Chapter 11: Broken Heart

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"What do you think?" Evie says sitting at her sewing machine holding up a dress to her chest.

"It's cute..." Mal says looking up from her homework, which she was not at all determined to finish.

Evie had just finished the base of her dress for the ball and was excited to start adding the details. She had made a beautiful short sleeved, floor length, blue velvet dress that had a black lace belt wrapped around the waist and streaming off the dress like a bow. Evie set down her dress and started working quickly.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Mal asks Evie skeptically. Normally Evie took time in making her clothing, but today she seemed to be rushing through her ball dress.

"Oh! I am making something special for Claire and Morgan afterwards!" Evie says smiling not looking up from her work.


"Just because! It is their first ball after all! It has to be memorable!"

"Did you even ask them?" Mal asks crossing her arms.

"Well... Not exactly. I kind of told them you never get your dress until the day before..." Evie blushes. Mal just laughs.

"You LIED to them just so you could make them dresses?" Mal laughs.

"Yes! Now don't laugh... Im making yours after too!" Evie says putting her 75% finished dress to the side and bringing out streams of silky purple and light green material.

"Those are beautiful!" Mal says walking over to see the materials closer.

"Oh just wait until I use them for the dresses!" Evie says as she pulls out one last stream of material, a dark, shimmering, pink.

"Is the purple mine?" Mal asks.

"Oh no! The pink is! I thought it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Maybe a good change from the coronation dress!" Evie nods lifting up the fabric so they could both see it.

"Yeah I guess I like THIS pink... It's much darker!" Mal says smirking.

"Great! Whose should I start first? Yours, Morgan's, or Claire's?" Evie asks putting a hand to her head.

Mal raises an eyebrow at her, "Mine of course!"

They both laugh as Mal goes back to her homework and Evie starts on the dresses. Mal seemed rather agitated that she was making dresses for Claire and Morgan though. Almost exactly how she acted when she heard the Wonderland children were invited to the ball.


Claire and Morgan walk down the hallway talking quietly to themselves. As they turn the corner, Carlos and Jay are walking towards them, with Carlos waving.

Morgan runs up to him with Claire walking behind her, following.

"Hi Carlos! Hi Jay!" Morgan says excitedly.

Jay just says, "Sup." And Carlos kind of blushes? Was that blushing?

"Yeah hey Morgan... Hey Claire... Morgan I wanted to ask you something..." Carlos says shifting uncomfortably. He glances at Jay but Jay just smirks.

"You kidding? I'm not leaving... I wanna watch." He tries not to laugh, crossing his arms glancing back from Carlos to Morgan.

Carlos mutters something then straightens up and looks back at Morgan. "Hey... Do you want to go to the Grand Ball with me?" He smiles at Morgan.

Claire raises her eyebrows and clasps a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. Morgan is completely shocked, but still smiling giddily.

"The Grand Ball?" Morgan asks.

"Umm... Yes?" Carlos blushes his smile slightly fading. Jay starts to take a hand to pat Carlos on the back when Morgan says, "I'd LOVE to go with you!"

Jay stops with his hand still in the air shocked. To no surprise, Claire was shocked as well.

"Wait... WHAT?" Claire says trying not to laugh.

Carlos grins madly and Morgan hugs him, he blushes but hugs her back.

Jay stands next to Claire with his arms crossed watching the two.

"You see this often in Wonderland?" He asks coolly.

"Nope. Never have. We don't 'mingle' much." Claire shrugs.

"Think this is weird?" Jay asks.

"I'd like to call this Wonderland weird..." Claire smirks as Morgan finally walks back over to Claire and Jay walks over to Carlos.

"It's been a very eventful day..." Claire mutters as she and Morgan continue walking back to the boy's dorms.

Morgan bursts through the door jumping around the room excitedly as soon as they get there. Claire walks in behind her and shuts the door.

Will almost jumps out of his chair and looks at Morgan and then at me. "What'd you do? Take her to the candy shop?"

Claire rolls her eyes. "No I didn't... Morgan actually has quite good news... Only benefiting herself of course..." Claire slumps over to the couch and lies flat on her back, exhausted.

"News?" Aaron says walking out from in the closet where he normally read since the glow of Will's computer gave him a headache.

"YES!!!" Morgan stops and breathes to tell them her news. "Carlos... Just asked me to the Grand Ball!" Morgan squeals as she continues to jump around the room once more.

Aaron's smile fades immediately. "H-he did?"

"YES! Isn't that AMAZING?!" Morgan squeals.

"Y-yeah..." Aaron coughs. "Yeah im really happy for you!"

"Cool..." Will merely says turning back to his screen. Aaron slumps back towards the closet with his book still in his hands. Claire looks at him skeptically.

"What's up with you? Did someone in your book die or something?"

Aaron sighs. "Yeah..."

Aaron walks into the closet and shuts the door. He takes out a paper in his book he used as a bookmark and read it.

'Dear Morgan,
I have liked you for a while now but have never gotten around to tell you... Actually that's not quite true... I was just too afraid to tell you because I was afraid that you would think different of me if you didn't feel the same... I hope this won't change anything but...
Will you go to the grand ball with me?

Aaron crumples up the paper and throws it onto the ground of the closet. He opens up his book and tries to read to get it off his mind.

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