Another day with Calum ❤️

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I wake up to Noah's cry. I look over to see Calum getting up to grab him. I was so lucky to have such a great father for my child. As soon as cal holds him in his arms Noah quietening down.
I remember that me and the girls ha to do a shoot this morning with cara so I hop into the shower.
I kiss Calum and promise him every thing will be okay. He gets really worried now since the incident. I kiss Noah on the forehead and leave for my car. I'm driving me and the girls as I was obsessed with my baby. They hop in and we put 5sos on. We start singing loudly to English love affair, just like we did when we first met. The next song was American idiot, Hollie loved it as Michael had many parts. Calum just sounded to innocent and Luke sounded like a god. The journey was about 2 hours. When we got there we headed straight in for Jay j. Cara was already there so we walked over and said hi. We had become really close to her.
I get a text from cal 'did you get there okay? Noah's been fed and is napping. Might invite the lads over so I can help luke with the little one? Is that okay? Xox'
I reply 'the journey was good! Might book a hotel tonight as the shoot won't finish till late and I don't want to drive bck in the dark! And yeah pizza in the fridge for michael😉🍕love you xox'
He replies again 'okay baby FaceTime me later? Love you more and j bet you look hot asf in Tht summer shoot!" I giggle at at the text.
"Girls are we alright staying in a hotel tonight? The boys are staying at mine?" I say putting my phone down.
"Yeah sure" Hollie says!
"yeah course! Bet you're nervous leaving little Noah a night on his own with cal?" Lucy says
"I am freaking out!" I laugh "cal will be okay though! I left pizza just incase!"
"Oh micahel will be fine then!" Hollie says looking at her phone as she got a message.
"Oh my god Michael is too cute!" She says looking at her phone.
"Why?" I ask
"He messaged me a photo of the boys cuddling Dylan and noah! Look how he's holding Noah! Ahh I love him! And he wrote pika pika!!" She squeals
We all sit smiling at the photo for ages. Lucy also gets a text from luke letting her know he's at mine. He writes about how his lips miss hers already! Ohhh he's mushier than I thought!
We do the shoot which was fun then go to the hotel at 10pm. We go to the restaurant and have dinner. We choose not to drink as hollies pregnant and she'd be the only sober one. When we get back to the room Lucy and Hollie fall asleep and I FaceTime cal.
"hey babe!" He says
"Hi how's Noah? Everything gone alright?" I say instantly
"Yes he's fine! I can tell you're worrying" he says smiling
Aghh his smile kills me everytime
"I can't help it! He's my little angel! How have the boys been?" I ask
"Beth? Shut the fuck up you loser?" Hollie says throwing a pillow at my face.
"I've got to go cal! I love you loads see you tomorrow morning" I say hanging up.
"Thank you!" Hollie says
"Sorry! Night lovelies" I say rolling over.
The next morning I was up super early as I just wanted to get home to see Noah and cal. Hollie was sick throughout the night because of morning sickness. I never had it so I was super sympathetic. I held her hair each time whilst Lucy got water.
We all had breakfast then got Into the car. Hollie slept on the way back so me and Lucy just chatted.
When I pulled up outside I could hear the boys in the pool at Ashton's. Me and the girls walk over. Cal runs over to me, picks me up and chucks me in the pool.
"Calum you arsehole" I scream!
"Shhh the baby's asleep in the buggy" he says kissing me. Lucy and Luke are playing with Dylan. Micahel and Hollie are talking with Ashton.
Noah starts to cry so Hollie grabs him and feeds him so me and cal can keep swimming.
" Thanks Hollie" I shout
"Don't be silly" she says back trying not to disturb Noah too much.
Micahel stands over Hollie pulling faces. Me and cal just watch smiling.
Luke and Lucy alongside Ashton all jump in the pool with Dylan. Luke starts dunking Lucy and they start play fighting. Dylan wants to come to me so luke brings him over.
"Hello little one" I say smiling.
"Are you going to auntie beth an uncle cal?" Luke says smiling at Dylan.
"Yeah!!!!!" Dylan shouts.
I grab him and Calum's starts pulling faces at Dylan making him laugh. Me and Luke start talking.
"Hello Lucas! Again a long time no talk!" I say
"We spoke yesterday?" He says confused
"Exactly!" I laugh. I pass Dylan to Calum so I can start attacking luke. I start splashing him and he picks me up and chucks me. Ashton and Lucy start doing the same. This was so much fun. Eventually we all got out and I finally got to cuddle my little baby boy. He smiled as soon as he saw me. My heart completely melted. "Right my lovelies! Me and cal are going to shoot off as I need a shower and we're going out for dinner!" I say smiling.
"Do you want us to look after Noah?" They all offered. I look at cal and he nods. We weren't going to be long so it was okay.
"Okay yeah sure!" I say. I'll run some bits over. It was 6 when we left and we would be back by 9 so they'd only need 1 feed for Noah and a couple of nappies.
I get dressed into a black skater dress and add the shoes cal bought me and a gold necklace. Cals in a shirt and black skinny jeans with black vans on. We get into his car and he drives to the restaurant. When we arrive there is loads of paparazzi. Luckily Dave was waiting for us. We walked in and got seated. It was a posh place but I still ordered burger and chips.
"I love how you eat like a real lady" he says smiling at me as I bit Into my huge burger.
"Haha I love how you eat like a real man" I say sarcastically looking at his salad. We laugh the night away before leaving at half 8.
We get back and walk to micahel and hollies. They are all watching a film and Dylan and Noah are asleep in their buggies.
"Hi guys!" I say
"Hello!" Lucy says.
"How was he?" Cal asks with his hand round my waist.
"Absolutely perfect!" Hollie smiles at me.
"Ahh that's great news!" I say. I giggle as I notice micahel and Luke snuggled up next to eachother asleep. I take a photo and post it onto Twitter.
Look at these two sweethearts 😉❤️
I posted it and within seconds fans were commenting. I didn't mind.
"Thank you guys! We really appreciate it! We bought you a little something something" I say reaching Into my bag. I pulled out a bottle of wine for lucy and chocolate for Hollie And Calum handed over some beer.
We left by 10 and Noah was wide awake. We sat on the sofa with Noah between us. We started planning the wedding. I booked an appointment to try dresses for me an the girls and cal booked suit appointments. We were getting married in 2 months.
When Noah had fallen asleep we all went up to bed. As I lay in bed I gradually got more and more excited about getting married. Not only was I with Calum Hood I was going to marry him! I couldn't believe how my life had turned out! ❤️

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