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Jared's P.O.V.

I walked into El's mind seeing it was darker then it was a month ago. I wonder how Abaddon had found out about El... He made me question myself if he has demons against me? If he does I will find them and destroy them. Just thinking my own demons I created turning against me infuriated me, anger filled my veins causing my eyes to change to its original color. I exhaled as I thought of El she couldn't see me like this she would to afraid to even come near me. I inhaled once more for the only thing in my mind now is that I had to find her before Abaddon could.

As I looked around my surroundings I notice I was in a street with dimly light posts that were about 20 feet apart from each other, there was a bunch brick buildings and small dark business. Something about this seemed familiar as I looked around seeing if I could trigger some memory of where I had seen this place before. I got out of my daze trying to figure out where I had seen this place, hearing a piercing scream of terror coming from down the street. I started running towards the direction worried that Abaddon had gotten my El.

As I was running the light post had started turning off one by one as I passed them making everything dark. I heard rapid footsteps run towards me, I stopped on the last post that was on as I saw El with tear stained cheeks. "EL!" I ran towards her.

I grabbed her arm as I slowly wiped the tears off her face. "El your going to forget this and you'll never have nightmares again. I'll find him and destroy him. I promise." She looked utterly confused as I spoke those words but it didn't matter to me right now, I needed her to be conscious already. I kissed her forehead erasing the nightmare we were in right now from her memory causing her to wake up.

I snapped my fingers making me appear in the living room, I smiled as I saw her slowly move.

I looked at the guys sitting around her they looked down to her then up to me. I looked towards Shannon "Did you tell them?"

Shannon nodded, "Yeah I did." He looked back down to El as her eyes started to move under her eyelids.

"Good, I didn't want it to be a secret with us anymore. I need you guys to know what was happening around us. I'm sorry for not have told you myself but I know Shannon would do a good job on telling you guys." I slightly smiled, I looked down at El. I was worried for her. I was going to have to leave once she becomes conscious, I need to find out how Abaddon had escaped from Hell.

She fluttered her eyes open "Ugh my head is killing me.." Was the first thing she says, I smiled at her slightly we all chuckled at her. I crossed my arms as I looked at her. "Why are you guys sitting around me?" She looked worried but I dismissed knowing Zack would take care of it.

"You passed out and hit your head pretty hard... that is probably the cause of your headache." Zack said as he walked to El's side, he looked at his sister with so much adoration and love for his little sister it made my cold heart warm up. It was funny as they said that Lucifer could never love, yet here I am falling for on of my souls that would live all eternity with me.

"Aw crap why do I always hit my head why can't it be my arm or something?"

"I don't know maybe you shouldn't be near things when you want to pass out..." Zack laughed causing us all to chuckle.

"Fuck you." She said as she sat up on the couch. I always loved how she was feisty with her brother it was quiet cute actually, you could tell she didn't mean it as for she always smiled after saying something 'mean'.

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