XIX. Betrayed

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Skye's P.O.V

"Hey guys, what's up?" I walk into the precinct with a spring in my footsteps. I swear, nothing will get this smile off my face today. Nothing and nobody.

Sarah, Bentley, our captain and a few other officers I know are standing around Sarah's desk. I approach them and raise an eyebrow. "Everything okay?" I ask, a small pang of worry filling me.

"Drop the act, Skye. We know." Sarah narrows her eyes.

"Sorry? I don't understand."

"We know, Skye. Did you actually think we are that dumb?" Sarah has fury raging in her eyes and my smile immediately dissappears.

"I don't..." I trail off, unsure of what to say. Do they know who I am? Did they find out?

"Oh come on, Skye! The drugs, the arms, the trafficking. We found out everything. You're done, Skye. Game over." My heart stops. What?

"What are you..."

"You're smart, I'll give you that. Working with the police ensured that if we ever found a trail, you could shift your business. Too bad we got information." She smirked.

"I didn't do anything like that! Sarah, you have to..." I'm interrupted when she slams a folder on her desk. Causing a huge thud sound.

"Witnesses. Account statements. Surveillance footage. Evidence. You're under arrest." I couldn't believe it. Christopher framed me. Burying it is what he said. I should have known. This whole fucking thing was a scam. Everything. Stupid! I'm so fucking stupid!

"Sarah, I'm being framed, you have to..."

"Bentley." She says instead and he takes out his handcuffs. I knew now they wouldn't listen. The evidence is too strong. So I do the one thing Christopher has been telling me to do all this time. I run.

"Get her!" Sarah screams behind me but I take the stairs. I don't look back. I don't think about anything. All I do is run. Just run. I lose the police somewhere in the busy streets of New York. When I think I'm safe, I go to a phone booth.

"Hello?" He answers and I wipe the tears off of my cheeks.

"I need help." He gives me an address and I end the call.

"What did you get into?" S says once I reach there. The air smells of cigarette smoke and some men are playing cards at a table in the corner.

"Screw that. Do you have what I need?"

"It will take some time. Do you have the money?"

"A lot apparently." I shrug.

"Some bad guy with a grudge against you?"

"Something like that." I sigh.

"Skye Reid wasn't good enough?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Skye Reid was great but... things didn't work out."

Within the next hour, I dye my hair and wear contact lenses. My picture is taken and soon enough, Skye Reid ceases to exist. In comes Kiara Hastings.

I look at myself in the mirror. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a face that screams with the pain of hurt and betrayal. I close my eyes, desperate to stop the stubborn tears that threaten to flow. I knew if I let it out now, it would take a long time for myself to heal. Betrayal. That was all we were ever about.

"Welcome to the world, Kiara." S smiles and I give a pained one in return.

"Welcome to the world." I whisper to myself as I take in my reflection. I got a chance to redeem myself and I ruined it by falling in love. Love. A shit word that hides all the horrid pain behind its sweet meaning. Skye was smart. No... Skye was stupid. And I know that someday, this game of cat and mouse would end. And I'd be the one ending it.

"Don't say a word to Jonathan. I'll transfer the money in three days." I avoid eye contact and leave the place as quickly as I can.

Through some special contacts and with my new identity, I managed to get a flight to Australia. Just a handbag. That's all I took. Turns out that Skye never really had any possessions that she'd take if she was on the run. What does that say about her?

I lean my head back against my seat. To my left, a woman was sitting with her baby who just wouldn't stop crying. It was easier to just pay attention to that sound than to go through my problems. But really, when has peoples' burdens ever just left them alone?

Betrayal is heavy. It chokes you. It forces you to accept the fact that you can never trust another person ever again. The world is filled with cold, dark monsters. The more sweeter they are, the more devilish they can be. A person can only bend so far until they break. Betrayal is my breaking point. This was never about Claire or Caleb. This was about Christopher getting a fresh start. And that involved painting a deer with blood.

After today, I can say I was ignorant. Completely naive and ignorant. So many people tried to warn me. Ivy, Jonathan and Clarke. I should have listened to Clarke, out of all people. How many mistakes did I make? All in the name of love? I should have realized what he was up to from the start. Why else would a man like Christopher take interest in a woman like Skye? To take advantage, of course. It was all right there. Hiding in plain sight. If only I saw it. If only I had looked beyond what he wanted me to see. If only I shot him dead.


A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter :/
On the bright side, or rather dull side, what has Christopher done? I'm sure you hate him by now. And sadly yet happily, there is more. Stay tuned to find out :)

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