Chapter 18

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"Shit Trick, I will never get over how much stuff you have." Pete sighed, leaning back against the wall as we packed the last of my things into the last box. I laughed.

"You know, we won't need most of this." I commented, digging into one box and picking up a random fork. "Like, you already have silverware."

He glared at me, probably out of annoyance because I made him pack each and every fork, spoon, and knife I owned as neat as possible. It probably took him about an hour to get it perfect, and he thought I was some perfectionist but honestly, I just thought it was funny.

Pete opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a light knock on the door. I didn't even have to answer it before Meagan sauntered in, a huge grin on her face.

"Well well well, I thought I heard you two here! How's the packing going?" She asked with a smile.

We decided that we would move in together about a week ago, and of course Meagan was the first to know. We told the rest of the group eventually, but we both agreed that we were closer to her than any of them.

Pete was the first to respond, pushing himself off the wall and giving Meagan some sort of half hug. Pete was good at those awkward little hugs but when it came to me, I swear he would crush my bones.

"We've just finished. Thanks for the help, MJ." He rolled his eyes. Meagan just laughed, tossing her hair to the side.

"Oh you didn't need it. Besides, I was the one who helped unpack all this stuff in the first place."

That's when I spoke up, clearly remembering the first night I met Meagan, when she helped me unpack all the shit I had. And I have a lot.

"And I'm still very thankful for that." I said with a smile. I turned my head to glance at Pete, but he was already staring at me, and it caused my heart to do the flutter thing.

"Yeah yeah." She smiled, pulling me out of the peterick trance as I liked to call it.

"Babe, I am so tired. I really don't feel like moving these boxes." Pete groaned, letting himself lean up against the wall again. I sighed, too. I didn't feel like moving these boxes either. I hadn't a real meal in like, four days, so to say I felt weak would be an understatement. At least I was beginning to look okay, though. I mean, I guess I was.

"Why don't you two just crash at my place tonight? You can take the spare room."

Pete and I exchanged glances, but two very different glances at that. While he looked happy and thrilled by the idea, I seemed a little cautious. These boxes weren't going to move themselves..

It was when Pete gave me his signature puppy dog eye sad face thingy look that I caved in, wanting to make an awww sound but nope, that was way too gay.

"Alright, yeah. Thanks MJ." I smiled, kissing her cheek softly. Pete scoffed, faking jealousy which resulted in both Meagan and I laughing. He just looked offended.

"Have you two eaten yet?" Meagan asked as she tried to catch her breath from the laughing fit she just pitched moments ago. We hadn't eaten, and I'm sure Pete would love to eat something, but me not so much.

"We could eat." Pete spoke, not giving me a second glance as he walked over to me and placed his hand on my lower back.

"Cool, I just ordered Pizza. Let's go!"


"Patrick. Eat this motherfucking piece of pizza before I shove it down your damn throat."

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