Chapter 8: Mad Relationships

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Three days later and the Wonderland newcomers still haven't come any closer to their goal, despite befriending Mal and Evie. Will has been sitting at his computer watching his cameras at any free moment he had, mostly just skipping school. Claire tried to skip classes as many as possible, but Aaron and Morgan seemed to like the new idea of Auradon Prep, so they managed to stay in every class without their teachers asking them where their other friends were.

Morgan stood at her locker stowing away her second period textbooks and taking out her 5th period books for later. As soon as she shut her locker, a boy stood next to her, leaning on the lockers. It was Carlos.

"Hey Morgan," he says to her, trying to act cool.

"Hi Carlos!" Morgan exclaims in her usual perky voice.

"You liking Auradon prep? You have been to all your classes for the past 5 days..." He says with a smile.

"Yes!... Wait how do you know that? Are you following me?" Morgan asks clutching her bag tighter to her chest.

"What? No I'm not following you... I just notice..." Carlos shrugs.

"Oh so you are like Claire!" Morgan says smiling again.

"Yeah!... Wait what?" Carlos says, not realizing what she said.

"You have better senses! Right? Because you notice things like that? Are you related to a dog since your mother is Cruella? A drop of tea sure would drop from the same tea cup!... Oh I mean... It would be a coincidence." Morgan says thinking about her words before she says them. Evie had been helping her with her strange Wonderland tongue, by telling her the correct way to say things.

"No I'm not related to a dog..." Carlos says awkwardly.

"Oh too bad... I should get going. Claire needs me to stop by and bring her a coffee!" Morgan says about to walk away towards the dorms.

"Wait stop by? Where is Claire?" Carlos says skeptically.

"Oh she is just in the dorm resting... She can't go without a cat nap for 3 days straight! Just like how we can't take a sleep after a swing at light!... I mean... How we can't go without sleep for a whole day..." She thinks and then nods to herself. "Yeah that's it... Bye!" Morgan says walking away.

Just as Morgan leaves, Jay rounds the corner towards Carlos, laughing. "Great job Carlos! You really got her in a tight leash now!"

"Shut up Jay..." Carlos says then pauses. "Was I that bad?"

"Oh you were terrible!... And not in a good way." Jay laughs. "You should've just stayed with Jane instead of trying to get a Wonderland girl. You know how crazy they are!" Jay laughs.

"Wasn't my fault... Jane said I was spending more time with Dude than with her-" Carlos starts, before Jay interrupts him.

"Which was entirely true!" Jay laughs.

"Yeah but her bad... No other guy in school likes her very much. One wrong move and her mother can turn them into toads!" Carlos scoffs.

"Also entirely true!... But why Morgan exactly?" Jay crosses his arms.

"She's different..." Carlos shrugs. "Like us..."

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