XIII. The Truth Behind The Name

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I seeked justice, I seeked truth,
I yearned for revenge,
But I knew patience was the key,
To end this sweetly and well;

Skye's P.O.V

My dad left the door open for me when I texted him to say I'm on my way.

"Dad, I found him. I... I... found him." Involuntary tears well in my eyes as I get the words out between breaths. "I found him, dad. I found Caleb Johnson." I take another few steps into the living room and he puts his paper down and shoots out of his seat.

"What?" He looks surprised and I nod like a mad woman. The tears freely flowing.

"Caleb. He's Christopher, dad. He has another identity."

"How did you..."

"I can finally end it, dad. All this-"


"-pain can finally end."

"Skye..." I could barely hear his tone of warning.

"I'll get justice for them, dad."


"I've waited for so-"


"-long. I can do this. I can..."

"Claire!" He shouts, pulling me out of my reverie. My eyes snap to his face, fury clouding my vision.

"Don't you dare call me that!" I spit back with equal anger.

"Are you even listening to yourself? You'll go against Caleb? He is dangerous."

"He killed my family! I deserve justice! He left me to die when he burnt my family alive! My sister was just four, Jonathan! Just a four year old little girl who never hurt a fly!" I couldn't believe he'd deny me my fucking right.

"Revenge isn't..."

"You are not my father! You don't fucking get to tell me what I get to do! It's not like I'm going to go and shoot him dead! You taught me better than that!" A minute of silence goes by and we use the time to compose ourselves.

"Does he know who you are?" He asks first and I shrug.

"I don't know. I don't think so. If he doesn't, then I'm doing what I have to do." I stand straighter with my resolution. "I'm going to do this the right way, Jonathan. The legal way. This isn't a bloody movie where I just go and shoot the guy!"

"I just want you to stay safe, honey." He closes the distance between us and hugs me. It takes me a while but I accept it and hug back.

"Nothing is going to happen to me, dad." I sigh. "But I need to do this. I admit, the warehouse burning down was an accident. But he didn't have to go and..." a heavy lump blocks my throat and I can't finish the sentence.

"It's okay. You do what you have to do. But just stay safe, okay?" He hugs me even tighter and I nod.

"I will, dad. I promise."

I went straight to my apartment after that. I needed to think. Needed to plan my next moves. Right now, the future depended on one question. Does he know who I am or not? Thinking about it has led me to believe that he doesn't. Our meeting was a coincidence and besides, Jonathan got rid of everything that had to do with Claire Waters. For the world, she never existed. I decide to clarify my suspicions when he comes over tonight.

I feel like Fate has played some cruel joke with me. But with that comes a good thing. At least I finally found him. I didn't not die for a reason. Coming back after being pronounced dead for three minutes had a reason. And the reason was this. An opportunity to finish the things I started.

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