IV. Break In

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You bulldozed your way into my life,
I wish I had asked why,
I should have known I was special,
To receive the monster's attention;

Skye's P.O.V

"It could be the Exorcist." I tell Sarah. Holding the phone between my shoulder and ear, I unlock my apartment door and go in. Without turning on the lights, I make a beeline to my bedroom. I'm so used to walking around, I know the ins and outs and where any objects on the way are.

"The MO was the same, Skye. I don't want to lose him again." Sarah murmurs and I can tell she is in deep thought. Every law enforcement officer has that one person that got away. For Sarah, it was the Exorcist. A man who committed three murders in the first week of June every year. This is the third year now and Sarah is hell bent on catching him.

Opening the closet, I remove a tank top and some shorts and toss them on the bed behind me. I can safely say I am an organized person and I know where all my things are.

"Or... it could be a person who's really into horror movies." I joke and close the doors. "Look, if it really is him then we will get him. For all you know, it could be some copycat."

"Okay but if it is him..."

"Then we will get him. It has been a long day Sarah. Get some sleep and give me some too." We say our good nights and end the call. Even I made an oath to get him this year. There is no way on earth I am disappointing Sarah or myself this time.

"What the fuck?!" I half shout when I turn around and notice there's a dark shadow of a man on the chair next to my bed. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" I take a step forward and narrow my eyes, I now feel the urge to turn on the lights. The strange figure laughs and turns on the lamp on my bedside table.

"No need to attack, it is only me." Christopher smiles and my eyes widen in surprise.

"You? What... How are you in my apartment?"

"Well, you did not agree to dinner so I brought dinner to you." He gives me a heart melting smile but I force myself to stay unaffected.

"How did you get in here?" I cross my arms and tap my foot. And here I was thinking about giving him another chance. Stupid, Skye, really stupid.

"Master keys." He shrugs and stands up. He must have come directly from work. Except, he got rid of his suit jacket and tie and the sleeves of his shirt are rolled up.

"You aren't permitted to have the keys. I'm calling..."

"I own the building." He cuts me off and now I'm really taken aback.

"No you don't." I say, my pitch slightly high.

"Yes I do." He smirks. "Now, the food is getting cold so let us go have a bite." He walks over to me, takes hold of my hand and leads me outside. Turning on the lights, he takes me to the kitchen. Huh, I never got the smell when I first walked in. He makes me sit at the island and I find that everything's already been arranged.

"You violated my privacy." I glare at him but he seems totally unaffected. Is that the effect I have on him then?

"You rejected my offer." He can't seem to get that bloody smile of his face. Sighing, I decide to go along with this.

"How do you know where I live?" I ask once we both are seated.

"Your name is Skye Reid, your address is listed as this place. Beautiful, might I add." He serves for the both of us. Lasagna. Looks homemade. He cooks?

"You know my name?" I raise an eyebrow. How am I not freaking out about this? I should be... going crazy. I should be calling the cops. I should be screaming his ears off and yet, yet I'm going along with this. Jesus, I need a nap. My mind seems to have stayed at the precinct.

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