Author's Note/ Acknowledgements

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First off, I'd like to thanks Chelsea, my best(est) friend and awesomest (unpaid) advisor for her major contribution in this book. Without your help, love, I wouldn't have settled on that rather awesome ending. Thank you for putting up with my hyper and pacing self in school with you God given gift of fantastic patience.

Next, I'd like to thank people like Chehek and Swojasi who hated the ending so much that they grilled me to know what and when and why and how and all those things (lol).

And last but not least, thank you, my lovely readers for your constant, never ending support in the journey of Claire Waters and Caleb Johnson along with their many avatars. I love writing because you love reading and that is never going to change.

Thank you all so much.


Author's Note: Hello Lovelies :) Congratulations on making it to the end of this fantastic and rather confusing journey. I understand most of you read 'The End' with a 'what? That can't be it! Where's the rest?!' kind of expression but you see, love, that's the result I wanted. If you paid attention to the title and the summary, you should have expected this :P

If you didn't pay attention then well, you are going to have to live with that itching sensation to know for the rest of your life, lol.

Most of you, those who are dedicated to the book, will probably have questions like why and what happens to Caleb/Christopher now but the answer is right there so just look for it. (No, he doesn't kill himself). If you still have doubts, you may comment or message but remember, if you ask questions I just cannot answer then I won't be able to, sorry.

And that's all for my Author's Note and Acknowledgements :)

P.S - I admit the last few chapters are a bit rushed and there is some major grammatical and spelling errors but I promise to sort those out and soon as possible and go under massive editing once I sort out my computer. That's all for now, love, until next time.

With Love,


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