Ugly, But Pretty

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Sometimes, human beings judge on something to be a specific thing, and no more than that. As time passes by, this thing remains and becomes the what-humans-claim-it-to-be more and more. An example can be the dark circles under the eyes. For most people it's an ugly thing, and almost everyone tries to get rid of them in any way possible. If one being tries to break the cahin, they'll be called freak and an outcast. I.e., if someone wishes to get the dark circles on purpose, they will stand out. It's not because they are wrong or they don't understand things, it's just because they think different from everyone else and understand it differently. They look at the thing from a different perspective. Dark circles for them, isn't ugly as everyone else sees it. For them it is a symbol of hard work, hardship, and the many obstacles they came across on their way to reach where they are. This, itself, for them, is the true beauty. Because they see what others can't, since they know they are souls and see the beauty of it, not of the body that holds it.
If that's all it takes to be unique, then I too, am proud to be an outcast.

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