chapter 20

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Dylan's pov***(guy from chapter 18) bet you didn't expect that;)

10 months later.

I watch as Nick walks down the hall. When he sees me he smiles.

My heart does a flop. He walks over to me and slings a arm around me. I smile at him. "Hey Nick." He smiles. "Hey what do you want for your birthday?"

In my head I think one thought.


I shrug.

"I don't care whatever." My birthday is tomorrow. Right now I just got to school. I was late so I just got here.

I grab my books and turn to go to math. I fucking hate this class


Time skip


When I got out of school I passed by Nick. He smiled at me. "Hey can I come over?" I nod my head. This is normal. We always go to each others houses. He is my best friend. I am in love with my best friend.

I am usually silent. We walk to the house and I get out homework. He sits beside me. "Hey Dylan.....can....well....I just......can I try something?" Ibraise and eyebrow.

I hesitate but then nod. Suddenly I am pushed back on my bed.

Ibopen my mouth to protest, but he comes to hover over me. He lightly kisses my cheek. Then his lips are on mine. I hold my breath.

For aminute I can't move.

The i kiss back with all I have. I hear him groan into the kiss. I loop my hands around his neck. He breaks off and starts to trail kisses down my jaw line and to my neck.

I sigh.

He hits my spot....

My back arches off of the bed and I grunt. He licks it and then nuzzles it. He goes back to teasing me. He goes up a bit, and then ces back to my spot on my neck and he sucks. Hard.

I moan and arch my back again.

This time I accedently grinded on him.

Oh well.

He does it again and I guess I could tease him a bit to. I flip him over and grind on him. Very hard.

He moans and grabs the pillow behind the bed. He puts it to his mouth and bits down on it. I come up to him and kiss him roughly on the lips

Then I start to trail kisses down his neck. I remember were my spot is and I go to it on him. When I find it he begins to slowly pant. I lick it a couple times and then I go back to it and kiss it softly. He grunts and I suck hard. Me moans loudly.

I smirk and pull myself back up. I Kay beside him. I snuggle into his side. He turns to me. "I have liked you for the longest time. I know you will find your mate tomorrow, but for tonight...."

I smile, and nod. I scoot him closer.

"I have liked you since the 5th grade. Yes I will."

I turn slightly and he wraps his arms around me.

He snuggles into my back. I smile. My dream is coming true.

Ryans pov***

It has been almost a year that I have dated jay. I love him. Me and this kid Dylan have been hanging out. I am like his human diary. And he is mine.

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