IX. Together

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You pulled me deeper,
Into your cave,
Or did I let it happen?
Did I just walk right in?

Skye's P.O.V

"You did not get any sleep last night," Christopher stated as I took two cups of my usual instead of one.

"Does it show that clearly?" I smile up at him and we leave the café.

"What's wrong?" He asks with pure concern in his tone. It makes my stomach tie up in knots. Man, when am I going to stop feeling like this?

"Just a case. I don't feel like talking about it." I say softly and he nods.

"Okay then, change of topic. How about..." He makes an act like he's thinking about it. "Yes! How about dinner and a movie at my place?"

"Sounds great." I beam at the wonderful idea and he grins too.

"Good. Should I pick you up from your apartment?"

"If it is no trouble."

"Not at all."

When we reach the precinct, he gives me a wonderful kiss on the lips before heading his way. I sigh and pull my dreamy self into the precinct.

"I want to go talk to Angela. You with me?" Sarah asks when I reach our floor.

"Sure." I say and we make out way to Angela's place.


"Sarah," I whisper and point at the door handle. "The lock is broken."

"Step aside," she says and I follow. She takes out her gun and kicks the door open. "NYPD!" I follow after her and we see something quite shocking. "Step away from the body, Dmitri. On your knees and hands behind your head." You can clearly hear the anger in Sarah's tone. Dmitri scrambles to follow her orders.

"I didn't do it. I swear I didn't..."

"Shut up." I say and look at Angela's dead body, lying on the couch. Her yellow sundress and the grey couch is stained with her blood. Three bullet shots to her stomach.

After the rest of the team was called and Scott took care of her body, we took Dmitri to the precinct and straight to the interrogation room. Let's just say Sarah didn't treat him like a fragile antique vase.

"I can explain. Look, I swear I didn't kill her. I went to talk to her but found the door unlocked. I called out but no one replied and then I saw her body when I entered."

"Your stories are not going to cut it here, Dmitri." Sarah places her palms on the table and goes right in his face. "I'm done with your shit excuses. Now tell me the truth or I swear I'm going to give you the worst possible sentence I can." "We found a gun. And guess what? It matches the murder weapon used on Angela. Even better is that it has your fingerprints on it."

"I found the gun, detective! It was underneath the coffee table and I took it out. I didn't mean..."

"This isn't looking good for you, Dmitri. I have evidence linking you to the murders. And all you have in your defense are stories. You're under arrest."

"I want my lawyer. I'm being framed."

"Hope you have a good one then." She says and storms out of the room. I make a move to leave too but Dmitri starts.

"I've heard about you. You solve the most difficult cases out there. If you're really as good as they say you are then only you can prove my innocence." I turn around to face him.

"Here's the thing, Dmitri, I don't believe you are innocent." I say and leave the room.

"I'm being framed!" He shouts behind me but I make no move to entertain him.

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