Chapter 6

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"Well, don't you look handsome?"

I swallowed down all the doubts and protests I had bubbling inside of me, trying to surface, and just let Pete compliment me.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I said with a grin, slightly nudging his shoulder. This would be our first date, officially as a thing, since he kissed me. I wasn't expecting us to become a thing really, but hey, I wasn't complaining.

Pete offered his hand to me, and I took it, again pushing down my doubts. This was also the first time we've ever held hands, and I gotta say, my hand was just buzzing with electricity.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked from my apartment complex to his car.

"I thought we'd go see the Hollywood Walk of Fame." He said with a huge grin as we climbed into his car.

I turned towards him excitedly.

"I've been wanting to do that!"

He smiled warmly and nodded.

"Let's go then."

The drive there was rather silent. Our hands stayed connected as we drove down the street that was exploding with life and color. I loved living here. It truly felt magical.

It took us longer than expected to arrive at our destination, but I was sure we were both completely okay with that. There was something about just sitting beside him, holding his hand that made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. It was a strange, foreign feeling.

"Aaaaaaaaaaand, we're here!"

My head snapped up immediately, taking in my surroundings. There were a few people crowding the streets, but not nearly as much as I expected. It was also getting quite dark out, so with that, we would surely blend in.

Letting go of his hand felt extremely wrong, but it had to be done because, well, we had to get out of the car eventually. When we stepped out, I didn't hesitate to lock our hands together once more, glancing up to catch his eye.

He had a huge grin spread across his face, and I couldn't help but return the gesture. As said before, Pete's smile and Pete's laugh was simply contagious. You couldn't not be happy around the guy.

"I really wanna see Elvis' handprints. I hadn't got to see those yet."

My eyes stayed locked with his as we spoke. "You like Elvis?"

Pete just smiled, glancing away. "Guilty pleasure." He mumbled, explaining the whole Elvis thing. I never really pegged Pete as the kinda guy to be into music like that, but it's just all the more reason to like him.

We walked slowly, our shoulders pressed together as we made our way down to Elvis' handprints. I'm sure we passed several handprints that I'd regret ignoring later, but at that moment, all I wanted to see was Pete.

"I think it's somewhere around here." Pete mumbled, furrowing his brows as he stared at the ground. I let my my gaze drift towards the ground, helping him search for the deceased celebrities name.

"I'm not seeing it."

With a loud groan escaping his lips, he walked a little faster, his eyes still glued to the ground. "It's got to be here somewhere."

"Let's just keep walking, Pete."

He then slowed his pace, throwing me a apologetic smile, which I accepted. "Yeah, yeah, okay."

We walked for about two more minutes before Pete dropped my hand, and raced over to the handprints which I assumed were Elvis'.

"You really like Elvis, huh?" I asked, ignoring how cold my hand felt now that it wasn't locked with his. He glanced up from the handprints, smiling at me. "My moms a huge fan. She loves him, so I kinda grew up listening to him."

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