Von Doom Industries

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As my heels clicked through the posh marble halls, I continued to button up my my white blouse. I winked at the man who walked passed after our little encounter in the empty office. I met my friend, Sue, in the elevator."Seems like you had an interesting morning Lex." She stated as she passed me a pocket mirror. I smirked as I looked at my reflection which consisted of smudge lipstick and an overly messy bun."Well, gotta keep the newbies on their toes." I answered neatening my hair and reapplying some lipstick. Sue sighed "Please try and behave in front of Victor, if Reed's mission goes ahead I'll have to pull too many strings for you to tag along." I smiled sweetly "Of course I will. Besides I'm not the one who's meeting their awkward ex..." I smirked before exiting the lift.

Sue sighed before pushing open the conference room doors. "Ben. This is business. Just work." I heard a man with dark hair say as me and Sue walked forward. I noticed the evil smirk Victor gave. "He's right, Ben." Susan said as we walked forward. She caught the two men's attention "It's just business" she said coldly looking at the man I assumed was her ex. Victor smiled."I think you both know my Director of Genetic Research, Susan Storm." He then turned his attention to me "And her wild assistant Alexa Blair." I smirked at Von Doom's description of my personality. Lets just say I think he nailed it.

A bald man who I assumed was Ben spread his arms for a hug from Sue to which she gladly gave."Heya Susie." He said with a smile before turning to the other man and saying something under his breath."Ben it's been too long" she said with a smile. As they spoke I made my way to the tall guy who I assumed was the scientist. "Hi, I'm Alexa, but I prefer Lex." I said with a small smile offering my hand to shake. "Reed Richards." he said before firmly shaking my hand. I pulled away and switched with Sue introducing myself to Ben, only to be interrupted when Victor spoke up looking towards Sue and Reed, I immediately noticed the tension."This isn't going to be a problem, is it?" He asked, I couldn't help but laugh which caused everyone one to look at me. I covered up my giggles by looking at the paper work on the table and turning my laughter into an awkward cough.

"Not at all" Reed answered. "Ancient history" Sue also answered."Ohhhh burn" I breathed trying not to laugh again. "Good. Then you're just in time to hear the great Reed Richards ask me for help" Victor said to Sue and myself. He then turned to Reed. "You know, you made a lot of folks at MIT feel like a junior high science fair. So you'll excuse me if I savor the moment." I rolled my eyes."You back this mission, and I'll sign over a fair percentage of any applications or...." Reed practically began to beg. "The number's seventy-five. And it's applications and patents." Victor said."How about his first born." Ben said causing me to smirk."Ben, the money's not important. We could save lives." Reed said quietly to his work partner. I saw Sue smile slightly, obviously remembering old times.

"Twenty-five percent of a billion is enough to keep the lights on, isn't it? Maybe even pay off your fourth mortgage on the Baxter Building." Victor stated continuing to persuade Reed. "Deal?" He questioned. Reed nodded hesitantly before shaking hands with Doom."Well then, to our future. Together." Victor said squeezing harder on Reeds hand and pulling Sue to his side."Funny how things turn out isn't it?" Victor continued. "Hilarious." Reed dead panned. The four of us left Victor in silence before making it to the lift. As me and Sue walked ahead the men talked behind us. Once we were in the elevator Susan spoke up "You sure about this, Reed?" She said. Reed nodded "Those solar winds are flaring, but I factored them into my coordinates and --" Sue cut him off.

"I was talking about us. Working together." she said whilst Reed looked very uncomfortable "Well, uh, based on our history...you can handle the biogenetics, and I'll focus on the molecular physics. Or, uhm, maybe I should take the biotech, you work the microscopes, since you have some background in electropho.." I sighed Reed just didn't get it, not that I'm an expert in relationships I always settle with one night stands or whatever you want to call them."Right that's exactly what I meant." Sue said."Way to not over think it. So when do we leave?" Ben said noticing the awkwardness.

"I'll schedule the launch.  Call me in the morning to talk about resources and crew." I speak up handing a business card to Richards."I think I remember the number" He said to Sue."It's been changed" Sue stated. I smiled as I practically forced the card into Reeds hand. He sighed before speaking up "As far as crew, I was hoping Ben could pilot the mission ..." Sue butted in looking at Ben. "Well, he's welcome to ride shotgun, but we already have a pilot on our payroll.  You remember my brother Johnny..." I almost swooned at his name. God I can't wait to meet him tomorrow. Sue has given me little tasters and information here and there but the bottom line is, I'm going to Space with the hottest boy in the US.

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