Chapter 15

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"Can you even cook?" I asked with a smirk, watching him as he attempted to make mac n cheese, of all things.

He rolled his eyes.

"I cooked Pasta for you that night! You've got to remember that." He said, and yeah, I remembered it clear as day.

"That was the night we first kissed." He said shortly after, giving me no time to respond to what he last said. I remember our first kiss perfectly. I was actually my first kiss of like, all kisses, so you could say it meant a lot.

"How could I forget?"

He smiled, continuing to cook the Mac n Cheese. It was a easy dish to cook, but of course, leave it to Pete to make things difficult. It was when the small yellow noodles began to turn black that we both flipped out.

Pete swore loudly, turning off the stove immediately. Unable to control myself, I doubled over and held my stomach as I laughed loudly, my laughter filling the room. Pete however, didn't find it quite as funny, and swatted my arm with his hand. And I wouldn't ever admit it, but it actually kinda hurt. What can I say? I was a weak little dude.

"You're an asshole." He grumbled, fanning the food. I laughed again.

"And you're an awful cook."

"I am not!" He protested, even though we knew that he most definitely was. I simply smiled in response, which he returned, although he was still pretending to be grumpy at me calling him a bad cook. He wasn't that bad of a cook if I'm being completely honest, but if I had the opportunity to cook instead of him, we both know we would take it.

"Just let it cool down, and then we can eat." He said, stirring the Mac n Cheese in some strange attempt to cool it off. I didn't understand how stirring it could possibly make it cool any faster, but I was just going to let him be him.

He then turned, so our faces were only inches apart. My breathing hitched when I felt his breath against my face.

"What should we do until then?" I smirked, running my hands up and down his sides. He sighed.

"I know what you're doing, Trick, and it's so not fair because you're not ready to get down and dirty yet, you ass. So right now, we're going booty dance our way over to that couch, and suck each other's faces off while this food cools. Kay?"

I felt my cheeks heat up as I nodded. "Yeah okay. I'm not booty dancing, though."

He laughed breathily and led me to the couch, plopping down first before he pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. It was an extremely comfortable position. Personal favorite for making out with Pete.

He leaned in first, starting with small butterfly kisses against my jaw, then trailing down to my neck. He kept his mouth there for about ten seconds before he worked his way back up to my mouth, our lips moving in sync as we kissed.

A whimper escaped my lips as his tongue darted out, swiping against my bottom lip, almost as if he was begging me for entrance, which I granted him immediately. I whimpered even louder when our tongues met, and I was absolutely certain it was a feeling I would never get tired of.

You'd think it would be horrifically gross. You know, having your tongue moving around in someone else's mouth, and their tongue doing the same to you. Your saliva mixing together but if there is one thing I've learned about being in love, it's that some people are worth swallowing saliva for. Pete was that person for me.

Our tongues wrestled, fighting for dominance. Neither of us wanted to give in, so neither of us did. I lost track of the time as our lips moved together, and our tongues tangled, wandering hands that were doing just that; wandering.

Pete tried to slip his hand under my shirt a countless amount of times, and each and every time I would swat it away, much to his dismay. I, however, was granted to full access to run my hands under Pete's shirt, feeling what I like to call absolute abdominal heaven. In other words, Pete was fuhkin ripped, man.

His skin was absolutely coated in chill bumps as I touched him and I loved it. I loved knowing that something as simple as my hands running down his chest had such an effect on him. And since I wouldn't allow him access under any clothes, he settled on rubbing his hands up and down my sides, and while that wasn't any skin on skin contact, it still gave me chills. Hell, Pete  looking at me gave me chills.

"Patrick." He gasped against my lips, but I didn't pull away, and reattached our lips. I didn't want this kiss to end.

"We've gotta eat." He mumbled a few seconds later, and shit, add this to another reason I absolutely hate eating. It was kinda like that feeling in the morning before you go to school and you really don't want get out of bed, but you have to. That's what this was like. I didn't want to stop kissing Pete, and in my opinion I didn't have to, but Pete had other ideas.

He was the first to pull away, even though I tried to stop him. I tried to pull him back, to reconnect our lips, but he just laughed and grabbed my hips, making me roll off of him. I immediately felt cold.

"I wanna keep kissing you." I whined, and he laughed again, placing a kiss to my forehead. That's not the kind of kiss I meant.

"We've gotta eat." He said, and he was right, I knew he was right, but that didn't make the situation suck any less. It only made it suck more, actually.

He smiled at me and pulled me into the kitchen, where the Mac n Cheese was cooled off now, and it led me to wondering how long we had actually been kissing. It felt like seconds.

Pete made two bowls of yellow (with some black) little noodles drenched in cheese, and sure, it looked disgusting but I would eat anything Pete cooked for me. It's Pete. That's what love is, right? Eating each other's awful cooking with a huge smile on your face. That was love to me, at least.

We sat down at the diner table, even though I knew Pete wanted to eat in the living room. He was sweet like that.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" He asked, stuffing his mouth with the Mac n Cheese. I swallowed, looking down at my bowl, taking a small bite.

"Nothing really, just watched TV. Days without you are boring."

His lips twitched up into a small smile, and I could've sworn a blush was coming on, but he hung his head so I couldn't see.

"Why don't you ever go back to your place?"

I thought for a second. I hadn't been to my apartment since I went home that night we fought, and before that, I barely spent any time at the place. I had no idea why I was still paying rent when I spent all my days with Pete. Honestly, I thought it would've been a smarter idea to just move in with him, but we hadn't been dating for even half a year yet, so it really wasn't something to consider. We had already moved fast enough.

"I like staying with you. I love you." I said, my voice hinting that I was blushing.

"Then why don't you just move in?" He smirked, and okay, I could pretend my heart didn't just skip a beat no matter how difficult it proved to be.

"We haven't been together that long. We'd be moving too fast, Pete. You know that." I sighed, because I honestly believed that if I moved in now, we'd find out later that we want to break up, and then I'd be stuck homeless and probably sleeping on Meagans couch. I just wanted to be sure that this was going to last a long time before I went and made decisions that I'd regret later.

"Just think about it, okay?"

I smiled and nodded, even though I knew I wouldn't think about it, and the answer was no.

For now, anyways.

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