Chapter 8

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"Pete, stop." I whined. We were in his bedroom, watching a movie on the ridiculously large TV he had in there.

He didn't respond, and only continued to kiss at my neck, sucking and biting softly every now and then. The whole situation was making me extremely comfortable.

Once I realized there was no getting through to him, I stopped complaining and allowed him to cover my neck in love bites, even though the idea didn't exactly thrill me. It was when his hand began traveling further and further down that I had to draw a line.

I gripped his wrist, stopping his actions. "Stop."

When I let go of his hand, it was like he forgot what I had just told him to do, because literally one second later, his hand was moving further down once again. I bit my lip, and stopped him again.

"Please stop." I tried, but again, when I let go of his hand, he continued his actions. I was beginning to get fed up with it around the fourth time.

When he did it the fifth time, I decided that I would be having absolutely none of it. I yanked away, scoffing as he whined in protest.

"Come back." He groaned, reaching out for me, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Do you not know what stop means?" I asked, glaring at me. Pete sighed.

"You're no fun." He pouted and yeah, he was probably right. I wouldn't give him what he wanted after what? Two and a half months of dating? No fun at all.

"Well if I'm no fun, why are you even dating me?" I said back. He tossed his head back, but not exactly the same way he did when he was laughing. This was completely different.

"Oh come Trick, don't get all worked up over this. It's not big deal." He said, trying to move closer to me, but he was wrong. This was a big deal.

"No, Pete!" He rolled his eyes again. "This is a big deal, and I don't like you pressuring me like that. And I certainly don't like you calling me 'no fun.'" I said, air quoting the no fun.

He pushed himself up from his bed and flattened his hands over his shirt.  "Whatever, Patrick."

I watched carefully, counting every step as he walked out of his bedroom into the living room. I might've been going crazy, but I could've sworn he was walking differently. Do people walk differently when they're upset? I don't know.

I followed him, of course, and sighed when I saw him sat on the couch, flipping through the channels.

"We were watching a movie, ya know." I reminded him, crossing my arms, but he just shrugged. I stood there for a seconds, trying to figure out what to say, before I just gave in.

"I'm going home. I'll talk to you later." I said, grabbing my phone off of his counter, and slipping on my shoes.

"Wow, okay." He scoffed, which resulted in me glaring at him.

"Bye Pete."


I sighed loudly as I stepped into my apartment, dropping my keys into the dish bowl. My stomach growled rather loudly, almost immediately, reminding me that I hadn't eaten much of anything all day. I had some frozen yogurt with Pete earlier, but that was about it.

When I opened the fridge, I mentally thanked my past self for forcing me to go grocery shopping. I pulled out a container of strawberries, deciding that that those would have to hold me off until it was time to cook something dinner. I had originally planned on eating dinner with Pete, but things didn't go exactly the way I had planned. After about six strawberries, I put the container away and sighed.

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