our territory. It goes from one to fifteen. Number seven is closest to the cabin.

Oh god...

I slowly get up. I cover up Ryan who starts to shiver. I frown. Should I wake him up? He may want to be on the lokk I don't want to worry him. Plus he needs all the rest he can get.

I close the door firmly behind me and change. When I am in full wolf firm I listen. I hear birds miles away chirping to a beat. I hear snaps of twigs and a stream- wait snaps of twigs?

They are getting closer. I run down the stairs soundlessly.. 'Alpha?' I hear jace ask from the other side of the door. I relax my shoulders and bite at the nob. I twist my head to the side and open the door wider.

'Yes jace?'

'The rouge is close. I smelt it on the way. I wanted to make sure you had at least one more man with you. Plus I bet your mate is here right? Well I happen to have smelt that there is more than one rouge on the way. There is like five to ten. More than we can take on. Well at least while we watch Luna. We have to get out of here.' He linked me. I nodded what he says makes sense.

'My mate is upstairs laying down follow me. And shut the door behind you.'
     I run up the stairs with him right behind me. We pad to the room. I slowly use my nose to open the door. My mate is still sleeping soundlessly. My wolf starts to stir.

I ignore him and walk in. I hear a gasp in the mind link. Oh ya I forgot. No one knowsthat I have a male mate. I know that uncle has a male mate. Sigh.

'Sir! There is a man in your mates bed!is that....Luna?' He asks and I nod my head. I walk over to him and nuzzle his neck. He giggles and opens his eyes.

. his eyes widen and I nuzzle his hand.

'Come on babe we got to go. Get on my back.' I tell him through link. He nods and climbs on. I race down stairs and he opens the door. We start to run through the forest.

I smell it before I see it.

Standing a few feet from us is a rouge. Suddenly they are surrounding us. A big one comes out and it all becomes clear. This is a rouge pack.

He wants to kill me for alpha title.


Hope you liked it love you all. Vote and comment I will update soon.


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