I. Coffee Shop Jerk

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Bonjour Amis!
If you are here then that means you liked the Prologue so yay!
I hope you continue to enjoy the book.
Before you carry on, I'd just like to mention that there is a verse of a poem before the start of the chapter that goes with the story. Hope you enjoy. :)


It all started with a you and I,
So different from the rest,
I was the light, you were the dark,
The angel and demon from hell;

Skye's P.O.V

Like everyday, the sunlight did not fail to wake me up on time. I smile and flutter my eyes open. Yawning, I sit up and stretch in bed, working out all the kinks in my body. I don't know about others but stretching has always been a good activity for me to start the day. Yes, I am a morning person, but I too have my bad days. My cell phone rings from the bedside table and I know very well who it is.

"Good morning, Sarah." I say in my chirpy tone and give a wide smile even though she can't see it. But then again, she knows that I am smiling.

"You're the only one who enjoys early mornings," she groans from the other end of the line and I giggle. "But it is Monday and we have a murder and I don't see why you're happy about that." She continues.

"Sarah, we have seen it all. I'm surprised you're not happy you're just... alive."

"Oh I am. I'll see you soon." She ends the call and I shake my head, smiling to myself.

I spend a good 15 minutes in the shower, scrubbing myself down. Once I'm done, I start working on my hair. I say working because it is a tough job taming it. It becomes one hell of a brown bird nest in the morning. When I manage to straighten it up and put it in a pony, I comb out my bangs and it covers the faint scar on my forehead. I look at myself in the mirror and done. I wear a white dress shirt and some grey slacks and after I grab my things, I head out to the local café.

The air inside the café has the delicious fragrance of freshly brewed coffee. The room itself is bustling with people waiting for their daily shot of caffeine for a busy start to the week. Men and women waited in a queue and I stood behind one such person. I waited patiently, not paying much attention to my surroundings until the man in front of me started barking at Jazlyn who stood scared behind the counter.

"I asked for a black. Don't you know how to take a bloody order?!" His fist collided with the counter and the once noisy room came to a quite and hushed standstill.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. M-Mayer." Everyone stood quietly, watching the scene unfold but for someone like me, I couldn't handle it. He continued his loud lecture and when I had enough, I spoke out.

"Will you stop screaming at her!" My voice came out strong and he stood straighter. When he turned around, I got to see the face of Mr. Mayer, the Coffee Shop Jerk. And my, it is one hell of a face. Brilliant grey eyes stared at me, fire blazing in them. Strands of dark hair fell on his forehead and his chiseled jaw ticked. For a minute, everything seized to exist and my breath was stolen from my lungs. Oh come on, Skye! You can't be attracted to this egotistical son of a bitch. Do something! My mind retorted back and I snapped out of it. She's right.

"Excuse me?" Coffee Shop Jerk said, surprise lacing his tone. Hmm, he must have not expected some woman speaking back to him. His voice was amazing and I wanted to hear it again. But who am I kidding, I shouldn't be feeling shit.

"You heard me." I take a step closer despite the height difference and he seems taken aback by that. His face clearly shows he is pissed. His eyes narrow and his eyebrows bunch together. "That is no way to talk to someone. Don't you have any respect?"

"You do not know who I am," he states, even more angrily and I show my own level of impatience with the bastard.

"Listen Mr. Coffee Shop Jerk, I don't care how much money you have or how high you think your status is, you have no right to speak to her or anyone like that. Either apologize or get the hell out and tell your slaves to make some coffee for you." I narrow my eyes to show I'm not going to take any of his shit. I am already used to being towered over by people. And sure, he is tall, about 6 feet 3 inches compared to my 5 feet 5 inches but frankly, it shouldn't make a difference.

He is silent for a minute and his eyes search my face. I hold my breath and wait, wishing I knew what he is thinking. My strong demeanor under his dark and intense gaze faltered by the second. Finally, he broke off the stare and stormed out of the café. Ha! You better walk away! I smirked and closed the gap between the counter and me.

"Thanks, but you have no idea who you just stood up to." Jazlyn said, still recovering.

"I don't care who he is. The bastard deserves it." I say and her eyes widen at the mention of the word. Looks like I am missing a lot. "Anyways, I'll just have my usual, thanks." I smile and we get back to our 'it is just another normal day' routine.

Christopher's P.O.V

I could not believe my eyes when I turned around and saw a little brown haired woman. I almost laughed but instead, I glared at her. Who the hell does she think she is?

"Excuse me?" I narrow my eyes. This must be some mistake. No person has ever stood up to me like that, especially not a woman.

"You heard me." She takes a step towards me, despite the height difference and it renders me speechless. For someone who lives in New York and comes to a local café, she sure does not know shit.

"You do not know who I am." I state. I could just ruin her. Find out her name and details and just make her life a living hell. I keep that in mind and study her more closely. For an innocent looking woman, she is feisty. And beautiful, I should add. If circumstances were different, I would have slept with her.

"Listen Mr. Coffee Shop Jerk, I don't care how much money you have or how high you think your status is, you have no right to speak to her or anyone like that. Either apologize or get the hell out and tell your slaves to make some coffee for you." Now that, was cute. She already has a name for me. After years of having everyone following my beck and call, it is, to a certain extent, refreshing to find someone different.

I decide to accept the challenge. After all, I haven't had one in a long time. And a challenge like her could only be fun. I hope she knows what to expect from me.

I stand straighter and leave the café. She is probably under the impression that she has won. I will give her that too. We will meet again, I am sure of it. And I will enjoy breaking her down to bits and pieces. She will be nothing once I am through with her. Nothing.


A/N: Okay... that was intense xD

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See you later for the next chapter?

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