III. Return of the Coffee Shop Jerk

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I should have pried deeper inside,
And found the hell you hid,
Behind all the sugar,
Was the devil's advocate;

Skye's P.O.V

It was fun seeing Sarah bow down to me. Well, not literally but it felt like it. I couldn't help but feel proud for setting a record in the precinct. The fastest case solved. I wasn't called in today but I decided to stop by to see if I could be of any help. But as tradition goes, coffee always comes first.

I walk to the café and just when I'm about to get the door, someone else opens it for me. "Thank you," I say to the man and take a step inside before stopping dead in my tracks. What the...? I turn around and look up at the person who held the door open for me. Well, well, if it isn't the Coffee Shop Jerk.

"You're welcome." He smiled and looked down at me. I narrowed my eyes. The height difference wasn't much. Well, actually it was. I just made it to his chest.

"You don't have to be so nice. We all know what's underneath that sugar coated exterior." I turn on my heel and stand in line. Through my peripheral vision, I can see that another man is about to join the line but Coffee Shop Jerk just glares at him and the poor man shrinks away. He then stands behind me.

"What are you doing?" I ask once I turn around to face him. I try to ignore the fact that he's incredibly stunning in the grey suit and sleek maroon tie and that all eyes are on him. Is it just me or did the temperature rise by a few degrees? Coffee Shop Jerk's cologne fills my nostrils and I felt suffocated at that moment. Damn, I was hoping I was immune to the bastard.

"Just standing in line for a coffee." He says casually and my anger starts to rise.

"You cut in." I state, my voice not hiding the anger. He turns his head to look behind him and then back at me.

"I don't think I did." If only I could kick him or punch him in that smug little face of his.

"I saw what you did to that man." I cross my arms on my chest. "Is being rude in your blood or does this place make you like that?"

"I wanted to apologize." He says and he takes me by surprise. Whoa. Does Coffee Shop Jerk have a heart? I turn back and close the distance between me and the customer in front of me.

"You're supposed to be apologizing to Jazlyn." I say, not looking at him. How have I never seen him before? I come here everyday and it was just yesterday when I met him.

"I did apologize to her. I'm here to talk to you."

"Funny, your idea of an apology must be different since she hasn't come in today. Scared her off or killed her or something?" I say with dry sarcasm. I place my order and wait for my saving grace. I feel him lean into me and his mouth is next to my ear, his breath on my cheek as he speaks.

"The only reason she is not here is because she is off spending the million dollars I gave her." I am speechless. What. The. Fudge? He's joking right? He has to be. "And I'm not kidding." He finishes and grabs his usual. He must have seen my expression because he smirks. I turn my surprised expression into that of a scowl and walk out but he follows behind me.

Oh God, why couldn't he just walk the other way? Some women are practically gawking at him and sending me daggers and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. Should I just grab a taxi?

"I think your office is in the other direction." I say and just hope it really is.

"No. So about the apology, how about coffee? Or even dinner." He walks besides me and if I could, I would have run by now but sadly, New York streets are too damn busy.

"No thanks." I say, hoping he'd leave me alone now. I stand on the pavement with a few others, waiting for the traffic to halt. "I don't even know you. And as far as first impressions go, you've miserably failed."

"I will make it up to you. I'm Christopher Mayer by the way." He gives me a full fledged smile and I couldn't help but feel a little flutter of my heart. I look straight ahead, acting like he doesn't exist. "And you are?" He asks just when the little green man appeared.

"NYPD consultant." I say and leave him there. This time, thankfully, he doesn't follow me. I'm glad... and a bit disappointed.

At the precinct, I have nothing to do so I just pass time by alternating between sitting and watching everyone else and walking around and looking at what they're doing.

I'm reading a magazine when Bentley stands up and walks away. I look at the computer, then at everyone else and then back at the computer. I know I'm not allowed to touch the database but then again, I am tempted and besides, I have never really cared that much for rules. I place the magazine down and saunter off to his desk. Sitting down, I'm excited to see the computer is unlocked and so I type in Christopher Mayer and press 'search.'

Within moments, I find everything on him. It almost makes me feel criminal but I'm on a high so I don't care. Christopher Mayer, son of Don and Elizabeth Mayer, both deceased, died in a fire. Went to Stanford. CEO of Mayer Energies. It deals with a lot of things that range from inventing environment friendly appliances to building eco friendly infrastructures. Everything and anything environment friendly is dealt with. No wonder he's rich, he's earning millions every day while making the world a better place.

I am now having a slightly different opinion of him. Maybe I should give him another chance. Start fresh. I decide it is the right thing to do and now I'm anxiously waiting for tomorrow to come.

Christopher's P.O.V

She just gave me what I needed. She does not know it but she would soon enough. I smirk at her retreating figure. Where have you been all my life?

Taking out my phone, I dial Clarke.

"Yes sir?" He answers on the first ring.

"She is a consultant of the NYPD. You have seen her, I want a name as soon as possible.

"Just a minute." Clarke says and I hear the typing of computer keys in the background. I turn and walk back the way mystery woman and I came from. She is a good guesser, or she just hoped my office was that way. "Her name is Skye Reid, I'll email you all her details."

"Perfect." I say and end the call. I must be smiling like a fool right now. Skye Reid. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. My phone pings, signaling that I have received the email. 26, went to NYU, her father's name is Jonathan Reid and is a retired FBI agent and her mother, Martha, died five years ago due to sickness. Smart, good grades, helps the police with homicides since she has a knack for it.

Such an ordinary woman yet quite extraordinary. She is going to bring all the fun in this game. I cannot wait to execute it.


A/N: Hallo Freunde! :)

How'd you like the first chapter? You do know what to do if you liked/loved it :D

This chapsy is dedicated to my dear friend Swojasi. Without you, my dear friend, I wouldn't have the will power to carry forward with my books. You always made them and me feel special and unique and for that I will always be indebted to you.

Thank you for being such an amazing friend :) Especially when I needed nobody and somebody. <3

P.S - Anything you have to contribute to the story. Be it a line of the poem or some art, I'd love to see it and hear from you as well.

Please visit chapter four. Please? With a cherry on top?

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