V. Fortunes and The Exorcist

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Hey Guys! :D

So I'm back from the worst 10 days of exams and I'm coming back with chapter five! And of course, a few others.

A little recap of what went on in the last chapter:
Christopher breaks into Skye's apartment where they have dinner and discuss the case of a serial killer who has been named the Exorcist.

Here is chapter five just for you :)


I was warned of the day,
Betrayal would come my way,
But I didn't listen,
And I fell into oblivion;

Skye's P.O.V

"Well?" I look at him with wide eyes, waiting for his verdict as he examines the sample through the microscope.

"You're right." His voice comes of as surprised. What? Am I usually not right?

"And...?" I prod him on and he leans back in his black cushioned chair with wheels. Scott Matthews is our M.E and he's one of the best. He is lean, has dirty blonde hair and wears black rimmed glasses that suit his face and brings out his vibrant brown eyes. He's smart, funny and has a killer smile. Right now, we are in the lab testing the samples of previous Exorcist cases.

"The Exorcist, as you all call him, uses Pterocarpus draco and your copycat used Coccus cacti. Whoever examined the previous cases missed that out."

"Plain English please, Scott." I have to constantly remind him that we all aren't scholars around here. "And besides, I did your job at the Roth crime scene." I grinned.

"Yes you did. Good eye by the way." He chuckles and continues, "what I meant is that the copycat used what is commonly known as a female cochineal insect for the dye, which basically gives you a vibrant shade of red whereas the Exorcist uses dragon's blood which is normally sourced from regions in East India. It has a reddish brown hue." He drives himself to the end of the table and types something in the computer. I take my chair and sit next to him. "Cochineals are mainly found in Mexico and Central America."

"Explains how he got it. But where can we find this dragon's blood?"

"India, Amazonian regions of certain places, Bolivia for example. Indonesia... it's basically resin found on the tree or other species have thorny shrubs in arid areas." He continues but I have a feeling I know exactly where I can get it in New York.

"Thanks, Scott. I think I got what I need." I smile and give him a pat on the back before heading out.

"Sarah!" I call after her and she turns around.

"What have you got?" She eagerly awaits for the results. We sit at her desk and I lean back on my chair.

"Just that it's tough to get a dragon's blood tree nearby but, our little deranged psychopath left us a clue." I grin and motion for her to unlock her computer. She does so and I type what I need in the search engine. "Our killer would probably get his requirements from sites that sell that kind of stuff and... here you go." I click on the only link that has what we need. "Ready to meet the oh so great Ivy the Witch?" I give a ear to ear grin to Sarah and she gives me one in return.

The Exorcist first began killing people two years ago. People gave him his famous name because of the way and reason why he kills his victims. He normally does it in the basement, on dining tables or on beds with the person tied down. He draws a huge circle with the usual symbols you see during casting of spells. However, where you would expect a circle of blood, he uses dragon's blood. He leaves notes that tell us the victims he killed were possessed by demons and needed to be cleansed. The only way to clean them, however, is to kill them.

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