2 years later...

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So it's been two years. Lucy had her baby with luke. They name him Dylan Lucas Hemmings. Such a sweet kid. He was now 1 and a bit. He looks up to us all and calls us all aunties and uncles. They were also engaged. Hollie and Michael are married now. It was an incredible marriage and was so beautiful. It was Fairly recent aswell. All the boys did a speech  and all time low played a few songs alongside with good Charlotte. No one really understands how they got them to play but it was awesome for Hollie.
Ashton and Bryana are still together. They are just coasting a long... Haven't really done anything important.
Me and Calum... Well we've been coasting along but I was now heavily pregnant with our first child. I was 8 months. Anytime now the nurses told me! Calum had also proposed but it wasn't a major thing at the moment we were all very busy. We had all bought houses on this road. At the end of it was 4 big houses. It was in the uk and we had them built specifically for us. Me and Calum were number 3. I chose this because my dad and my grandad both lived at number 3 so it fitted perfectly. The boys had finished tour for a little while. They started again in a bout a year. It's may now.
I sat in my living room watching a film with Hollie and Lucy. The boys were out doing a meet and greet thing in London. About 10 miles from where we lived. Bryana was again in America modelling. Dylan sat talking to my bump. He couldn't really make functioning sentences yet but it was so sweet to watch.
"Are you talking to your cousin Dylan?" I say
He nods his head "lil baby" he says forcing out words.
"That's right Dylan! Mummy's very proud" Lucy praised.
Dylan gave me a cuddle.
"Hollie do you reckon you'll ever have kids?" I ask
"I think in the future maybe but not yet. I don't think Michael's quite mature enough" she says
"Yeah I think you might be right considering he ran round the house shouting pika... And I could here it from my house and I'm no.1 and you're no.2" Lucy laughs.
"Yeah sorry about that! Can't control him after too many coffees!" Hollie explains also giggling.
Each of the houses had 4 bedrooms. Me and Calum had painted the little ones room yellow as we weren't sure on the sex of it yet.
The boys came home at around 6 and as it was a Sunday I decided to cook everyone a roast. It went down a treat. Lucy and Luke left at about 9pm because of Dylan and the others left at around 11pm.
I tidied up and got into bed by 12am.
I woke suddenly with sudden pains in my stomach.
"CAL WAKE UP" I scream!
"Fuck fuck fuck you're giving birth aren't you!" He gets up panicking.
"Uh huh babe get my bag I packed you need to drive me to the hospital" I say in short spouts through deep breathes. I get out of bed and walk to the car. Cal gets in his Audi TT that he still has because it's his baby! He beeps twice like we said we would to the others if I was to start contracting at night.
He starts driving
"Okay baby deep breathes" he says speeding up
We get to the hospital and as I walk in o fall on th floor in pain. The nurses come running through.
"Hi I'm Jackie!" This women says helping me into a wheel chair. Calum looks terrified as he grabs my hand. We  get Into the labour ward and I'm put on a bed. The contractions last another 3 hours. They gave me gas and air but Calum and Luke had lost of it. Calum don't leave my side however he was giggling a lot. Dylan was with Lucy and Hollie in the waiting room, alongside Michael and ash. Luke and ash swap and my mum is also here with me. I start to push and in about half hour our little angel had arrived into our world. I notice Calum crying. He kisses me on the forehead. It was a little boy. He weighed 6oz 10 and was born at 7:30 am on the 26th may. He was beautiful. Everyone held him and cooed over him. Even little Dylan. We decided to name him Noah Jake Hood. Jake comes from my brothers name. He was already adored by so many. The band members an their girls left so my family and cals family could meet the little angel. Calum was lucky his family was in the uk at the time.
We take him home at around midday. He's in a little white baby grow. I go to bed and Leave Calum cooing over Noah. I'm woken by Noah's cry. I smile.
I walk downstairs to change shifts with Calum. I had been asleep a total of  45 minutes before Noah needed feeding. As I breast fed I needed to wake up.
Calum gives him to me and I walk him upstairs into the rocking chair in his bedroom. Calum sits and sings to him.
He falls asleep and I put him in the Moses basket in our room as he was too little to be left alone. Me and Calum's decide to get pizza for tea as neither of us can be bothered to cook. By 8 o clock Noah had been changed twice and fed again and out back into bed.
Me and cal climbed in bed. I was very sore from giving birth to Noah so I snuggled up next to Calum with my head on his chest. I look up to him. He kisses my forehead
"I love you beth" he says
"I love you Calum" I say back kissing him. We got 5 hours sleep which was a good amount considering he was only born yesterday. It was 3 am and I was happy to en awake. I doubt this would be lasting long. By 4 he was asleep again and I got back into bed to be woken again by 8. These were such good times. Cal gets up and brings him in.
"Here you go babe" he says passing him to me carefully.
"Thank you cal. I don't suppose you fancy cooking one hungry mummy some food?" I hint
"Finneeeee" he says going out. He comes back 10 minutes later with beans on toast and a cup of tea. He puts it next to me and I give him Noah to burp him. We were going shopping today for some boy clothes.
Calum had already tweeted where we were going and that if they see us to be quiet an calm- then they could meet Noah.
We got into the car and we decided a new car was definetely needed. So we decided to go to Range Rover. We decided on a beautiful white with black wheels Range Rover evoque. This was my baby!
It would take 2 weeks to be shipped here as it was custom to us.
After this we went baby shopping. We saw many fans and who were so calm around us. Dave came along just incase. They all said hello and were nice and quiet. we spent quite a bit of money.
I had carried on with modelling throughout my pregnancy as a mummy model. It was much funner. I was now 22, engaged, a mother and a model. My life was amazing.
We got home and I fed Noah whilst Calum unpacked the clothes. We then invited the band members round with Lucy Hollie and Bryana as she'd flown back to meet Noah. She loved him and bought lots of expensive clothes. Little Noah was spoilt rotten.
By 6pm Noah was in bed after his feed and bath and everyone had left so we could rest. I cooked a lasagne for me and cal. Calum put the radio on in the kitchen and we danced around to greenday like we did when we weren't parents and were reckless teenagers. Sometimes I forget how young we are. Cal was spinning me round. I kissed him. It felt so much different now we were parents. I loved him so much.

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