The Bridge

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The next day me, Johnny, Reed and Sue where travelling by cab to Ben's neighbourhood in hope we'd find him. Sue had paid the driver extra to sit upfront so Johnny, myself and Reed where crammed into the back. I was seated in the middle with Reed one side looking through the dirty window whilst Johnny was on the other side with his hand on my thigh. I sighed as I looked toward the road noticing the growing traffic jam approaching us. Still only in skinny jeans that was now accompanied with a flowing white shirt that was donated kindly from Sue, I stared at my hands wondering what exactly I could do, considering yesterdays happenings.

As we began crossing the bridge, the cab came to a halt. Hearing a loud bang up ahead the four of us feared for the worst and scrambled out the taxi awaiting to find Ben. Seeing the large cloud of smoke ahead we looked at one another before moving forward. As we ran forward through the maze of stationary cars it was clear that we were not going to get through. Other citizens and police were blocking our path."What do we do now?" Sue questioned looking to Reed for answers."We're not gonna get past these guys" I looked toward Sue."But you could?" I suggested. Sue looked at me as if I was crazy. She sighed before turning invisible. Me and Johnny watched intently as this was the first time we had seen Sue's affects from the storm.

"Sue, your clothes. Loose them." Reed whisper shouted trying to ignore the weird looks of surrounding people."Oh. Uh right." Sue said as she began undressing her invisible body. Johnny turned around as Sue's bra was in view "This is so wrong." Johnny said in a sing song voice obviously disturbed by seeing his sister sort of half naked. I smirked before turning back to Sue. As she was about to remove her underwear she became visible again. Reed's and Johnny's attention where quickly caught as the crowd began gasping at Sue's image."Ohhhh" Johnny quickly turned away and buried his head in the crock of my neck not wanting to see his sister. I tried not to laugh as Reed commented on her appearance as Sue tried to cover herself in an awkward position"Shut up!" I exclaimed hitting Reed's arm slightly.

I pushed Johnny away and picked up Sue's jacket before throwing it at her. As she held it to her chest she turned her attention back to Reed "Any more great ideas! How about Lex strips down and have a hundred people stare at her!" Sue shouted. I shrugged my shoulders whilst smirking at Johnny. I quickly stopped as Sue gave me a death glare."Uh Sue" Reed rose his eyebrows."What!?" She exclaimed before realising she had turned invisible again."Oh" Was all she said before she dropped the jacket and removed her bra and panties."I'm gonna need therapy" Johnny dead panned turning to me, I nodded in return trying not laugh. Reed tapped our shoulders "Hey lets get out of here" He whispered before turning to leave.We nodded, Johnny bent down and collected his sisters clothes.

As sue confused the police officers it gave the three of us the chance to sneak past the ambulances and police cars. " I can't believe you made me do that!" Sue exclaimed pulling her clothes back on."We got through didn't we. Just find Ben." Reed replied pushing past Sue. Sue and I climbed on top of a cab and looked ahead for Ben. Leaving Johnny on the road alone whilst Reed ran ahead. Sue began calling for Ben whilst I looked around. Suddenly a large man covered by orange rock ran forward. I gasped as Sue looked in shock. I turned back to see Johnny's facial expression fall as he saw the man we had teased yesterday. "Mum?!" Johnny's attention suddenly went to a little girl who was lost in-between the sea of vehicles. I followed his gaze as he looked at the gas canisters that where about to explode. He jumped forward wrapping the girl to his chest as flames engulfed around them. The two of them stayed unharmed as Johnny's back absorbed the heat and flames.

Up ahead a fire engine swerved away from the explosion which caused it to crash through the side of the bridge, hanging over the river that was many meters below. As more gas cans blew up Sue raised her hands causing a forcefield to enclose the explosion. As rouge flames began to travel to the nearby public, I held up my hand's attempting to protect myself and do something, I pushed a fast stream of water from each of my palms. As the flames died down, the water began to loose its power and soon stopped, leaving me exhausted and dehydrated. I collapsed onto the car roof I had previously been standing on. And watched helplessly as The firemen began descending down the ladders to their near certain death. Ben grabbed the front of the Fire truck and pulled with all his might. Although he was succeeding the fireman lost grip of the ladder and began to fall. Reed lunged forward stretching to an amazing length and catching the man in his arms.

As Ben pulled the rest of the Fire engine back onto the road. The crowd began to applaud him. Johnny came over to me and helped me up before we joined the others and ran to Ben. We where held back by police and it was only then that I realised my white top was drenched and now pretty see through. I cursed myself for not wearing a bra and crossed my arms over my chest. The movement made my wet ringlets drop before my face. A women burst through the crowd and began shaking her head at Ben. I assumed she was his fiancée as she removed a diamond ring from her finger and placed it on the ground before running away. I looked in sadness as Ben tried to lift up the petite piece of jewellery. Reed walked forward and placed the ring in Ben's large rocky hand before quietly speaking to him. Ben looked broken and I couldn't help the stray tear fall down my cheek. Johnny's hand wrapped around my waist as we walked forward. I began to shiver as the wind dried the cool water of my skin. Johnny obviously noticed and wrapped me in a hug from behind heating his body slightly. I smiled up to him through my damp hair before turning my attention back to Ben, preparing myself for whatever was to come.

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