1 week

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"1 week girls!" I say as we eat our dinner.
"Yes! Thank god! It feels like forever!" Laughed Lucy. "oh Dylan eat your food properly will you!" She said quickly turning to see Dylan smudging pasta down his front.
"I'm not looking forward to that" Hollie said sipping her water.
"Noah isn't quite at that stage yet thankfully! Although he's getting really good at pulling hair!" I say right as my phone rings.
Cal 💞 comes up on the screen. I answer
"Why hello Beth? How's dinner?" He says mysteriously"
"It's good! Why??" I say as I pass Noah over to Hollie for a cuddle.
"Just wondering, checking up on my fiancée" he laughs
"Right okay then you little freak! What are you doing?" I say
"Chilling with the boys!" He says
" who's house?" I say concerned as I hear a smash and Michael shout "Fuck"
"Ours but don't worry it's under control!" He says reassuringly!
"It better be! I got to go we have a late meeting in a hour! Love you babe!" I say
"Bye, love you!" He answers.
"What did he want?" Hollie says cooing over Noah
"Just asking how dinner was!" I say pushing my food round the plate. " you okay with him?" I say nodding at Noah. Hollie nods back.
"are the boys round?" Lucy asks
"Yep and I think Mikey broke my vase!" I say laughing.
"Oh typical! Knew it! And he's going to be a dad lets not forget!" Hollie giggles.
"It doesn't matter! They're boys!"
After a little while of chit chattering about the wedding we leave. Hollie and Lucy go back to theirs to finish the meeting in the phone we were having before Dylan got grumpy. As I walk in all I can smell is beer and pizza.
"Boyssss!" I yell with a sleepy Noah in my arms.
Ashton is the first one I see. He comes over to me giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He also kisses Noah on the forehead.
"Ash where are they?" I ask looking concerned
"Erm, the garden" he say as if he wasn't supposed to say anything. "Can I have a cuddle with the Little one?" He asks
"Yeah of course!" I say passing Noah over then walking into the kitchen to see a huge bonfire in the back garden.
"Calum what is this?" I say smiling pointing at the mess.
He gets up and gives me a kiss before explaining that the boys wanted to burn some old stuff. And they felt adventurous in doing so.
I laughed it off.
"By the way Luke and Michael, Hollie and Lucy are at home finishing a meeting, so you might want to pop home soon" I say hinting. I didn't mind the boys being here but I was so tired from all the meetings I just wanted To get into bed.
I walk back into the house and find ash snuggled up with Noah.
"Thank you Ash" I say sitting next I him.
"No worries! He's a little dude! Takes after his mum I think!" He says looking at me
"Does that mean I'm a dude?" I say raising my eyebrows
"I mean it as in cool not like a man!" He says giggling.
"Right I'm going to get Noah to bed and have a bath. Can you tell cal" I say picking Noah.
"Yeah sure, might see you later" ash says
"Okay cool!" I say walking up the stairs.
I finally get Noah to sleep which was difficult because Luke had too many beers and decided swimming was a great thing to do. I swear I was going to kill Calum. He knows the boys have to leave or quieten down when Noah's in bed.
After an hour of laying in bed listening to he racket I walk downstairs.
"Calum!" I say working into the garden. I was wearing the greenday top I wore when we were younger.
"Babe?" He says turning round.
"Get in here now!" I say walking i to ten kitchen.
"They need to go! I hate to kick them out but I can't sleep!" I say angrily.
"What's wrong with you?" He answers, drunk Cal was an utter douchebag.
"What's wrong with me? I've been upstairs getting OUR son to sleep for the past hour! I couldn't have a bath because I was too tired and now I can't sleep! Don't even think about answering back like a douche other wise the couch is your bed for tonight" I say turning to leave.
"Babe, wait? Don't get angry! I'll ask them to leave!" He said grabbing my hand.
"Yeah I know you will!" I say snatching my hand back. As I walk out I hear Cal punch the wall.
About an hour later he comes up to bed. I had been sat crying on the phone to Lucy and Hollie for a good 40 minutes. He came in as I was looking in the bathroom mirror.
"Babe..." He says
"What Calum?" I say carrying on plaiting my hair!
"I'm sorry!" He says putting his hand on my waist.
"Really though cal? How can I trut you! You were oblivious to my suffering this evening!" I say wiping tears from my face.
"Baby please, it's a one off, this has never happened before" cal says getting upset. "Please beth, please don't do this to me!" He pleads putting his hands either side o my face
"Why are you so cute, fucking arsehole!" I say smiling as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs.
He doesn't say anything but kisses my forehead softly.
"I love you Calum"
"I Love you more"

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