II. The Good and The Bad

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Two different perspectives, two different lives,
And yet, a similar past,
Lost in the dark, searching for the light,
The light that was never to be found

Skye's P.O.V

"Huh." I look closely at the body of the woman. We are currently at Mr. Roth's house... well, mansion and Mrs. Roth has been found dead on the Persian carpet. "Well, there has been a robbery." I state and Sarah looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Robbery? Nothing was stolen, Reid."

"She was wearing a heavy necklace. Make that sapphires. Where is Scott? He will make you understand better." Scott is our M.E. One of the best, might I add.

"He is stuck in traffic. He'll be here soon." Sarah sighs and Bentley, her partner comes to stand next to us.

"I hate asking this all the time, but how do you know?" Bentley asks me and I smile. Sarah hates to admit it but when I state something, it is true. Bentley is the only person who has fully accepted my deductions are always real. Sarah has a hard time believing it. I think it is because I am young but hey, I'm not complaining.

"That's simple. During the fight, the necklace left an impression on her neck." I kneel besides Mrs. Roth and point out the marks with a pen. "And it is sapphires because that's what she's wearing in that portrait there." I point at the painting above the grand fireplace. "She is wearing a blue dress so I believe she'd wear that particular set."

"That is right, I saw her wearing it today morning. You have a good eye" The husband comes in and I stand and shake his hand.

"My condolences, Mr. Roth." He looks grief stricken with red rimmed eyes, a red nose and a tired face. If it wasn't for the lipstick stain on his neck, I would have believed the act. You know when the wife dies and suspicion falls on the husband but it isn't him? Well, this is not one of those times. Sadly, in my daily life, finding the murderer isn't the toughest part of the job. It is making Sarah believe the person is the murderer. Do you know how badly I crave a challenge? I sigh inwardly.

"Thank you. I am sorry I couldn't come earlier. Things are turning from bad to worse as we speak." He say and Sarah nods.

"No problem, sir. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

"No, no, not at all. But if you don't mind, I'd like it if we could leave this room." He says and we all agree. We walk out while Mrs. Roth's dead body is covered with the white sheet.

"How long have you been married, Mr. Roth?" I ask the first question and deliberately so.

"It's been 11 years. Was going to be 12 next month." He gives a tight smile.

"And would you say you were happily married or..." I trail off.

"Reid." Sarah glares at me and I shrug. There's a method to my madness is what I normally say. But no matter how many cases I help them solve, they never believe me.

"No, no, it's okay, I get it. But yes, I was happily married and very much in love." We make our way outside and I notice each maid I pass. Someone eventually grabs my interest. Or should I say, a particular shade of lipstick I also saw on somebody else's neck.

"Do you have any enemies? Someone who would target your family?" Sarah asks and I shake my head. Wrong question. I let them walk ahead a few steps. She turns her head to look at me and I raise my left hand and point at my ring finger before turning around and walking back into the mansion.

I pass a maid but then begin walking backwards.

"Wait a minute." I say and turn to face the pretty black haired woman. "I think I know you." I tap my chin as I take her in.

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