Chapter 4

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Demi led me into the party & I really just wanted to go home. I didn't want to think about Rafe or the fact that she would be spending time with him in L.A. soon. Demi took me to meet Lela, the girl who was playing the teenage version of Demi. I was amazed at how much she looked like Demi & even had some of the same mannerisms. She seemed like a sweet girl & probably had no idea that our conversation would stay in my brain & begin to fester over time.

"Nick, this is Lela & Lela this is Nick. Finally, you two get to meet, officially." Demi smiled as she stood between me & Lela.

Lela shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you. Demi has told me so much about you."

"You don't look like a fifteen year old." I commented.

"Oh, you should see me after hair & makeup get a hold of me." Lela laughed. "You have to meet my mom." She said, looking around the room. "She was so obsessed with you when she was younger. Like before I was born. She thought you were so hot."

I laughed. "Some think I am still hot." I smirked with my eyebrows raised.

"Oh, yea, you're fairly attractive for being middle aged." She waved her hand as she continued to look around the room, not even realizing how that one sentence felt like a knife in my ego. Middle aged. Wow. I felt really old in that moment.

"I look forward to meeting her." I murmured as I took a drink. Demi was smiling at me, rubbing my arm, gently. I think she realized that Lela's remark upset me. It not only upset me, though. It stung quite a bit & with the way I've been feeling lately, I knew it would be a permanent scar on my ego.

Lela's mom came over & of course, she gushed about me, telling me all about her crush, then proceeded to tell stories that made me feel older than dirt. I listened, trying to be nice. They eventually walked off & I wanted to go home even more at that point. Demi called out a name of a kid that walked by & he turned around to reveal he looked a little like me as an awkward teenager. "Nick, this is Seth. He's playing you in flashbacks & the first few episodes." Demi said, smiling.

Seth shook my hand & then looked confused as I realized I was gawking at him. "How old are you?" I asked since he looked like a child.

"Fourteen. I'll be fifteen next month." He replied, his voice squeaking. "It was nice meeting you." He said then took off as if someone more important was calling for him.

I looked at Demi. "He's so young. How long is he playing me?"

"It's only the first season, Nick & you were like 14 when you met me. There is another guy who is playing you at like 18, but he is doing a movie so he isn't here. I can show you his pictures online, though, since he's been in other stuff. I don't think he looks like you, but he has your mannerisms down." Demi smiled & shrugged. "Oh, there's Diego. He's playing Wilmer, you remember meeting him?"

I sighed, feeling so uncomfortable & I wasn't even sure what was making me feel this way. "Yea, I remember." I mumbled.

Demi motioned for Diego & he came over to us. He talked to us for a few minutes, then we all sat at a table nearby, off in a corner. We kept talking about the TV show, well, they kept talking & I was half listening as I people watched around the party. Demi got up to talk to some producer about something, leaving me alone with Diego. I gave him a weak smile, not sure of what to say. Then he started asking questions about Wilmer, wanting to know how well I knew him. He asked how long I'd known him & if I was only friends with him because of Demi. He sensed my uncomfortable vibe so he started asking about Wilmer's daughters. Then he asked about Wilmer's relationship with Olivia. I told him I wasn't comfortable talking about Olivia, so he stopped talking for a moment while he nursed his beverage. Then the questions started again but this time they got weird & verged on psycho.

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