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The neighbourhood we lived was beautiful we got to the house and I was shocked how beautiful it was it was a 3 story house with a wall of glass once we entered the house we starting picking our rooms I picked the biggest room in the house which was on the 3rd floor that was the only room upstairs so it took up pretty much the whole 3rd floor. I had my own bathroom Jacuzzi, standing shower and another wall of glass to see outside in the bathroom which I fell in love with I got out of the bathroom noticing a door I open it to see a view of the Hollywood sign and our pool, I went looking for the closet I entered the bathroom to see if I missed anything in there when I see a door I open to see a walk in closet it already had clothes and shoes it had a window in it a mirror and 2 chairs it was so big I fell in love. It was as big as my brothers room and his room was probably at least as big half of my room. Something told me to go all the way in i did go all the way in I looked in the mirror grabbing a dress when I see something from the corner of my eye someone walking pass the door I felt fear creep up on me "Zack stop being an ass trying to scare me!" I heard someone chuckle behind me when i felt someone grab my hips and push me up against the wall I screamed from fear. I'm not one to be scared easily. I felt their hot breathe in my neck "Babe don't be scared.." I was pissed because Jackson fucking sneaked up on me "What the fuck Jackson." when I come face to face with no one my blood ran cold I felt all the color in my face drain out of me. I turned in all direction to see if anyone was hiding but their was no one I decided to leave the closet I went to get my bag to see all my clothes spread out on my bed folded neatly. My first thought it was my brother who folded my clothes so I went down the stairs to say thank you when I was downstairs I couldn't find my brother downstairs when I look outside to see him and Jackson in the pool. I walked outside to say thank you "Hey Zack Hey Jackson!" "Hey El!" "What's up girl." "Thanks for folding my clothes and leaving them in my bed." Their faces turned to confusion "What do you mean?" "Well my clothes are upstairs folded and I thought one of you guys did it." I see worried written on my brothers face "We didn't do it. We've been out here for about 30 mins." My blood ran cold "Oh well I'm gonna go change. I'll be back." I went upstairs to get a bathing suit I went into the closet and went to the bathing suits. I changed and went back downstairs when I hear the front door open. I thought the boys had locked it I went down the stairs slowly in on the last step when I come face to face with a guy in Ray-Bans I was scared because I remember when Zack told me before we left that we had another roommate but he wasn't suppose to be here till Sunday. What if this guy is axe murder and his in our house "Who are you?" He took his Ray-Bans off his eyes were a beautiful life brown eyes "I'm Josh Edwards." He had a nice tan he was pretty attractive he was wearing a white and blue striped shirt his hair was styled in a quiff it wasn't to big not to small just the perfect length. "Can I ask why youre in my house.?" "I'm the roommate Zacks friend. That's when it clicked he's the new roommate "Oh sorry I thought you were suppose to come Sunday." "It's okay I was but I decided to go ahead and leave today. By the way nice bathing suit." he said checking out my body out I felt weird "Let me show you to your room by the way Zack is out by the pool and Jackson is here also." I said hoping he will get a hint that if he tries i'll yell for my brother. I said telling him going up the stairs.

I really wish we had another girl in this house because I need a shopping buddy like what the fuck am I suppose to do. "Here's your room Josh." I turn to face him when I bump into his chest "I'm sorry I didn't know you were that close." I rushed out "Its okay I shouldn't have been that close either." he opened the door to his room he walked in I walked in after him when I notice there was already stuff on his dresser "Hey do you guys know what cologne I wear?" "No. why?" he turned giving me a weird look "Because I only use Hugo boss red and its here." I decided I should tell him what happen with me I also saw he has clothes and hair products. When I see him walk into his closet "Y'all bought me clothes already? dang my style too." "Josh i should tell you something..." he looked at me nodding at me to go on "I also have everything up to my hair products and shampoo in my room and they had everything in my size we haven't even came to the house before this day so I don't know what the heck is going on." "Dude that is fucking creepy by the way do we all have king size beds?" I chuckled "Yeah we do which I love because I love sleeping in the middle." he grabbed some trunks from his bag when he started taking his shirt off. "I'm gonna go outside." "Okay   I'll see you in a bit." I walked downstairs ready to feel the freshness of the water when I hear a dark chuckle I stop on the 3rd step I look around to see no one Josh's door is still closed "You know doll you should cover up I don't like when guys stare at what is mine." he growled I was too stun that I couldn't say anything so I ran to the back door to get to the pool. My brother ran to me "Whats wrong!!!!" I thought for a moment I couldn't tell him what was going on then he would call mom and send me back or to an asylum I couldn't. I caught my breathe "I almost tripped." "El it looks like you've seen a ghost or something?" "No I'm just really tired and I want to swim first before I got to bed." "El are you okay?" I nodded my head "I'm fine Jackson Zack really." When Jacob comes out I was happy he came out but it also looked bad because me and him were the only ones inside the house "Josh came by the way." I saw Zack push him "STOP ZACK HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! LIKE I SAID I'M TIRED OKAY!!!" I busted out crying because I couldn't tell anyone about this not even my brother "El are you okay?" I nodded "Zack can I ask you something? Josh asked curiosity clearly on his face. Zack looked at him "Whats up?" my brothers face turned "Why does the house have appliances if yall just moved in and also how the hell does my room have all my sizes and all my products I use?" Jackson and Josh were staring at both of us "I don't know." "Don't you think this is really weird?" "No I don't. El go take a swim me and the boys are going inside. Okay." I nodded.

I waited for them to go inside so I could dive in once I heard the door closed I dived in I felt everything disappear all my fears disappear. I open my eyes in the water to see someone at the bottom of the pool something was pulling me towards it when I notice it was a man I was close to it when his eyes opened I started swimming up towards the pool when I look back to see there was nothing it was just a figment of my imagination. I got out of the pool I sat in one of the chairs so I could breathe and try to forget what I saw I think I'm seeing thing how I haven't ate since this morning before we got on the plane and the sun was already setting. once I calmed down I went inside the house smelling Chinese food "El your on time the food just got here!" Jackson said. all 3 were showered and changed in their PJ's "How long was i in there?" "For about 3 hrs." I was shocked it only felt for about 10 mins "Okay well I'm gonna shower then i'll come eat."

Once I showered and changed into some coca cola PJ's I had packed and braided my hair I ran downstairs to get my food when something caught my eye going into the bathroom. something told me to follow it but I decided against it I was starving I went to the kitchen seeing them all eating "Finally!!" Josh said we laughed "Hey leave me alone." I stuck my tongue out at him they chuckled "Alright here's your food El." my brother handed my food "Hey after this wanna watch a film?" Jackson said "I dont know man me and El have to get up early to get her signed up for college before they take all the classes. Maybe tomorrow night yeah." "Yeah we can do that." "Well if y'all don't mind I'm gonna watch a film my nigs." Josh said I swear that boy is something. Once we finished eating we headed upstairs to sleep except for Josh he stayed downstairs we said our good nights. I went into my room left one of the lamp on and went to bed.

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