XIV. The Secret Revealed

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A pair of grey eyes,
Eyes full of darkness,
Mouth full of sweet words,
But a heart full of nothing;

Christopher's P.O.V

I woke up before sunrise. After a few good hours of sleep, my head is now in the right zone. Mistakes. That was all that this was ever about.

Ever since that first kiss, things went downhill from there. I found myself getting addicted, not getting enough. Every kiss, every hug and every smile wanted me longing for more. I felt disgusted at myself.

This was why a perfect plan was required. Something you have to stick to at every point so that nothing can ever go wrong. Mistakes led to all this. I agree, Skye feeling something was part of the plan. However, me falling too? That was unacceptable.

She turns in bed to face me. Still asleep. I push away a few tendrils of hair on her face to get a better view of her. Why did you have to make things so complicated?

I decide to get back on track with my plan. And really, who was I kidding from the start? Could a woman like Skye ever trust someone like me? Or love me? Could I have ever guaranteed happy endings for us? Things like that were not meant for me. I push away the sadness and put it in the back of my mind. Just one last kiss on her forehead and I quickly dressed up and left without a sound.

Skye's P.O.V

I wake up when the sunlight hits my face and I scrunch up my face at the unwelcomed attention. I squint my eyes open only to find no one in bed with me. And that reminds me, what the fuck happened last night?

I stare at my ceiling and let out a breath in a huff. My mind is in knots and I cannot think straight anymore. I decide to compartmentalize and start from the beginning.

What he said last night has two possible meanings. One, he is trying to get a fresh start and a normal life but being a man like Caleb has its rough patches. Or two, it was all just some fake dramatic crap to get me to not walk away. Now, I start to weigh each reason.

A fresh start. It is a possibility. If he wants closure, it is obvious he would come to a person like me to avenge his family. And for a night like that, it is possible for him to not remember anything. So that implies he does not remember Claire Waters or what he did to her or her family or even what she did to his.

But if this was some act to get me to stick to whatever he is planning, then that implies that he knows I am Claire. But how could he possibly know? I made sure to cover anything on her. Claire Waters simply does not exist. And her connection to Skye Reid is non existent.

I then start thinking about the other side of this twisted situation. I need to avenge my parents too, don't I? He deserves to rot in jail for his crimes. And if it really is true, if he is trying to make me fall so that he can hurt me, then I can do the same to him. Last night, he went through the trouble to speak from his heart. He would be lying if he said he doesn't care about me.

I bury my face in the pillows. This was too crazy for even my brain to sort. Is an uncomplicated, non-twisted life too much to ask for? Seems like the answer is yes. Maybe I was just destined to fall into a mess like this.

It has been two days since I last saw him. Neither did he show up at the café nor anywhere else. A bit disappointing but the distance has made me think much clearly. Well, not really.

"You ready?" Sarah asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, let's go," I say weakly and we head off to the crime scene.

Yes, both Sarah and Bentley have noticed that I have changed. Not in a good way though. I have been acting like a lost soul who is too deep in thought for too long. My contribution to cases have shortened drastically but I don't have it in me to care. I am not in a sane state to be helping out but this is the only way to get my mind off all the things that have been happening. Although, I don't think it is doing a very good job at that.

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