XII. The Name

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I found out the truth about you,
And I knew then I should have run,
But I wanted revenge,
For all the things you had done;

Skye's P.O.V

I woke with new zeal and enthusiasm. Despite everything that has happened, I have decided to just take things as they come. One thing at a time. And right now, the first thing to cross of the list is to go say thank you to Christopher. I smile at the thought of seeing him.

"What's up, Reid?" Sarah answers her phone.

"Hey, Sarah, I just want you to know I won't be coming in today."

"No problem. You deserve a day off after last night." Sarah has been very happy since last night. Arresting a man like Lexov has its perks I guess.

"I can say the same to you." I reply as I lock my apartment.

"Paperwork about Lexov needs to be submitted." She says with boredom lacing her voice.

"This is why I prefer being a consultant." I laugh. "Anyways, I'll leave you to it."

"Yeah, bye."

I make my way to the café but I'm surprised to see or actually, not see Christopher there. I leave the café a bit disappointed. I start walking towards the precinct until a black car I'm all too familiar with drives up to me.

"Ma'am... I mean Skye, sorry." Clarke says after he rolls down his window.

"Oh, hey, Clarke." I smile and try my best to look at the back through the tinted windows but I can tell Christopher isn't there.

"He is at the office. I'm going there right now, you can come if you want." Clarke answers my unspoken question as well as offers me a ride and I couldn't be more grateful.

"Thanks." I give him a sincere smile and sit at the back. When he drives off, the other unspoken question fills the air.

"About last night, you can forget what I said." His voice sounds cold and calculated and I raise an eyebrow.

"I don't think it can be easily forgotten, Clarke. What did you mean anyways?" I stare at his reflection in the rear view mirror and I can tell he knows I am in the serious mode.

"I meant what I said, Skye. You are a valuable asset to the NYPD and those assets have the most leverage."

"I've been working with them for a few years now, Clarke. What difference does it make?" He stays silent. "Well?" I push him.

"We are here." He says instead after he halts the car. I huff and I get out. I wasn't about to let my good mood get ruined because some person believes I can't take care of myself.

The building is stunning. The front is made of glass with 'Mayer Energies' on it in a beautiful and intricate design. I'm awestruck for a moment and it takes me a second to get back to normal. I walk in and the lobby is exquisite. You get the air that people love being here. And the best part is the entire building is eco-friendly!

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" The receptionist asks me with a sincere smile and I smile back. Not everyday you meet a genuinely nice person.

"Hi, I'm Skye Reid and I was hoping to meet with Chris... I mean Mr. Mayer." I give a sheepish smile and her eyes widen for a split second.

"So you're her!" The woman's face brightens and I stand frozen in place. "It's an honor to finally meet you! I must say I am a real fan of your work." She extends her hand and shakes my hand firmly.

"Um, thanks." I give an awkward smile."

"Mr. Mayer is on the 50th floor. I'll just call in..."

"Oh no," I immediately cut her off. "I just wanted to pay him a surprise thank you visit. He helped us out with a case last night."

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