Chapter 9

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"So, boyfriend, huh?" Elisa asked, her voice hinting that she was smirking.


A loud sigh escaped her lips, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I swear, Trick! You never tell me anything!"

I laughed down the phone, hearing the echo of my laugh a split second later. It kinda bothered me, but I ignored it to the best of my ability.

"Well.." I trailed off. She sighed.

"Worst. Friend. Ever." She said, pausing between each word. I laughed again, only this time softer.

"Where is this boyfriend now?"

I bit my lip almost immediately, glancing around awkwardly. "Uh, I don't know. We haven't spoken all day."

"Why not?!" Elisa exclaimed, exasperated.

"We sorta got into a little fight yesterday. I think. I don't even know. I'm sure it's nothing."

"What happened?"

And as much as I loved Elisa, I did not want to tell her what happened. It was pretty embarrassing. You know, being that one whiny boyfriend wouldn't put out. It wasn't that great of a title.

"Eh, it's nothing," I sighed, "but how have you been?"

She didn't seem to mind that I changed the subject, and just proceeded to ramble on about her extremely boring life. It's probably awful that I was calling my best friends life boring, but come on, I wasn't gonna lie.

Besides, I had grown much closer to Meagan these last few months. Speaking of Meagan, I should probably tell her what happened. She knows Pete. She'll know what I should do.

After about ten minutes of listening to Elisa rant about her history professor, I told her I had stuff to take care of, which wasn't technically lying. We hung up a few minutes later.

I scrambled to my feet from my spot on the couch, not even bothering to put on any shoes or anything clean before I walked across the hall to Meagan's apartment. I made the self conscious decision to call her name, instead of knocking. It became a habit of mine.

"Meagan!" I called, shoving my hands into my pockets as I waited.

"Patrick? Is that you?" She opened the door, and small smile appeared on her face. I returned the smile warmly.

"Can I talk to you?" I mumbled, looking down. She placed her hand on my arm carefully, probably in some weird attempt to comfort me but I wasn't really sure. She didn't even know that anything was wrong.

"Yeah yeah, come in." I didn't make eye contact as I walked past her into the apartment, similar to the way Pete always did to me when he asked to come into my apartment.

"You alright?" She asked, picking up her coffee from its place on the counter, taking a sip.

I shrugged, looking at my feet as I sat down on her couch. "Me and Pete got into a fight. Like, a small one, but it's the first fight I've ever been in with someone that I'm dating; and we haven't spoken since then." I rushed out all at once, feeling like a weight was lifted from my chest once I got it out. I didn't even realize that it was bothering me this much if I was being completely honest.

"Oh, Trick." She whispered, sitting down beside me. She placed her hand on my back and sighed.

"What was the fight about?"

I swallowed hard before talking.

"We were uh, yknow, kissing and stuff and then he started kissing my neck and I tried to tell him to stop but he didn't.. Then he tried other stuff and I got mad and then he got annoyed and I just left. Is that even a fight? I don't know. I should've just let him.."

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