Chapter 21

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"Yeah, he's sleeping. I'll tell him you said hey, though."

My eyes blinked open and were immediately met with Pete, talking to someone on the phone, back pressed against the headboard.

"Who is that?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes, trying to make everything a little more clear. It worked a little bit.

Pete mouthed the name Kayla, and I sighed, closing my eyes again, as if I were alseep. I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation, and roughly 1 minute later, I felt the warmth of Pete's arms as they tightened around me.

I kept my eyes closed, and leaned into him. He kissed my head, and I couldnt think of time when I felt more content, or more safe. I decided that Pete's arms were where I belonged.

His lips touched my head again, resulting in my eyelids fluttering. It was a good feeling.

"You awake?" He whispered. He was so close that I could feel his breath on my skin. I sighed, slowing opening my eyes to see Pete, looking down at me.

"No." I mumbled, trying to close all the space between us and move somehow closer, even though I was sure it wss humanly impossible to be any closer to Pete than I was at that moment.

"It's unpacking day."

Pete's hand began stroking my back. I never wanted to move.

"No." I said again, attempting to close my eyes, but it was difficult to not look at Pete. Especially in the morning.

He chuckled, and my heart did a backflip.

"We can't put it off any longer, Trick." Another chaste kiss was planted on my head.

"Yes we can." I whined, pleaded, begged. I knew it wasn't true, and I knew I'd eventually get myself up out of bed and get started with the day, but I could pretend that it wasn't unpacking day for a few more minutes.

Pete laughed again, and I couldn't help but peek my eyes open, glancing at him as the smile spread to his eyes. He met my gaze, and the smile shrunk into a small grin.

"You're awake." He stated. I was gonna deny it, close my eyes again and stay just where I was, but we were wasting time, and I didn't even know what time it was.

"What time is it?"

Pete glanced to his left, eyes searching for the alarm clock. Seconds later, his eyes returned to mine. "9:20."

9:20 was early. Not to Pete, because was always up at the crack of dawn, but to me, 9 fucking 20 was absolutely insane. Ridiculous. It went against everything Ive ever believed in.

"You want some breakfast?" He asked, cutting through my thoughts.

I shook my head, and Pete sighed, but he didn't say anything. I didn't say anything either. He crawled out of bed eventually, padding towards our closet and pulling out a t shirt I hadn't noticed he had. When he pulled it on over his head, I decided that I liked it on him, and I made a mental note to make sure he wears it more often.

Then Pete disappeared into the bathroom.

As the seconds passed, I gave in to responsibility that was eating away at me, and used all my strength to pull myself out of bed, untangling myself from the sheets. I was still dressed in my pajamas, but I figured it'd be just us unpacking, so I couldn't find a reason to change into some actual clothes.

I didn't bother making the bed, or cleaning up anything, and just walked out of our room and into the living room, where I was greeted by the sight of what looked like a million of boxes, just begging to be unpacked. I guess Pete brought them inside. I despised those boxes.

Wandering into the kitchen, I found a freshly made pot of coffee. I wondered when Pete woke up, because it clearly wasn't minutes before I did if he had the time to get out of bed, and pour himself some coffee.

I don't know.

"I made coffee." I whirled around and saw Pete, arms crossed and leaning against the doorframe. He looked amused.

"I saw."

He nodded, pushing himself up and walking over to me, pressing his lips against mine.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"You sure you don't want any breakfast? I don't mind making you something."

I offered Pete a sympathetic smile. "No, not, I'm okay. I'm not really hungry this morning. Let's just unpack this stuff, so we can get it out of the way and get on with our lives.

Pete nodded in agreement, kissing me again. "At least drink some coffee."

I nodded, looking down, listening to Pete's footsteps as he walked to the cabinet and pulled out one of his mugs, pouring the black coffee into it. I watched as the smoke clouded the air.

"What do you want in it?" He asked.

I shook my head in a swift movement. "Plain back is just fine."

He nodded, gripping the mug carefully, carrying it to me and placing it in my hands, doing his best to make sure I didn't spill it.

"For you, love."

"Thanks, Pete."

"Shall we get started with the boxes?"

I sighed. "We shall."


"Jesus fucking Christ, Patrick Stump, why the hell do you have so many fucking pictures? What the hell are we gonna do with them?"

I groaned, scooting a little closer to Pete and peeked into the rather large box full of pictures from my birth until right before I left home.

"We could just leave them in the box, put them away somewhere."

Pete rolled his eyes, picking up one of the pictures, glancing at it. It was a picture of me in a suit, smiling wide.

"You look good. I wanna keep this one."

My cheeks turned pink, and he laughed, noticing it.

"Go ahead."

He shut the box after tucking away the picture of me, and pushed it away. We had been going through boxes for about 4 hours, unpacking things and throwing away things that I didn't care to keep. We only had 2 boxes left and there only filled with clothes, so we were much done.

Pete's apartment looked like home, felt like home. Pete felt like home.

Pete was home to me.

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